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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. It's a lot faster now but a few years ago money sent to my wife's Krungthai account used to go to Bangkok bank fist then to her account. It may even have gone via Krungthai Bangkok fist but I can't remember. There were fees for all this as well. As I say, much easier and quicker now
  2. Yes I use Skype for phone calls to the UK.
  3. The baht often seems little affected by major events.
  4. It does seem to have risen a bit, but not as much as it dropped earlier. Maybe correcting a bit after earlier fears. It's a long process here so much will probably depend on what happens in the next few weeks. In the end it may not make much difference as the baht doesn't seem to react as much as would be expected to outside influences and it may be the same for this.
  5. Very sad news for us on this forum but also of course for his family and friends. Not much else I can say that hasn't been said by others. I know there are others on the visa forum who are also very knowledgeable. They have a big space to fill. RIP
  6. A few years ago when we had pets in the UK I noticed something about their healthcare and mine. We had many pets over the years. Dogs, cockatiel, ferrets, rats, hamsters of various sizes, gerbils, chinchilla, rabbits, guinea pigs and some I've probably forgotten about. Oh and a terrapin which looks more like a turtle to me which my daughter still has that's moved from a small tank to a big tank and now to a pond I could almost swim in. It's bigger than the turtles I see here. This mostly affected the dogs and ferrets but if there was something worrying us about them we phoned the vet and they would often say "bring it straight in and we'll have a look". I had to get an appointment, at the doctors, not the vet, although even then when the NHS was working better it might have been an option. But then I was going NHS, they were going private. As for our dogs, the wife does that but it's mostly chicken or fish and rice but we did start using dry food. It was a Thai brand, don't know which but it was in a green and white bag. When we could no longer get that we started using Pedigree food which wasn't too expensive in a 20kg sack from Lotus's. Our dogs are now mongrels of terrier to fat corgi size.
  7. In Mahasarakham B-Quik tyres will re-gas aircon so maybe try them in Robinsons. Someone else mentioned Cockpit which is another option. As for a mechanic I don't know but they may be able to do aircon as well. If not the Toyota dealer may not be too expensive. It's not too bad for my Honda, but then I suppose cost is matter of opinion.
  8. I've no idea as we have our own immigration in Mahasarakham now but I used to go to Khon Kaen. When I first went they never seemed very happy. From looking on here and other forums it seemed that some there were open to bribes but I'm guessing not all of them approved. Then one time I went and everyone seemed much happier. I recognised some of them and reports on forums suggested a change of leadership and less need to bribe. I don't know if that was the reason but maybe it was. Corruption appears common in Thailand but not all Thais approve. Recent reports have highlighted possible corruption in some offices, including Khon Kaen. Roi Et on the other side of us was also included but not Mahasarakham which I had to visit last month, or maybe early this month. Apart from the endless paper work and required signatures it was a pleasant and happy experience. Hopefully sorting any dubious activities in Khon Kaen, if there are any will improve the situation.
  9. That would include an argument with the wife as well.
  10. Well said. Worded as "Is there a reason why you need your name in the book or can you get away without it?" "Is it just something you want to do?" would be reasonable and the answer could be useful to others, particularly if not having it in the book could cause problems later on. Just saying "Why?" doesn't sound like a genuine question. Glad you got a useful answer.
  11. That brings up some questions. Which one's the mother? Is it a gay marriage or a civil partnership? It would be interesting to see the reaction. Only as an onlooker of course. If you're involved yourself I would imagine you'd have enough problem already. I can't remember what it was for but I think I've been asked for my mother and father's names a long time ago.
  12. Of course there's the tradition, presumably centuries old of tedious music played at a volume that makes your internal organs vibrate. If you're passing in a car the door panels rattle. Our wedding, 10 years ago this week was a surprise to me. We bought a gold chain for my mil and then went to do the paperwork in the office in town. A bit like a quick register office wedding in the UK with witnesses grabbed off the street but with all of the romance and gravitas removed. One of our neighbours was at the next counter getting a new blue book. We had a party the next year when my sister and bil were over. The karaoke was a bit bigger than she'd imagined.
