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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. I'm not sure salt will help much with the effects although it might add to the taste. ????
  2. Depends on how they are defining 'swept' I suppose. Its certainly not the normal definition I would have thought.
  3. I believe there are reported problems with it but I knew if I said that I'd get loads of replies telling me that I'm wrong. Particularly from those who are users and claim it does them no harm and they can work as well, if not better, with it. I don't use it so it makes no difference to me if it's legal or easy to obtain and I can't be bothered with the hassle.
  4. 'While investigations into this case are ongoing' It didn't take very long to ascertain Thaksin's medical needs when he arrived so I wonder how long to conclude the investigation.
  5. We've had a lot here in the Mahasarakham area. As always it's very localised. Driving last night for about 10 km and back there were deep floods and heavy rain and then completely dry roads. Wednesday was wet for most of the day apart from a couple of hours around sunset when I was able to get out for a walk and buy some milk. Thursday was the same. I've had particular difficulty getting my washing dry. Oh no, what's happened to my life and my undeniable masculinity? I've just been on a thread abut cannabis where I said I don't use it. Maybe it's what I need. And more alcohol maybe.
  6. Something can be addictive and harmless. Whether cannabis for recreational use is harmful, I don't know. There seem to be conflicting statements about it. A lot seems to depend on the amount and how young you start. I think there's more danger to a person who is still in the early stages of brain development and of course the likelihood that they will consume more over time. I don't use it so I have to read to find out. The professional research is contradictory, as I've said. The articles I've read, mainly from users naturally is conclusively positive, however a lot of it that I've seen suggests it has a negative effect, in that it appears to make reading and understanding a bit difficult. Stopping cannabis use when it was illegal in any form was probably only going to be partially successful. Although recreational use may still be illegal I suspect many users will just hear what they want to hear and think it's legal. Now there's been confusion over that it will be even more difficult. A situation not helped by the fact it will be the police who have to enforce the rules and their confusion regarding the difference between, fines to stop people doing something illegal, and payment to allow them to carry on doing it.
  7. Is the collective noun for a group of bent cops Royal Thai Police? I'm sure there are honest ones but they must have a lonely existence.
  8. To be fair the committee can't do anything until the sub committees are formed who will then report to the committee who will look at the reports from the sub committees and then the committee will report to the PM.
  9. I can't remember what the pavements were like the last time I was there but I doubt they are as bad as here in Isaan. If I ever ended up needing a wheelchair I think I'd leave or shoot myself. Even Bangkok is pretty bad, especially for a capital. My first wife had to use a wheelchair in her last years so I notice these problems. It may not be a problem for digital nomads but since an online job would be suitable for someone using a chair it might be something they should look at. It would help disabled tourists as well as those who aren't as agile as they once were.
  10. As far as I know you don't have to report if you only travel within Thailand. Hotels normally copy your passport, but some don't. One told me he didn't need to as I'd booked through Agoda. Oh and the immigration officer in Mahasarakham said you don't need to do the report if you've come back from Lao. So who knows. There's another complication for me if it was necessary to report every overnight trip away from my registered address in Mahasarakham. My wife works for part of the Ministry of Labour and she was moved from Mahasarakham to Roi Et. We were provide with a house on the site where we can stay. We don't as, whilst it would be fine if done up it has problems, the upstairs shower and toilet can't be used as there's a leak and they can't fix it. There might have been an electric shower but there isn't now. The aircon has been removed. The only furniture is and old metal bunk bed without mattresses. It's a half hour drive so we don't use it. If we did we'd have to register my return every time we came home at the weekend or maybe more often and I assume her superior would have to register me when I went there as well.
  11. CCIB officers attempted to raid five houses owned by Big Joke in Soi Vibhawadee 60 near the Police Sports Club in Bangkok’s Lak Si district at 8am today. One of the houses is Big Joke’s home while the other four provide accommodation for members of his team. Is this bad translation? If not it sounds a bit odd. He owns five houses which I assume costs a fair bit of money, but 4 of them provide accommodation for his team.
  12. I've got a Lloyds account and use my daughter's address. I have a very small Santander one as well and a Sainsbury's credit card. All my money from pensions and rent from a flat I own go into it and then I can send it here when needed. I've been meaning to check with Lloyds if this is ok. My address for my tax account is the same. I have thought of buying a place to use in the UK but I wouldn't want to use that address as I'd have to get my daughter to check for post all the time. It's easier to just get it sent to her.
  13. One of the advantages I've found where a longer walk is involved and its not accessible on a motorbike is that its much quieter. The only time Thais seem keen to walk any great distance or climb steps are in temples or anywhere connected to Royal projects. Those do have the advantage that there is usually less litter and are fine to visit, however if you want peace then a park with a trek or climb is the best option. It would also give you the chance of getting a fine athletic figure like mine. ????
  14. I don't know who chose the picture but they don't look Chinese, Japanese or Indian. Is it reducing fees for parks or reversing the increases? It may be a start but I think the other issues mentioned in the article as well as making immigration procedures less complicated are more important. Some shouldn't be that difficult to achieve but things like pollution, particularly in border areas may not be so easy.
  15. He doesn't need to become PM. He wasn't PM the last time PT were in power, his sister was. It didn't stop him being in control.
  16. It's a bit vague isn't it. Regardless of whether cannabis for recreational use is good or bad, it's going to be harder to control it now after it was legal.
  17. How do you tell a real police officer from a fake one? Is it how expensive their car is? 'engaging in actions that defamed or vilified law enforcement officials.' You could claim they do that themselves. Let's hope they don't read this forum.
  18. I suspect this is the timeline. Someone is waiting whilst their S Class is being serviced. They're thinking, 'I haven't made any announcements lately. I'm not getting noticed.' They write down 'Tax incoming funds?' Someone says, "Your vehicle is ready sir." A policy is born
  19. I'm in Mahasarakham and we have outages but usually at night for a few hours, usually during rain. It's possible we have shorter ones without me knowing, although now I think of it there was one a few weeks back. The fan stopped working and the router stopped but it came back on within a minute I think. I use a laptop so a few seconds stoppage would be covered by the battery and I probably wouldn't notice.
  20. Given Thais can get 4 on a bike seat I'm not sure why they'd need a sofa. Having said that you seem to have found a way to make a bike suitable for foreigners.
  21. By 'other dangerous creatures' I assume you're thinking of Thai drivers and Thai women. The women can be pretty deadly if you annoy them and they have access to anything sharp like a knife, or they are your wife. If it's both then you're in trouble. Having said that if you survive you will be much calmer when encountering a snake or scorpion which is a good thing.
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