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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. Burning goes hand in hand with nature. Whether it be lit by a match or a lightning strike. Sure certain procedures can be put in place to minimize it ,but you won't stop it. There will always be fire.
  2. Hi IA As far as comb height for harvesting,it will be cut 200-300mm from the ground,high enough so wind can pass under to dry the rows but short enough not to affect seeding the next crop,that's a given. Whether the rows are burnt or baled is still up in the air. The price of fuel is concerning and what knock on effect it will have. I thought one of the reasons that biomass plants were installed was to encourage farmers to bale and not burn the fields,may well be wrong on that. Speaking of water How was the water management with the pond you put in, you able to control enough space to empty the water out of the fields but refill when required then drain for harvest. I still have some refinement to do with my set up,mainly overflow issues.
  3. Jasmine rice(good quality) in Makro 250 baht for 5 kilo's(50 baht/kilo)
  4. http://www.thairiceexporters.or.th/price_eng.html
  5. I think with the breakout of covid down south and school going back we've gone to the back burner.
  6. I think that is the sticky rice price,the government will give you 11 baht for the 1st 15 ton if you meet the required criteria but that is not logistically possible for most farmers.
  7. How many solar panels would it take to make a solar panel.
  8. I used to race a Morris 1100 at speedway as a kid,fun times and the front wheel drive had its advantages. Sister had a road car,80kph was as fast as you could go as the Aussie heat and the east/west engines didn't mix. Nana had the Austin Tasman,think they were 1800cc?
  9. Isn't burning trees accepted as renewable energy by the greens. What this space - Army hands out mining leases on army controlled land in return for royalties.
  10. No I think a lot who have worked tirelessly till retirement age have this feeling that governments should keep them alive for another 50 years to get their taxes back whether happy or not.
  11. The big trucking firms may not be able to pass on the costs but you can bet the little ones will if nothing is done. Harvest is about to begin.
  12. There does seem to be some sort of plan. https://www.egat.co.th/en/images/about-egat/PDP2015_Eng.pdf
  13. Hi KS A straw chopper would be nice,they even have developed weed seed destructers as well now. But not here,as you know it all comes out the back of the harvester in a large row. I don't think this is a good year for incorporating back into the soil. Reason being all the nutrients in the soil would be depleted just trying to break down that amount of matter and fertilizer prices are to high. Also if cannot burn it's a good chance to bale the weed seeds and get them out of the field. Next week i have to go to town so will call in at a few rice mills and see what they say but i'm pretty sure they burn mostly rice husks and corn cobs.There is a couple of sugar factories but once again they use a majority bagasse. So far the closest biomass plant that would take straw i can find is 160km's away. Will keep digging,worst case i can slash it and leave on the surface. I developed a few ruts this year from offset disking and some early heavy downpours which i also wanted to sort out.
  14. Will do IA What is the season shaping like down your way? I'm trying to get a gauge on how much effect the flooding in area's has had. As decision time will come with what to do with the excess straw after harvest. We don't really have a market for straw bales here but i would like to bale this year as part of the field cleansing. Problem is there is going to be a lot of bales and an expensive exercise if i can't get rid of them. I'm not sure if i will even be allowed to burn the rows so may be stuck with a lot of straw i would prefer not to incorporate back in.
  15. Some good finishing rains in october for the rice.(200mm) Heads are filling out and harvest still looks at least another two weeks away. 1st picture is a bit of cawneo planted,i think the local research station are trying to modify the genes to make it shorter.Don't think i will grow it again as it tended to lack vigor competing with weeds during the growing season and the yield looks average for a long season variety. 2nd picture is of the KDML105(hom mali) i direct seeded at 3 kg/rai on aerobic soil. With the extra wet season and seeding light it has tillered really well and doing ok .No fertilizer has been applied as had sunn hemp in prior so it has been a cheap input crop to grow.
  16. Yes but today if you buy an electric car you would be using your own household solar,not a provider to the grid,maybe in years to come then as said earlier the taxes will come.
  17. The transmission lines,poles,transformers and sub stations in which the solar user is also connected to.
  18. The thing with solar is it's piggy backing off what electric users have and are paying for.
  19. Hi What area are you located in?
  20. Something else that has been in the back of my mind. Let's hope they stay on top of this. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/major-problem-evs-no-one-000000015.html
  21. It's called real life living with covid. I guess you will be flying off to get your booster then back to attack the anti boosted.
  22. Would be interesting to see how the anchor points are controlled for the different heights in water.
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