  13. You get to read my witty and informative posts for nothing even though they are priceless. What more could you want?
  14. I seem to remember people saying there wouldn't be a coup in 2014, as there were so many in the lower ranks of the army from the northeast who supported Thaksin.
  15. It was at night. I don't know about Bangkok but in my area I think the police only work office hours and definitely not in the dark. Hence you see even less helmets at night. I've said it before, sack the traffic police and hand it to Grab, Food Panda ect. They seem to be able to get their riders to wear helmets. It's a shame for the family as they aren't responsible for him not wearing a helmet, if that was the case. They just have to deal with the aftermath.
  16. I thought it was Pheu Thai that won the election in 2011. Did it only consist of Thaksin and Yingluck? Of course not and presumably there were others in the party that could have run the country. If Thaksin was really concerned about the Thai people he could have kept quiet, allowed a proper politician with ability to be Prime Minister and just given advice in the background. Instead he put his sister, who had no interest or experience into the top job. She was then sent off to do photo shoots while he was running the country even though he was aware that it was against the law. I saw him give interviews where he referred to the government as 'we' and bragged that it had given him a lot of his money back. There might still have been a coup but he was just making easier to justify. Even in 2010 during the protests he gave video rallies where he concentrated on himself. He even had to give a second a few days later after it was pointed out that he hadn't mentioned those who were sacrificing themselves for him whilst he was living in luxury in Dubai. He promised to get justice for those killed in those protests but once in power he decided he'd rather go after Abhisit and Suthep than the army who were responsible because that was more important to him. I know he might have been stopped due to the strength of the army but then again he must have been aware of that when he made the promise. Everyone else knows it. Then you have Prayut. Again' he could have concentrated on separating Thaksin from Pheu Thai and leaving the more sensible MPs of all parties to run the country for the benefit of the Thai people. Instead he was just as power hungry as Thaksin and therefore just as ineffective.
  17. Maybe I'm missing something but didn't they win an election before and he never got a pardon then, so what's different now. The one thing Thaksin and Prayut have in common is they were, and presumably still are, more interested in power for their own benefit than for the good of the people.
  18. I'm afraid I don't know. I've searched on Google Maps and Sevens says it's permanently closed. o be honest I can't see anything on street view that looks like a bar, even going back to earlier views. You might have better luck as you know what it looked like. There is a house with a lot of boxes in the latest view in the position shown on Google but earlier views just look like a house. As for No 1 Bar i can't even find it. If you know the address you may have better luck.
  19. I've no idea although I'll be looking to see if I can find them now and forgetting what I actually went for. Could you paint led bulbs since they don't get so hot?
  20. If Pheu Thai do well and are just a front for Thaksin then that's not going to happen unfortunately.
  21. Not a bad idea although as someone else has said you won't know what's said. I've noticed that what needs 2 or 3 sentences in English takes about 10 to 20 minutes in Thai. No wonder it's so difficult to learn. It works the other way as well. 5 minutes talking to someone in the market is translated to "Her daughter has foreigner husband from Germany. They live in Bangkok and are coming home for Songkran." You could try writing it down so you can translate it but you don't know if your wife will say something else later. You're in a difficult position as I assume your in laws are older than you wife and maybe older than you. There is a certain reverence for age but a lot of so called 'Thai Culture' and culture in general to be honest is used when it's convenient. Best of luck
  22. I wondered about that. I thought that since it mentioned his associates being under surveillance they didn't want them to spooked but since they gave details of the club that wouldn't make sense. That doesn't mean that's not the reason of course. We also don't know who the accomplices are or what connections they have.
  23. Just to clarify the 'couple of days' refers to feeling naked, not looking for my mask. I'm not that senile. Well not yet anyway.
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