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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. That hospital he was in must be bad, his health didn't improve until shortly after he left. Dubai medical health care doesn't appear to be much better as his wide ranging health issues only seemed to be discovered once he was in prison.
  2. I don't like these sort of places either, but my stepdaughter in particular loves them. At least with HotPot I knew what to expect. The one we used a lot in Mahasarakham closed a while back which surprised me as it was always busy. Certainly there seems to more customers than the Japanese place that is there now.
  3. The Canadian parent company of Circle K. Its only an offer at this point though. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/19/business/7-eleven-circle-k-takeover-bid/index.html
  4. I appreciate sarcasm, although sometimes it's difficult to be sure if it's sarcasm or stupidity. In your case I was confident it was sarcasm, which is why I replied with sarcasm.
  5. That's true but it looks as if they may have been driving too fast to stop within the distance they could see.
  6. And makes Trump look like he always has. Unfortunately doesn't do much for the government of Thailand either.
  7. Talent obviously. I don't drink enough to get inebriated. Maybe I should.
  8. I wasn't suggesting it would make any difference, or that most Thais probably won't protest. I was merely pointing out that some do protest and are willing to risk a prison sentence or go on hunger strike which sadly resulted in death. Quite a few died in 2010 during the Red Shirt protests as well, regardless of whether their protest was justified or not.
  9. Thanks, I'll try that explanation. It might work.
  10. I'm a bit confused. When this digital wallet was proposed at the last election it seemed as if it might be a good idea in principle, although I wasn't sure how much effect it would have. I was a bit surprised after the election to find that not only was there no money for it but seemingly no plan on how to fund it. The election was in May last year, and presumably the proposal was put forward some time before that. Well over a year later the only thing achieved is subcommittees, which Thai politicians can create endlessly very quickly, but little else. I can see Thaksin's reasons against it, although surely the fact the economy is struggling is why it was thought it was needed in the first place. But let's go with him on this, it's a bad idea and it should be dropped, which it most likely will be as he's the de facto leader of PT. De facto leaders seem very popular in Thailand right now. Since Thaksin was the de facto leader before, during and after the election, who came up with the idea for the digital wallet, and how come he didn't stop it at that time?
  11. My wife is in civil government and has hated Thaksin for years but she did support MFP.
  12. Not all of them have. Let's hope enough do at the next election.
  13. I hope you're right but they said the last coup would never happen. The watermelon army they said. Green on the outside but red inside.
  14. They'd just market it as an Expedia Experience. Immerse yourself in a real life coup. Pick your side. Select your weapon. Feel the adrenalin. I'm wasted here aren't I.
  15. What's Frank got to do with all this?
  16. Give me a break. I'm trying my best.
  17. He may well still disappear, as Yingluck did.
  18. Always worth having a butcher's at Wikipedia if you want to know something.
  19. Were you and your wife looking at a possible prison sentence in an elite police hospital? No? Then you didn't have what he has. It's all in the details.
  20. It probably does. Whether it's good or bad is another matter.
  21. I think that often happens here.
  22. I think that's a bit unfair. There are some who have protested and are in prison. I think one girl died as well.
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