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Posts posted by desertrat

  1. I am (hard core)^2, and have not been out after dark for yonks. However at Siam Suare recently I offered some tourists some guidance.

    I then realised I was being dogged by a hefty young Thai, who would stop when I turned round, then contine following me.

    At the third stop by me, an older Thai got into my face, told me I was taking his job and he was mafia, and I'd better make myself scarce..which I did

  2. One of my claims to fame is that I designated Pattaya as "The Land of The Living Dead"..over 20 years ago

    I can't prove it in the same way I can't prove that my mum invented Apple Crumble

  3. 1. The touts address me as "Papa"

    2. A policeman takes my elbow and assists me across the road.

    3. A girl on the MRT offers me her seat

    4. A tout on Sukhumvit profers a catalog of coffins

    5. I experiemce unaccountable happenings

    6...What's next ?

  4. Wanna... Get Out of the House, Challenge your Brain, Go to New places ? Suitable for all ages and most abilities.

    There is a widely popular international activity called geocaching. FREE FREE FREE

    Basically you use a gazillion US$ worth of equipment http://www.spacetoday.org/Satellites/GPS.html

    to find 10 cents worth of plastic.

    "Cachers" hide a container ranging from a thimble sized thingy to an ammo box, in hopefully an interesting

    place.Must contain minimum of piece of paper. (log)

    The details are put on the website.

    Creating a free account will access all the info.

    Now you go and find the cache, sign the log.

    In urban areas, e.g. bangkok, you can use a the map/GoogleEarth on the webpage enter the co-ordinates and go search for the cache. Sign the log and report find to website.

    I could go on forever,and put all the links, but if this info does not elicit the spirit of enquiry and web search to find out more, then it's unlikely to be of interest to the reader.

  5. Friend a few weeks ago was circling the drain after the insertion of a catheter into his bladder. Reason the nurse used a tube of KY, that was on it's last legs, can you imagine the bacteria ? so he contracted klebscaemia.

    They probably charged him for a new one as well.

    So watch for this.

  6. Best answers I've ever read, from book "Plato and a Platypus went into a Bar". Philosophy taught by jokes ( 2 Harvard professors) It's so funny, while I'm listening, on the bus, in the check-out line etc, I start shaking with mirth , and clutch my sides, causing alarm and distress to the citizenry.

  7. Any prizes for guessing the correct answer?

    As a renowned philanthropist, I guarantee a magnificent prize, actually TWO, an extra one for most original/wittiest answer.

    Better make it THREE, just seen the toasted cheese idea.

  8. I just got a new Garmin 60 CSX. Got it today. It took about 3 minutes to lock in the first time, and now it takes about 10 seconds. It even works (slower) in my house. This is why i got this model. I hear that the X at the end of the model no. means it is the new technology that can see the satellites much easier through trees, big buildings and sometimes even concrete (somwhat)

    Anyway, having 3 GPS units prior to this one, i am quite impressed so far.

    Now to try to get some Rottweiler maps in there.

    I have 4 Garmins..the x series can get asignal in a dungeon.

  9. UBC for 10 years and one frustration after another, so i switched to a pirate cable station,,RUGBY..even the SA schools, it all comes on a Supersport from SA..plus of course ALL the battles with NZ and OZ

    Quite a pleasant surprise on the aljazeera news, no cynical hysterical shouting and babbling gabbling business and weather presenters.

    They have recruited some of the top presenters, although unfortunately David Frost..who really should hang up his boots.

    Another eye opener was to see FOX News..don't see much news, it seems like a TV National Enquirer. That it is NO 1 in USA did not surprise me.

    Recently great inspiring doc about one legged footballers in Africa. (AL JAZEERA)

    But...VERY EXPENSIVE a whole 300 baht per month, can have it stopped and started whenever.

  10. I'm suspicious of anything from Truevisions, I know this is Thailand but it must be the most farang unfriendly business here.

    Questions, Since the program listings are reliably unreliable, (except the drivel for the LCD), do they update CORRECTLY, and if so

    how far forward.?

    Are the menus for setting coherent and logical ?

