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  1. I can't imagine taking that outside with me, but hey you do you.
  2. I can't imagine anything more pointless than Asian people doing porn.. Maybe Sub Saharan chess tournaments?
  3. Also the advantage of having dogs is you can carry chains. Quite a useful weapon. Better than a pool cue I can tell you that.
  4. Depends. A couple of Pitbulls or Rottweilers tends to calm them down
  5. Whilst I do like Thailand and have done for years, I have to sit back and weigh things up as I have approached middle age, and I am ready to settle down. It seems the obvious red light activity and full moon party degeneracy is not going anywhere but yet nationalism is just as high as ever in Thailand after decades of this crap being in their faces and I think the social engineers may try and blame tourists for any woes in the nation here on out, despite an obvious and easy move would be to crack down on degeneracy, or just embrace it. Not to mention I have seen what happens amongst the locals and yeah the tourists stuff is very docile in comparison. Thailand is definitely not Norway or Switzerland. Personally I don't have to put up with this. A lot of Westerners in Thailand will be moving to other SEA countries (not the Philippines, that place is a post apocalyptic hellhole), and with regret because overall many of us like Thailand and Thai people. It's a shame.
  6. Compare the murder rate in Thailand to Belgium. I used to live in some of the worst areas of East London and what I learned pretty fast is that many other regions around the world pose much more of a threat. Western Europe is not a region I am worried about, and most people are the same.
  7. There are ways to treat people. Say if a deaf 80 year old Chinese man turns up at Rome int airport, and there are question marks on his visa, should the officer give him a clip round the back of the head and tell him to hold on a while, or behave in a respectful manner, especially considering the individual is vulnerable and explain in a polite way what is happening?
  8. Overall Asians don't really do respect the way you may imagine despite some clowns online with their goofy opinions. It's more about what they are perceived to have done and if there are any consequences for not acting in a certain manner. Actual morality and doing what a person thinks is right is more the trait of a European. Thai people are definitely not the worst in Asia for this. Many people are considerate and warm hearted, but still it's not that great overall either. Bareable I would say.
  9. This has been happening for over two decades in Western countries. Foreigners can use excuses to avoid deportation and citizens would use excuses to get leniency on crimes of getting higher priorities on whatever welfare/handout they are after. Common excuses include things such as claiming to be homosexual, or having a 'mental illness'. It all needs to go and by that I am talking about the ideology that has been pathetically getting worse for decades: Modern Liberalism. Feminism, crying about racism, pretending to be mentally ill and all of that <deleted> is done with by scraping that poisonous ideology.
  10. If you're the typical lovey dovey type of Western male then don't even worry about it. You will get rinsed and be another statistic whining about Thai women. If you're not, then it will come down to if the woman sees you as an provider or her romantic interest and that will be based on if she is genuinely attracted to you or not. It's fairly similar in other places, but I find Thai women are quite extreme in this.
  11. I often wonder if these characters are just actors or guys coming over to SEA after getting an inheritance. They seem casual in throwing such large sums of money around. You need to be part of a multi-national or play golf with established business people in Thailand to put any money up or do any substantial deals. The only country in SEA I would consider buying anything bigger than a second hand motorbike or car is Singapore.. maybe Malaysia but even then probably not. He could have bought a little apartment in Brussels with that 8 million baht and have around €1k going until his account every month. And most importantly it's safe and trustworthy way of investing money.
  12. Yes that rhetoric doesn't work on me. Most of these non-European groups have even higher levels of dysfunction. Thais are one of the only groups outside of Europe I take seriously because I see gratitude, consideration and having respect for others. They create places that are comfortable to live in. I will give props where it's due. Some of these other groups you don't want to live around, and I don't care about the minority they brain drain to Europe from from craphole South Asian or Sub Saharan dumps, that's not a realistic depiction of those people or the societies they are from and it's only a matter of time before your residence starts resembling theirs.
  13. The West is continuing on the slow decline that has been happening for decades and this time there isn't another region per se to flock to. For most the only good solution will be going into the sticks somewhere you're content. If you're on the grid during the rest of this century then you will just be flooded with South Asians and Sub Saharans and you will not want to stick around. One of the only advantages I have over most others is it happened to me decades ago so I know what's up and not to stick around.
  14. I have noticed it regarding Thai food served around the country, which I did used to like eating, but in recent years it's hit and miss whether I enjoy it. Quality does seem to have gone down. Mookatas don't seem to be what they were and I used to live eating at those places. I tend to prefer Western restaurants thesedays and from next year be in a rural joint where sourcing local ingredients is easier for home cooking.
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