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Posts posted by seesip

  1. Best is not to compare hospitals, but doctors. Ir is the doctor who makes the real difference in treatment. Hospital A might have the best eye doctor, while hopsital B might have the best heart surgeon.

    You can find some of the best doctors in their field in a government hospital, often besides their practise in a private hopsital or their own private practise.

    What's the best way to compare local doctors? I'm looking specifically at pulmonary specialists.

  2. I think you need to explain things a little more. Are you wanting to rent an office of just land and you are then planning on building an office.

    Need to know where you are and were you want to rent/lease.

    Thinking of leasing the land and then building an office on it--something small and inexpensive. The area is around Ruamchok. Thanks.

  3. A friend is hoping to try riding this trail sometime this week. I don't know much about it other than what I've seen on Google. Any idea if it's ok for a moderately experienced teenager to go solo? Are there any safety issues in particular he should know about? Thanks.

  4. The Promenada Rimping has a bistro with good food, a sushi counter, a sandwich counter, and several places to sit and eat. They did it right--place is awesome.

  5. Most of the muay gyms offer private lessons. The rates will vary. You could try Lanna Boxing which is not too far from you, in the Chiang Mai University area, so less than 10 min. by song thaew. Den is the head trainer and speaks English. Search for them on Google and you'll get the contact info. There's also Quest which is near Airport Plaza... a bit further but plenty of talented trainers. Good luck.

  6. There's a livestock market that would def have them, I remember a link on a posting a ways back but can't seem to find it right now. If I remember correctly it's in San Patong and they have a wide variety... buffalo, fowl, rabbits, pigs, etc.

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  7. One of the pleasures of living in Thailand is the THAI food.

    Who needs western food?

    I live in Mae Rim but I won't be visiting.

    Since you won't be visiting, it sounds like your loss. I have news for you...even many Thais get sick of Thai food and want a change. I was in Billy's (Italian) the other night and was the only farang in there.

    Yes in this place the busy lunch crowd is almost entirely local Thais. Dinner doesn't look very busy yet since it's a new thing. There's a lot of eating options closer to town but out in this area it's good to have something new and reliable.

  8. I assume you have an inguinal hernia? Most hernia surgeons will not do laparoscopic surgery unless you have a hernia on both sides.

    Open surgery to repair a hernia is no big deal. I had mine done in the USA and I was out of the outpatient surgery center and up and around in about 3 hours time. I'm not sure what kind of hernia the above poster had repaired when he talks about spending the night in the hospital, taking antibiotics and other meds? A good hernia surgeon will have you up and around in a few hours time. They don't even use sutures anymore, they just glue up the incision. I think I was given 10 Vicodin when I was discharged and might have taken one or two but no real pain at all. The main thing which my surgeon stressed was to start doing light exercise as soon as possible, like walking, swimming, etc. - like within a week's time. Otherwise there is a pulling sensation and stiffness as the muscle tissue binds to the plastic mesh. Also the fees which the above poster quotes is what I paid for a top hernia surgeon in Los Angeles. I would think it would cost much less here.

    Good luck and don't worry about it. Hernia surgery has been around for something like 500 years - seriously. It's down to a perfect science now.

    That's good to know, thanks. I think I have an umbilical hernia but that's a self diagnosis and I'll be heading in to Ram to check it out.
  9. Raining right now in Mae Rim. Nice.

    Rain in the area is the result of changing winds.

    Current patterns hint at improvement if this keeps up.


    It rained for about 30 min, and now, a few hours later seems like it's back to poor air quality. Seemingly not enough rain to have an impact but better than nothing and hopefully more will come. Crazy humid right now.
  10. Definitely keep your backup on a separate drive. Also installing RAM and a new OS upgrade is definitely do-able for a generic user, just go to youtube and you'll see a bunch of videos showing how to do the install. Seems tricky but it's pretty foolproof.

  11. The service is a bit slow but compared to what? There's not many places in Chiang Mai that have fast service. It comes down to the quality of the food--if the service is great and the food is mediocre it's not worth it, and vice versa. This place falls into the latter category: food is really good and not the typical western fare, and if they're busy you might have to wait a few for your food.

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