    How far forward can I program, and how many programs. (I will be walking to Nakorn Si Thammarat , and would like to catch up on the Tigers if I get back)

    Btw I've tried to get info via Truevisions, deafening silence.

    Sorry folks there is a thread elsewhere. unsurprisingly seems it's cr*p

  11. The only non cosmetic solution is to change our spending habbits. Lets blame ourself, not others. We, governments ánd citizens need to start saving instead of spending, thats the only way out.


    P.S. We aint seen nothing yet!

    IS there an Amish community here? I'm ready to join.

  12. doc doing minor surgery, kept fretting about the unusual amount of blood.:"do you take aspirin ?"..sure

    "did you take any today?"..nope

    he continued to fret, cut and mop up.

    when finished..I said to hime.."You asked the wrong question"

    what ?

    should have asked did I take Viagara.

    Bumungrad Dermatology

  13. Put some toast in the thingy, answered the 'phone. Heard the toaster pop,(shades of Pulp Fiction), could only see one piece.

    Searched assiduously, as one must have ejected outside the toaster.Couldn't/didn't want to crawl around under the furniture, so settled for one piece.

    Made further searches..maid looked under stuff, how far could it fly? None found. Eventually the solution..anyone can guess?

  14. Flying Spaghetti Monster is the latest ...now brings the number of gods to 2501, google or wiki it

    The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts"

    1. I'd really rather you didn't act like a sanctimonious holier-than-thou ass when describing my noodly goodness. If some people don't believe in me, that's okay. Really, I'm not that vain. Besides, this isn't about them so don't change the subject.
    2. I'd really rather you didn't use my existence as a means to oppress, subjugate, punish, eviscerate, and/or, you know, be mean to others. I don't require sacrifices, and purity is for drinking water, not people.
    3. I'd really rather you didn't judge people for the way they look, or how they dress, or the way they talk, or, well, just play nice, okay? Oh, and get this into your thick heads: woman = person. man = person. Samey = Samey. One is not better than the other, unless we're talking about fashion and I'm sorry, but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuchsia.
    4. I'd really rather you didn't indulge in conduct that offends yourself, or your willing, consenting partner of legal age AND mental maturity. As for anyone who might object, I think the expression is "go fuc_k yourself," unless they find that offensive in which case they can turn off the TV for once and go for a walk for a change.
    5. I'd really rather you didn't challenge the bigoted, misogynistic, hateful ideas of others on an empty stomach. Eat, then go after the bitches.
    6. I'd really rather you didn't build multi million-dollar synagogues / churches / temples / mosques / shrines to my noodly goodness when the money could be better spent (take your pick):
      • Ending poverty
      • Curing diseases
      • Living in peace, loving with passion, and lowering the cost of cable
        I might be a complex-carbohydrate omniscient being, but I enjoy the simple things in life. I ought to know. I AM the creator.

    [*]I'd really rather you didn't go around telling people I talk to you. You're not that interesting. Get over yourself. And I told you to love your fellow man, can't you take a hint?

    [*]I'd really rather you didn't do unto others as you would have them do unto you if you are into, um, stuff that uses a lot of leather/lubricant/vaseline. If the other person is into it, however (pursuant to #4), then have at it, take pictures, and for the love of Mike, wear a CONDOM! Honestly, it's a piece of rubber. If I didn't want it to feel good when you did it I would have added spikes, or something.

  15. I use Bumrungrad, amused to see the MacDonalds there, and when the receptionist calls "Mr Mohammed" nearly everyone stands up.

    Always check my symptons on the 'net first, refused an MRI scan for a few varicose veins. Tell the Doc, my sister is FRCS and I tell him what procedure I want.

  16. .....and, getting on any bus that comes along (except} the green ones, and staying on it until it reaches terminus, or does a full circle.

    I use GPS and save the track with bus number...so EXCITING !!!!

    Wasn't asked but thing I NEVER do is eat anything I have not prepared.

  17. Following 99.99% of the most popular activity here....

    Listening to Audiobooks on MP3 from TTC University Courses on Philosophy, Lee Child, and St. Augustine's "Lives of the Saints". I now have about 500 gigabyte of books. "Read" at least 3 per week




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