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Posts posted by desertrat

  1. "Having said that, the number of ex military and ex Special Forces around the bars in Pattaya ...."

    Well here's a chance for them to..well are they up to Overnights of mountain bushwhacking and 3 km swims nowadays..probably not, but we even cater for (FREE) aged tank crew, who never walked anywhere

    and submariners and surgeons..even Florida lawyers.

  2. A number of serving and ex US and British Military and maybe an Oilman or Two are

    meeting to chat and exchange experiences about their challenging pastime in Pattaya on Valentine's Day

    Ex Special Forces would be particularly welcome as would anyone who likes a challenge

    and needs to get out more

    I don't think I can mention the venue here, so if interested please PM me.

    This is NOT any kind of financial Caper

    Also Posted On Thailand General Topics

  3. A number of serving and ex US and British Military and maybe an Oilman or Two are

    meeting to chat and exchange experiences about their challenging pastime in Pattaya on Valentine's Day

    Ex Special Forces would be particularly welcome as would anyone who likes a challenge

    and needs to get out more

    I don't think I can mention the venue here, so if interested please PM me.

    This is NOT any kind of financial Caper

    I will also post this on Pattaya Forum

  4. If the wav.file can be stopped and started, I could give it a try. All midshipmen had to pass a Morse code test each year, but I am afraid that was so long ago that I would have to go slow and stop it oftent o get my bearings.

    Thank you very much, I have tried a few players, all can stop it, but not slow it down.

    If you would like the files I have captured wav and mpg pls PM me

  5. Jon, my morse is pretty rusty now!!

    Here is a good strategy:

    - Download one of the audio file editing programs that allows you to slow down the speed of the audio being played. Slow it right down so that you can pick out each letter, (these programs often give a graphical depiction of the audio file so that you can isolate each letter

    - Then decipher each letter manually from a list of letters/numerals versus morse code equivalent.


    Thanks so much, this particular problem is quite rare in the pastime. I have managed to create a wav and mp3 files and tried a few auto decoders available..I have not looked for or tried the program types you refer to but if you know which one/s will do it please let me know.

    However two kind guys have PM'd me and are working on it, so perhaps I won't have to dig so deep.

    The decoding of the morse to text is of course just the beginning, the text is encrypted with the German

    Naval Enigma, although the problem is a bit muddled the USS Bulao would not have had an Enigma.

    If you have a lot of time and need some mental calisthenics

    btw if you do solve the message, a trip to Sweden is needed to complete the whole task.


    you don't need an account or have to login but if you wish

    here's a throwaway ac

    login hannieIII

    pw bangkok21

  6. I need some help to decode a morse code wav file. only a few hundred letters

    It is part of a pastime related to WWII Enigma Code Breaking

    Since few may have this interest/skill, probably better PM me please for further info.

    I have tried the programs available to "listen" and decode, with very limited success

    Thank You


  7. DesertRat - rubbish link that you have to join to view the pics !!!

    Rubbish Reply..You or anyone does not have to "join" to view the pics, unless you believe that the Thai map is a "pic"

    The only things you cannot see if you don't log in is the co-ordinates and the Thai map.

    Here's how.. Look in the Top Right Hand Corner of the page

    See the Option view gallery, move your cursor underneath, then click the LH button of your mouse OK !

    The whole thing is FREE unless you want to filter 1000's of caches in your

    country, not an issue here.

  8. There is a book by a self claimed USA's greatest fraudster, now turned "cop". He goes into exquisite detail about all kinds of scams from identity theft to all manner of modern money fraud.

    The thieves now have technology to rival CIA and NSA..in the USA. Can other countries be far behind?

    I was so alarmed, I put most of my money on fixed deposit and only keep minimal amounts on the ATM ac

    Also my bank is not exactly a "local" bank.

    Oh for the days when everything was entered into a ledger. They recently had an exhibition of their old ledgers. Fascinating..each one weighed 50kg.

  9. Space and Astronomy Museum and Exhibits..Next to Ekkamai Bus Station/Ekkamai BTS...Leave the car at home.

    Also Rot Fai Park, next to Children's Discovery Centre, mentioned previously, an old golf course, now a place to hire bicycles..and pa can watch aspiring models being photographed..car is no-no

    Go to Morchit BTS MRT

  10. "If I have to give money to everyone that has an angry face and asks for money, I will have nothing left"

    George Burns was held up at gunpoint, "Your money or your life", demanded the guy.

    "C'mon, C'mon hurry up"

    "I'm thinking about it" , said George.

  11. "Pepperspray might be good, but I am not sure it really works. If it doesn't work as it should be I might have a very serious problem"

    Believe me it works alright.

    I gave the mearest touch to check if it was still working, in my room, and not anywhere near my face.

    I was gasping and retching over the balcony for a long time.

    Also talking to the girl in the pharmacy section of a well known small/med size mart that sells it, she told me that a customer had tried his purchase with a decisive spray, and had cleared the place.

  12. "Remember the Vietnam Boat People 20 years ago. I believe many countries around Vietnam (Thailand included) refuse them to land, and leave them to die in international waters"

    Yes, I recall Lydia Dunn a hi-so Chinese on the HongKong Legco strongly advocating towing the Vietnamese back out to sea. She is now Baroness Dunn. Is there an Asian translation for "compassion"?

  13. I also had cortison injections 2 times than it was ok.But the doctors do not want to give you injections more than 2 times per year I was told it seems it can damage something.Ibuproven can have side effects for stomac and kidney.

    Don't take ANY drugs unless your life is threatened (except special case Blue Diamond), especially since

    so many drugs are fake.

  14. I have repeated the same story many times, "Needs must when the Devil Drives"

    I have seen some foxes I would mortgage my house for, and give up my right arm.

    I have taken some back and some not, it's all part of life's rich pattern.

    As for knowing the amount you have I am led to understand that they all believe that

    we are bottomless wells financially.

    Don't take any notice of what others say, you do your own thing.

  15. Hope you are thinking of the zumo ?, any GPSr not specifically for a motorbike wil probablyl kill you, I have Garmins on my push bikes and it's too easy to keep looking at the display than the road, not too big a problem at my speeds..but on a motorbike..deadly. Btw helped a guy with powering many garmins to car and mbikes..really problematical, see the threads on garmin sites.

  16. When you consider that the BBC a bastion of the English Language is constantly mis spelling stuff on it's news banners, and many letters to them always receive, "we are doing our best" don't be too hard on the Nation.

    CNN and AlJazeerah seem flawless.

    i think you mean its news

    it's means it is

    Ah ! Hoist on omy own petard

  17. I use the BTS daily, To and From work - i'd be lost/screwed without it :o

    Keri Kanjanpapas (Tanayong) should be Knighted or made into a Khunying or whatever is the honour for greatest contribution to solving Bangkok's problems.

  18. Few years ago when I had reached the biblical age limit, got concerned when I was getting up for a jimmy every 15 minutes. Googled and read it as a prostate cancer sympton. Rushed to the doc, had a PSA which was indicative, and was asked to come back again for another in a few weeks. So worried I took a month off work to fret.

    Studied google more, contradiction heaped upon contradiction, but generally that the PSA was unreliable.

    Also looking at the treatments, if I did have it, what was the point in adding a few years to my life and having all that considerable aggravation.?

    I decided to "die with it, not of it" if indeed I did have it.

    Now 2 years on I have diagnosed the cause of my "frequent micturition", or too many jimmies. Pepper and some herbal teas = bladder irritation. So I'm content and have peace of mind, now compounded by the "research" on number of emissions. My concern now is that I will live forever. Unhappily now though my "all nighters" are no jimmies, not non stop sex.

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