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Everything posted by kevozman1

  1. For international arrivals I don't think anything is changing, which is the real problem. Worst I have queued for departure is maybe 30 minutes. Worst queue on arrivals over an hour in a cattle grid after a long flight to be 'welcomed' by a grumpy member of staff at passport control who will barely acknowledge my existence. A far cry from arriving all those years ago in Don Mueang (when it was the main international airport) and being greeted by happy smiling staff at passport control after queuing for 30 seconds.. I can't help but be nostalgic on a regular basis thesedays.
  2. Also the Philippines above Thailand? What exactly is this based on? Spend a month travelling Thailand. Then do the same in the Philippines. Then dare come look me in the eye and say the Philippines is a country you 'loved' more. Just some random surveys.
  3. I mean good for them, but I just don't want to become invested in an Islamic country, which Malaysia is, and could become another Iran any year (look at pics of Iran in the 70's). At any point full Sharia Law can come in and then it's misery. Even though no country is perfectly stable I will take my chances outside of Islamic country and ride out on that one, and yes Malaysia is in a murky ground between being a straight Islamic state and a secular country.
  4. 181 posts and joined a week ago! What else upsets you my guy? Which other subjects have the social engineers caused you to be a finger pointing/pitchfork raising state of mind over?
  5. Well you have 2k+ posts within this year, and we're only in early June. Get out of your condo much? You could end up at the point that if media says there are 100metre tall fire breathing flamingos creating havoc you will believe it they say it enough. But anyway given the nature of media, do you never question it? Say if I had a negative bias for Mongolians and I lived in Portugal, but I highlighted every incident involving a Mongolian person living in Portugal, would you just accept that or the reporting? What did you make of the BLM riots a while back? According to the media Black Americans were being victimized hardcore, yet the stats show they attack other races more than other races attack them - playing victim whilst lashing out, and the media ran with this narrative as it obviously serves a larger purpose. The c00f has already proven to me that most people's critical thinking is low, but I do like to try and get into the minds of some people to see if there is anything remaining that can be salvaged, or just the remnants of mind-crushed automatons.
  6. Currently in Europe going by nationality or even 'European' has to be questioned, it can be someone from any corner of this realm. It's one of the things I respect about Thailand is that they keep some coherence to being considered Thai. You can't just move to Thailand, mooch around for 5 years and eat some pad Thai and get citizenship.
  7. I think your idea of what an old man is and mine are two entirely different things. The British guy looks to be a pensioner himself..
  8. It's actually just this site lol. Thai news is mostly full of more serious incidents (sometimes silly..) which of course mostly involves locals.
  9. Absolute nonsense. Eating meat 'sparingly' or being a vegetarian is not the same as veganism. A vegan will not even have backyard chickens for eggs. A lot of religions have times for restrictions on animal products, and yes including Buddhism. Also a lot of the people who eat meat sparingly is due to affordability, just like in Europe poor people would have stews where meat was the minority of a serving. Do you know where you find vegans? In Western cities such as London, Berlin, Sydney, LA etc Oh and one other outside of the west of course - Chiang Mai.. It would make more sense if the woo woo spiritual Vegans (who rarely last more than a few years before their health declines) would go to India. A large chunk of Hindus are vegetarians, but again not vegans, they consume a lot of dairy products.
  10. I remember veganism was being pushed really hard in the West 5-10 years ago, and as far as I can tell it remains a mostly Western failed movement/ideology. It seems to have died down from what I can tell since the c00f. I remember the typical city dwelling Western vegan's holy land was Chiang Mai, which did confuse me as I think I can count Thai vegans I have met on one hand and they eat a... wide variety... of animals.
