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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. I hope so but I'm not optimistic. The facts have been there in plain sight for many years, but they don't seem to have noticed. Of course most of it is down to Thaksin, and he openly backed the army over justice for those killed in the 2010, the last time PT was in power because it suited his agenda.
  2. My laugh is for the first sentence. The rest is not so funny
  3. Yes, maybe he's only started or still to start
  4. Apparently he's having chemo, which suggests some hope.
  5. 'a mistake to believe anything conservative politicians say.' it's also a mistake to believe anything Pheu Thai says as well. They'll go well together.
  6. I assume there is a Northeastern cacti as there are supporters there. I'm not sure how many would be happy joining with PT though
  7. Perhaps the real plan has been revealed. The authorities would probably like him to arrive without lots of supporters getting in the way.
  8. Perhaps you should go with him to get a checkup then. You might get a discount. ????
  9. If he's such a fan of democracy Cambodia seems an odd place to be.
  10. It probably depends on how it's used and if you can trust those overseeing it. If you can't then it's not so good.
  11. I hope you're right. It does seem to be taking a long time and even in normal times it doesn't move quickly. Then again in the US there's a significant gap when the previous administration is in place but it is of a known duration. There are a lot of problems with politics in the UK but lack of speed isn't one of them. In a change of government, one PM leaves out the back of 10 Downing Street while the next enters in the front. The incoming PM will often offer the outgoing one time to move out of the accommodation but I don't think it's ever taken up. Even in 2010 when there was no overall majority it only took 6 days to get sorted, and there were complaints about that.
  12. So you're not saying he didn't commit the offences then? If anyone knows about politically motivated charges, it's him.
  13. I was wondering how old he was.
  14. I assume it's because you can't prescribe without knowing what you're prescribing for.
  15. I noticed that. It might be an issue with translation or it may be that a bit incompetent is OK and the best that can be hoped for. Then again maybe it should have read 'he's too incontinent'.
  16. That would be great thanks. I'm sure I've seen Coffee in Mind but I don't know where.
  17. Maybe this MP has morals and believes it's the right thing to do. And the rest don't.
  18. I must admit I usually get in a good walk as well. I don't normally use the travelators either. With a single terminal airport like Suvarnabhumi it can be a good distance, unlike Heathrow for example.
  19. As I said I hope you're right, but wouldn't a coup be less likely if PT steered clear of MFP?
  20. Having more stringent requirements for loans is OK, but not if a refusal by a bank just leads to more borrowing from loan sharks. They need to be dealt with as well.
  21. I hope you're right but Thaksin runs PT and he's shown before that he doesn't care who he sides with to get his own way.
  22. You should have found anther one then. Good luck
  23. I'll put that suggestion to my wife, I'm not holding out much hope though.
  24. Does anyone know of a dog groomer in my area. I'm in the Mueang Mahasarakham district. The dog's not a problem in the car so it doesn't have to be that close. She's just an old stray we ended up with and she's a bit shaggy. We have had her done at the vet's but he just shaves her completely. We could do that again but I'd prefer something between that and grooming for Crufts that will keep just her cooler.
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