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Posts posted by desertrat

  1. I keep telling him that I largely believe that most of the martial art practitioners could not fight their way out of a paper bag.

    To bolster my opinion I recalled the contest between Mohammed Ali/ Cassius Clay and the then World Heavyweihgt Champion at Karate, a huge lantern jawed Japanese guy.

    At the bell, he dropped his ass to the canvas and for 15 rounds scooted around trying to kick MA/CC on his calves.

    I cannot find any reference by web searches to this fiasco, did I dream it?

    So my grandson was leaning to TaeKwanDo, until he saw the Olympic contestants hopping from foot to foot and never ? making any contact with the opponent.

    I told him all these sports are good for fitness and agility, but as for self defence, they are useless.

    Grabbing the leg of the high kick should end the contest.or a low level kick to a very sensitive area.

    But hey ! What do I know he says.

  2. There will always be people who like to mock the less fortunate, but if the truth were known most of these people are not 'happy campers' themselves for one reason or another.

    "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation......"

  3. Sure to be called ignorant and obtuse but here goes.

    If X loses money, does Y not gain it ?

    Companies assets, (land buildings, equipment have a value) can/ how could their share price fall below this.

    Cause of all this GREED, from bankers to consumers.

    The fact that thw world looks like it's going to take a cold shower should be good for the environment.

    mmmm should have read previous posts.

    2 economics students asked their lecturer for old exam papers.

    When they started on a set they saw they were for this years coming exam.

    Honest Guys went and told the guy of his mistake, no problem he said the questions are always the same, it's the answers

    that are different.

    With all the hysteria of people on telly now, who have lost their money, I am wondering about the farang in the checkout line at Lotus who dropped a satang ?? is it ?, he held up all the queue while he assiduously searched, he never found it, it was safely under my foot.

  4. This forum reminds me of a google search, gazillions of posts/results but few go past the first page.

    So to all you folks.The Winner is "Only Put One in the Toaster" So the winner is "Camelot"

    btw President Bush was told that 2 Brazilian soldiers were casualties in Iraq, after a long list of greater numbers which just caused him to frown. At this he became so distraught his aides sought to comfort him and ask what was the problem.

    "How many is a brazillion ?" he spluttered.

    I'm outta here

  5. Even Heracles could not help. I have a friend from CA, who really worries me, he tries to keep Pattya beaches clean, and I worry how distressed he gets, afet a days cleaning, next day it's the same or worse.

    "Are they dumping stuff at sea ?" he asks me.

    My response is "They are dumping it anywhere and everywhere, just ride around Pattaya and outskirts"

  6. A book called "Spycraft:The Secret History of the CIA" describes what I might best call the antics of hundreds/thousands of CIA guys worldwide to "listen in" No expense was too great, much of it is hilarious. Buttoned Down Guys having to make frequent visits to the seamier quarters to buy inflatable dolls.. as decoys.

    A Scheme to pick up an agent while a plane flew overhead, using certain harnesses. A pig was used, "When he was hauled in, expressed his displeasure with the experience by attacking the crew"

    A macho volunteer was just bounced along the ground.

  7. Thai TV is appalling, last night I glanced at the TV, at 6pm. (kiddy viewing time ?), the scene was a morgue, realistic, ghoulish dead bodies were shown, and a woman being wheeled in started vomiting large amoints of blood.

    The "entertainment" I saw on a minibus from Ayutthaya at 3pm. was a succession of limbs being sawn off with a chainsaw, and flying around the screen. Quite a few children on the bus.

    I know it's Asia but am I too sensitive?

  8. I'm pleased that my bank refuse to give me credit card, despite my wealth and property, as I'm too old.

    So I don't keep any large amounts of money which may be stolen electronically or otherwise.

    As my money (pension) arrives I spend it as fast as possible..but she is still asking for more.

    I do wonder who will get my Baht800,000 retirement visa (on deposit), when I shuffle off this mortal coil..no will, no

    dependents and I hate everyone. (l'enfer, est les autres).

  9. I have often been a referee for people with Asian qualifications applying to other countries.

    I have had replies querying their grades in the non numerate subjects.

    I had to write back and say "HE/SHE did it in a foreign language.!

    There are many good people but it's the perception abroad.

    It's the History grads who have never heard of WWII and Electical grads who can't recognise a multimeter

    that makes one suspicious.

    In 15 years I've had about 300 engineers and technicians "pass thro my factory"

    Only ONE ever asked WHY ? HOW?

  10. If you are engaged in any nefarious activity, best to assume that you are being "listened" to, or that your emails etc are being read.

    The German Naval Enigma had 1.8 thousand, million, million, million. (1.8x10^22). which even today a brute force attack may not finish until the sun goes super nova. I am happy to be corrected on this.

    However Bletchley Park were breaking the traffic, not by brute force but by cribs, inspired thought and captured code books, and the "bombes" for which two young Polish Mathematicians never really got much credit.

    Computers as big as shipping containers were eventually designed and built.

    Alan Turing the genius behind so much was allegedly killed by British Secret Service as a security risk because he was a homosexual.

    The Apple logo is a testimony to the cyanide laden apple which killed him.

    The German Intelligence were suspicious about the successes (Interceptions of their ships and U-boats,) and mounted many investigations, mainly for leaks and spies. At no time would they consider it could be broken.

    On a lighter note, King George VI visited Blechley park where many WRENS were working.

    He stopped and asked one what she did.."Sorry can't tell you sir"

    Trap Doors, Bogus Encryption Programs these are what concern some today, publishing the source code is not much help, for those of us who can't write a program to add 2 numbers. and think perl is a misspelling.

    To try your hand at breaking Enigma Codes..look at


    So the wicked flee when no man pursueth.

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