  11. I will say petty theft is less common in Thailand in my experience than Europe in general, but anecdotal dribble aside and onto more serious stuff, the murder rate in recent years in Thailand is always around 3-4 times higher than the UK. Admittedly it's better than when I first visited Thailand nearly 20 years ago and has generally gone down every year, back then I would see things on local news that gets a brief mention for a day or two that would get international exposure if it was an incident in a Western country. It's similar to how this site often highlights petty crime by foreigners when in the same time period more serious crime has been committed by Thai citizens. Not a fan of double standards. However I do think the murder rate will continue to generally drop over the coming years, and internationally it's on the moderate side so I wasn't trying to fearmonger anyone.
  12. Call me a social justice warrior, maybe a real one.. Anyway this site is an absolute disgrace in reporting news on what is happing in Thailand. Being someone that cares about people if you want to report news, then report on local news properly. I don't want to hear about some German guy who was found with a single magic mushroom when in the same day a Thai guy beat the absolute crap out of his girlfriend and she ended up in hospital requiring emergency aid. Just an example, but not an uncommon one. This site doesn't report the reality of Thailand meaning the Thai victims of crime are often neglected and people of Europe or European decent are actively reported on, no matter how petty the incident. Apart from farang kee nok and some delusional Thai people this site is reporting against the people. You are not reporting on the injustices and issues of Thai people for the most part, and are overall reporting unfairly on foreign visitors/residents. Please try to improve so you can become respected.
  13. Posts like this is where I am with the Thai people. Like who cares what you think about a subject like this? The only time I complain is about sites like this one (asean.com aka thaivisa) or when the government try to highlight/attack foreigners as problems, when I know for a fact foreigners are actually a small problem in Thailand and most of the problems worth talking about are home grown. I watch local news in Thailand and actually talk to people on the street. I know what's going on. Other than that I am not butting into their business or issues.
  14. Without becoming boring I just want people to know where you are. Thailand usually has a higher murder rate than nearly every European country every year. I really like Thailand, have done for 20 years, but it's not Switzerland or Japan. Exercise caution and no, your biggest threat is not foreigners, but Thais, unless you roll out of bed into a foreigner promoted bar everyday and that's your (sad) life. That's the reality.
  15. Love all the 2018/2019/2020 account owning clowns trying to tell others something 🙂
  16. A more real post although I wouldn't class any of those areas as 'no go zones' but at least you recognize areas that are actually worth mentioning towards requiring caution, I would also add a few area of Phaya Thai at night. Areas with tourists or foreigners are not worth mentioning, like a lot of newbie clowns in this comment section are trying to say. You really know nothing or are just deceitful.
  17. Yeah and i'm sure you hang around areas with foreigners also. You have no idea my guy. You're naive and wet behind the ears.
  18. Until crime is reduced to a level of Japan or Switzerland I can't take reports like this serious. Clamp down on murder, road carnage, domestic violence, promotion of international sex tourism and degenerate full-moon parties then maybe a young girl urinating in an appropriate place deserves some spotlight.
  19. I must admit I found Thailand lacking in customer service/efficiency in anything more than getting some noodles or a taxi, but then I went to the Philippines and all was forgiven.
  20. Amazing news. I feel much more assured that I have been notified that someone worked illegally. I mean that's some heavy stuff that deserves to be reported on. I am sure in Europe, Japan, Singapore and the US they have forums dedicated to foreigners reporting on every single case of petty visa violations /s
  21. Well I took over a decade hiatus. Just goes to show I speak from experience.
  22. Who cares it's some incel with 3 posts
  23. Oddly enough this incident where a Thai was killed by another Thai gets way less traction than some Brit guy who crashed into a few parked cars/bikes. Really highlights the trash that circulate this site. Probably the one's in their condo 167 hours in a week and the one hour they come out they wouldn't say say boo to a goose. Stay low.
  24. Yeah this site and the remaining grumpy old man's club are bottom rung
  25. If you consider this "wreaking havoc" then you probably spend a lot of time in your condo coffin and don;t see what the locals get up to. I wonder what Mrs save the frogs is getting up to while you wonder your box in the sky all day.
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