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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. I suppose it depends if she takes her clothes off and walks on all fours. I don't think it's necessary at all. It's a clever dog though.
  2. I've no idea, but maybe it's possible.
  3. My wife was driving on the 28th. If we get another for the weekend then it could be either myself or my wife although she does tend to drive faster.
  4. I forgot to mention, when we got home a letter had just been delivered. It was a speeding fine from a traffic camera on the 28th, we were trying to work out who was driving when we noticed it was from 28th June when I was in the UK so not me. Seems a long time for it to arrive. We may get another one in a months time from our last trip.
  5. A few days ago I posted on here albeit as a joke that I thought the police were working from home because the roads were so dangerous. My wife and I drove down from her work in Roi Et to a hotel in Nangrong, Buriram on Thursday evening and then on down to another hotel on the northern side of Khao Yai the next day. We had to return home to Mahasarakham on Sunday as she has to work on Monday due to the government's poor planning of the holiday. As we drove back I mentioned this thread and she agreed that she hadn't seen any police at all either. I was thinking of coming on here to suggest that maybe the reason for the lack of police was that they were all on holiday. I imagined them all on the beach with their girlfriends whilst their wives were at home. As we approached Phon in Khon Kaen I shouted "There's one!!" I'd seen a policeman crouched on the left side of his pickup with a tripod in front of him. Was it a speed camera? Or maybe it was just a cover for him using his phone? A little further on there were a group of police looking at notes in front of them and pulling vehicles over. I assume they had numbers for those that were speeding, or as many as the first guy could record, as most seemed to be speeding anyway. It then occurred to me that maybe nobody had told the police in Phon that it was a holiday, so they were working. Any other sightings of the Lesser Rarely Spotted Thai Traffic Cop over the holiday. Do I get a prize?
  6. It depends on the extent of the isolation and the type of person involved, which I've mentioned in another post. If you still have some human contact then it may be ok for some. Without, it's more like solitary confinement which after a short time (2 weeks I think) is considered torture. Maybe you didn't mean 'solitary' as I doubt you'd have a tv. I would think in this case it would be confinement with others away from the general prison population. That might not be so bad. Something I've just thought of. If isolation isn't so bad, why were there so many complaints from people quarantined in comfortable hotel rooms due to Covid. That didn't seem to be that popular.
  7. I would never condone the death penalty. The idea that they should be able to take there own life if they wish has some merit. The one problem I can see is that you're then giving them a way out of a long prison sentence and giving them the choice. There may be some who think that is unacceptable. Prison in general isn't a simple option, particularly with shorter sentences. For some it's a wakeup call which leads them to avoid offending again whilst for others it's just something they go through before carrying on as before. If you've got a family and /or a lot of friends and you enjoy going out, then even a short stay in prison won't be fun. If you're on your own, lonely, possibly homeless and sleeping in a shop doorway every night then it's probably not that bad and may be preferable. For longer sentences, such as in this case you may well just get used to it, as how and where you live. People are different and come from different environments. A 3 bedroom house with a small garden and a 3 week holiday a year with social events for the rest is fine for many people. A multibillionaire or a keen mountain climber, explorer, ect might consider it a prison. Many people who are famous find the same problem. It's not a simple issue and I don't think money should be the main consideration.
  8. I did the online Thai driving test and it taught me one thing. The rules here are pretty much the same as in the UK where I passed my test 52 years ago. The police just don't enforce them here.
  9. That's all very interesting but what were the transfer fees?
  10. Off topic, but that's what I would have thought. I've seen suggestions from some with more knowledge on the subject that split infinitives aren't necessarily a bad thing. Either way I agree with their point of view and hope they can all stick together to create a better future.
  11. I can't say I've seen any police in the last 2 days. I assumed they were working from home. I can't say I blame them, it's very dangerous out there with all the poor driving skills that go unchecked. I wonder who's responsible?
  12. After the Red Shirt protests in 2010 Thaksin promised justice for those killed by the army. After PT took power under Yingluck he decided to back the army instead so he could pursue charges against Abhisit and Suthep. I believe the phrase is 'politically motivated charges'. PT didn't get the landslide they expected this time but I don't know if that can be attributed to his collusion with the army. Somehow I don't think most of his supporters even realised or cared at the time, or now.
  13. Does he still lead PT? If he does and, as has been suggested asks for a royal pardon, doesn't that risk bringing the king into politics, given the issues dividing the political parties at the moment? I can't say I'd trust him not to be totally focused on what best for him. He says the charges against him are politically motivated but not that he'd innocent. There's bound to be some political motivation by his opponents, that's just to be expected from all sides. He doesn't mention his politically motivated charges against Abhisit and Suthep when PT were in power.
  14. Can the newly elected MPs take up their seats, either without a PM, or under a caretaker one? What power and duties does the PM have?
  15. A good idea although I think we've already been shown PT/ Thaksin's colours during their last period of power and to some extent more recently.
  16. Just watched and yes he did. One thing I would say is that there needs to be institutions, separate from government and impartial, to oversee the government. I've no idea how you'd do that in a country like this. Under the last PT government it was clear that Thaksin was acting as PM which is not allowed. There should be bodies that can stop that, otherwise the military are the only ones that can act. Had the military done just that but kept the basics of the democratically elected government in place then they could have won some praise. However power was too tempting for them
  17. Presumably the bank couldn't lend you the money directly so they allow you as guarantor to get round the rules knowing you would be posting the loan anyway. Your first point is absolutely right.
  18. There are many problems with that idea. There's the ones who turn out to be innocent. It's rarely the case in Western jurisdictions that a judge can order an execution and its done. I think I saw somewhere that in the USA, depending on how old a prisoner is and how long they live, it costs more to keep someone in prison and pay for all the legal procedures required before an execution takes place than just handing out a life sentence. How many children does a defendant have to abuse before the death sentence kicks in? If it's one, and there's no physical harm or murder, then how do you compare the mental damage done to one child by abuse against that done to children of other murder victims. Or victims of rape, assault, bullying, burglary ect? What causes the outrage in cases of non violent child abuse when the most likely affect is trauma rather than injury, where its largely absent if that trauma is caused by any other crime. There's no doubting the seriousness of this crime and he needs to be imprisoned to keep him away from further offending. As for the money. Justice costs.
  19. To be fair some can be quite long. Not necessarily in this case.
  20. Hopefully he was dealt with in a way that teaches him to behave next time.
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