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Posts posted by desertrat

  1. What's your point?

    Since many of the posters here appear to have difficult relationships, this post suggests an alternative, simple and inexpensive alternative, plus an opportunity to learn.

    For example:-

    mangi il vostro sentono fuori,mangez le votre entendent dehors, essen Sie Ihr hören heraus

  2. For the last twenty years I have sponsored girls who are at University, in that I pay their fees, all their reasonable desires, phones, clothes, study material etc. ,plus pocket money usually about 10,000 ++++++

    per month.

    They live in, in their own room. What's in it for me ? Well I can't take it with me. Never any problem in "getting rid" of them as they age, as they are ready to face the real world with their degrees and very good English. They will recruit a new brace each time, my only requirement is that they are studying a different degree, as I can learn along with them.

    Platonic ?.....not exactly.

  3. Lost my wallet with 40,000 baht and all the cards, did the rounds of where I'd been, no luck. Last try an old lady roadside vendor, (purchases for less fortunate). She just glanced at me, went into her home, and returned with the wallet, gave it to me without a word. I rewarded her with 1000 baht, but I always feel that the lost money only needed a visit to the ATM, whereas all the other stuff...a hundred thousand baht would have been a fairer reward.

    My wallet is now always secured by a chain to my belt, plus house keys and travel cards around my neck.

  4. Only had positive experiences with Dr.Olivier. As I'm not intimidated by any professionals, I developed a very friendly relationship with him, but never could get the courage to ask "Why on earth work in Thailand?"

  5. Travelling on the bus from Rayong to Bangkok, a European struck up "conversation" with me.

    I could hardly make out a word he said, but as it was a long journey, I eventually deduced that he wanted to know how to get to Imm. Further probing, elicited that he was a teacher of English in a Gov. establishment.!

    Reminds me..2 guys go into a Jewish restaraunt, and the waiter, a Chinese, was quite competent in Jewish (Hebrew ?).

    Afterwards they complimented the owner on the language proficiency of the waiter. Don't tell him said the owner, he thinks he's learning English.

  6. Fortitude ? Compassion ? Personal Misfortunes?...To keep a perspective, Over the weekend I worked for 30 hours on and off mostly on, on a sw problem, being in contact by email with s brainy guy, who I've never met. nor know which country he is in.

    He was patience itself in guiding me thro the problem, and all unpaid, always polite, never reducing to rants over my


    As he always replied virtually by return email, I asked him after everything was fixed did he work 24/7.

    Here is his answer....

    And to answer your question, no legs, so easier just to stay here :-)

    I am still stunned..how might I reply ?

  7. To the OP, I hope you get your cross back, it's gutting

    Foe sure, Can you imagine how the Saudi prince and princess felt when the Thai worker stole

    75 kg (two sacksful) of their hard earned baubles....which for those who don't know resulted in a

    farce/tragedy/saga of nearly epic proportions.

  8. A WALK ALONG THE BEACH ROAD (caps lock sorry) Promenade in Pattaya demonstrates how many of the luckless and foolhardy are here.There appear to be many nationalities, clearly boracic. Perhaps a sociological survey along there ?. On the other hand there are retired expats whose sole activity, (besides waiting to die), is to go to their meetings for the week's buffet leftovers, and anxiously seek advice on where they might get a cheap deal on false teeth repairs.Both seem to be existing in their own purgatories...But as someone said "There but for the grace of god, Go I" Of course Burns "Wad the gift thepower gie us, to see worsels as others see us"

  9. go to www.geocaching.com I'll lend u a GPSr, although in bangkok you don't really need one. It's free, gets you out of the house and can challenge your brain.

    I'm definitely NOT looking for a female (or any other relationship), just to popularise this pastime.

    pm me if you need more info, but the website has all you probably need

  10. Hawking, in an exclusive CNN interview, said that if humans can survive the next 200 years and learn to live in space, then our future will be bright.

    The problem is, getting there, please read "Physics of the Impossible"..by Michio Kaku

  11. Wonder why political posts and the aides/advisers don't have to have minimum qualifications, like the CEO of a Multi-national. Appropriate degrees, professional qualifications, proven ability and experience et al.

    I suppose I can answer my own musings, 'cos it's political.

    Also why don't white collar crooks go to real jails instead of closed tennis clubs.?

  12. I have so little my will would not be longer than 4 lines, yet I'm quoted Baht30,000 to compile one...sounds a lot.

    Only people I know, either I don't trust them or suspect I'll outlive them (we are a sorry lot), so any advice on an independent executor, to take care of stuff until my beneficary arrives?

    I would like a Knees Up at my cremation, would the Abbot be OK on this.? I'm an Atheist.

    My Ashes to be scattered outside the "Tilac" in Soi Cowboy..would this be scary to the girls.?

  13. real life fights usually comes down to two things, your natural fighting instincts and reflexes........if you know the soft spots to hit and do that quickly...most likely you will come out on top....

    I think the above says it all, plus "Twice armed is he whose cause is just, thrice armed is he who gets his blow in fust"

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