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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. She also insisted he was coming back earlier, 10th I think, and got a bit stroppy when it was suggested he wouldn't, which he didn't.
  2. I think there were differences in flu cases in the UK. I can't remember the details but I think that lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing caused a drop in cases, but that also meant that there was a drop in immunity that normally builds up. That then caused an increase in flu and other diseases transmitted by close contact as we got back to normal. Not a surprise but just needs a bit of care until we get back to normal
  3. He said that he made the pledge on the expectation that the Pheu Thai party would win a landslide victory, So arrogance then.
  4. When they are in vehicles I'd agree but not so sure about the UK. Driving when I go back is one of the great pleasures.
  5. There are often references to reliable sources.
  6. "conveniences" How many toilets does one man need for goodness sake?
  7. I think stopping a train is a bit more complicated and slow than stopping a motor vehicle.
  8. If its a passenger train why should they suffer? It could seriously affect the train driver as well.
  9. It seems to boil down to poor timing so often here. They usually look when pulling out onto a road, but only as they are doing it, so it's too late. They indicate when changing lanes, but only as they are doing it or after, so it's too late. They look when they pull away from the side of the road, but only as they're doing it, so it's too late. Off topic but a new roundabout is being built to replace some traffic lights here in Mahasarakham. That should be fun, since most Thai drivers don't seem to know how they work.
  10. kimamey

    Elder care at home

    I don't have any answers for you I'm afraid. It's not something I've thought of too be honest. I'm 70 next year and my wife is 54 in a couple of months so I suppose I should think about it. My wife being younger by 15 years is an advantage I guess. I've had prostate cancer which involved having it removed as it was getting close to breaking out of the prostate. It came as a surprise when I found out. My 95 year old mother in the UK has some form of dementia so it may be I'm at greater risk. We may end up moving to the UK, although my wife has her mother who is 80 this year to think about as well. At the moment she lives with us which I'm coming to think is a bad idea, especially as we don't know anyone else in the same situation. I'm lucky in that my wife is a government worker so I get health care as her husband which saves the issue of high health insurance. If I became wheelchair bound then I'd definitely try to move to the UK as I can't see that being much fun here. I was in Khon Kaen last weekend and there were ramps and some tactile paving, but only on the main road so I don't know how much help it would be. My first wife was in a wheelchair before she died so I notice the lack of provision here and I think there was a Thai man who was trying to promote this problem.
  11. Don't forget he was able to go to Cambodia without any problems.
  12. I think that's the case with a lot of these instances in Thailand, including the 2010 protests. In that case, PT when in power decided that the army wasn't to blame as they'd been ordered to shoot protesters. Robert Amsterdam the red shirt's lawyer brought in an ex US military guy to look at the evidence, and he concluded the army was operating outside its rules of engagement. I've not heard from him since. There's an argument that much of that was due to the army coming under fire from the black shirts, but without an unbiased inquiry well never know. I think Abhisit tried to set one up but but there wasn't much cooperation from the army. I've just been looking at the Human Rights Watch report. Not all of it as its very long and covers the period before that as well. It's a very interesting read and nobody comes out of it very well.
  13. There's obviously a lot of talk about Thaksin's criminal conviction and outstanding cases, which as far as I know are all related to financial corruption. Something else that's not mentioned is his support for the killers of red shirt protesters and innocent bystanders in 2010, in place of the justice he promised. This involved trying to get political opponents falsely convicted of murder, which I think might have involved a possible death sentence, although that may not have been carried out. Personally I think that's worse than financial corruption, but that's just my opinion.
  14. kimamey

    Where is the rain!

    I'm not sure where you are but here in Mahasarakham we haven't had much rain for a week or two but there's enough water in the rice fields. Could do with a little more to keep it topped up.
  15. Why would anyone lie to someone as honest as Thaksin? Does anyone know if there's a sarcasm emoji yet. I still can't find one.
  16. So long as they don't decide to just bake cake. Yes I know about the historical inaccuracy.
  17. It depends where you are. If you're driving on the roads, at least in Isaan where I am, then I can think of many words to describe Thai drivers. Not all are allowed on here and none are "friendly". It's one of my great pleasures when I return to the UK. Drivers who look as if they might have passed a test at some point, and don't drive as if they are the only ones who need to go anywhere and treat other traffic like they are slalom poles to weave around. There are a lot of friendly Thais but I generally find the same in the UK.
  18. I hope you're right but they've sided with the military before abs not suffered that much. It does seem as if some are beginning to see the truth so maybe there's hope.
  19. It's the danger of personality politics. They supported Thaksin without bothering to see what he was doing. It's a late revelation but welcome nonetheless.
  20. In that case they may pay out. Mind you that's using logic so I could well be wrong
  21. I wonder if the eye test is related the the mysterious condition that prevents travel to Thailand but not Cambodia
  22. I've only got one and she costs a lot more than that
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