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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. I think it depends. If it's his then no. The OP seemed to suggest it belonged to a relative. In that case probably yes but they will go after him to reclaim the money
  2. What do they mean by field ready? Isn't that the normal way uniforms are provided or were they previously given the parts for their wives/ girlfriends to see together. Or did they have to attach specific badges ect?
  3. Great thanks. All I need to do now is get there from Mahasarakham without the wife finding out.
  4. Free sex for aging foreigners without letting my wife know. Excuse me, I need to rest in case it happens soon. ????
  5. Can you tell me which ones so I can hose them down with bleach before I touch them. ????
  6. I've just watched the video as I was puzzled by the skateboard reference. I often criticise the Thai police, with good reason in my opinion, but I think they were very restrained in this situation and I feel they would have been well within their rights to have been more aggressive.
  7. Their uniforms are usually too tight to wrinkle.
  8. Isn't the problem that even if all the right paperwork is there there's no guarantee that it won't be revoked. It seems quite common here for something to be built and then start an argument over who owns the land. May be that's to extract compensation. Isn't there a new elevated highway next to Lumtakong reservoir that can't be used due to ownership issues?
  9. It's odd because the retirement age for government employees is 60 as far as I know. It certainly is for my wife in part of the Ministry of Labour.
  10. I think the interior outfitting is usually done by another company, but that atolls to Airbus, the outfitter and hopefully Thai Airways. I doubt this article is an in depth look at these planes anyway.
  11. Yeh right, of course you would. What makes you think you'd pass the intensive medical needed to be given that honour?
  12. You can always clean a touch screen. How do you do that with all the other surfaces you touch on your way to that seat?
  13. They don't seem to have managed policing, as most people would know it, up to now. I'm not sure some rowdy middle eastern trouble makers will provide the motivation to do better.
  14. "Olarn pointed out that Pheu Thai statedly clearly when announcing its alliance with Bhumjaithai that it would not partner with Move Forward." Clearly hasn't been paying attention then. So much for expert.
  15. I'm sure they can but three threat is often enough. If the military decide on a coup, and there's no suggestion yet that they will, but if they want to they've got a lot of experience.
  16. I think they still have weapons. I seem to remember before the last coup some saying it wouldn't happen as a lot of the actual soldiers are from red shirt areas so wouldn't get involved. The water melon army, green on the outside but red on the inside. That didn't work out.
  17. That's not really a fair comparison. In a lot of those other countries it's a law that was brought in and then enforced. Here it's a law brought in so somebody can announce it and then it will be ignored unless the police need the money
  18. For a pardon yes but I think it's more likely that some legal loophole will be found. Having said that PT didn't manage it last time they were in power and they had a majority then.
  19. Depending on the military's view of Thaksin now, they might think a coup is in order. It's true that MFP were intent on curbing their power but they had a lot of support in the election. PT had support but they have gone back on promises they made so they don't have the same backing anymore. If Thaksin starts acting as if he's PM then that might cause problems as well. The bottom line is he can't be trusted and it seems some Thais are beginning to see that.
  20. Yes, I think he benefited by the drop in the Baht that caused and enabled increased exports.
  21. There's two possibilities here. One, he's hopeless at lying. Two, the required fitness levels decrease the greater the dictatorship you're travelling to.
  22. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Maurer If this is him he's got a German father
  23. Sorry it should read '2010 protests'
  24. My wife was showing me one of these online last night. I'm not sure if she was seriously considering it but pointed out that it wouldn't work. She has one central that's slightly forward so even if you put something over it or would only make it worse. I was a dental technician so I know what the solutions are and these definitely aren't one of them.
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