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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. I obviously said something you're having trouble coming up with a sensible answer so you claim I'm sticking up for them and post a picture of one who nobody would want even if he and his previous generations were born here. The "them" you claim I'm sticking up for is again a massive generalisation presumably because the complexities of asylum seekers are too complicated. Immigration is a problem and seems to be worse now we've left the EU, although some may be down to Afghanistan, Hong Kong and Ukraine, which should finish moving through the system and then reduce. It needs more than just generalisations.
  2. Yes agreed. He also said he'd get immigration down to the tens of thousands. When it didn't happen he first blamed the LibDems and then the EU and their freedom of movement. It's as if he didn't know about it.
  3. I think you're entitled to NHS treatment as soon as you become resident in the UK.
  4. The PM isn't an immigrant. He was born in the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton UK. His parents are Indian Abbs he may have Indian citizenship through that, although I don't know but he definitely isn't an immigrant.
  5. Two problems with that. As far as I'm aware the state pension is paid by those working. When they retire those then working pay for the pension of those who have retired. So when I was working I paid for the pensions of those who were retired. Admittedly it would have cost more if there hadn't been frozen pensions at that time, but times change. Sometimes people move to be with adult children who look after them, not always through choice. Times change, and so should the state pension. You'll notice they don't mind changing the age you receive the state pension despite what you thought was the retirement age when you were working. Also, I'm retired and I pay tax on all my pensions and on the rent I recurve for the flat I rent out. I pay VAT on fees to the letting agent and any other costs related to it. The only income I don't pay tax on is on foreign income which is zero. Just recently the PM said the government should look after those who had worked hard for their retirement. He didn't say it depended on where you decided to doyen your retirement.
  6. The army might shoot them of course as they did before. I wonder who Thaksin would blame if that happened. I doubt even he would try to blame Abhisit and Suthep this time.
  7. How dare you defame the Chuckle Brothers.
  8. It does beg the question, why was she one of the three candidates, and what if she'd been chosen. Not that she'd have made any decisions on her own.
  9. The nicotine is very addictive so it might make sense to classify that as an addictive drug, but where does that leave cigarettes?
  10. Because the article is about Thaksin. If we included everyone we'd die before getting to the end. Also Thaksin supports and defends the military
  11. I always do. The problem is those who don't can end up causing injury to those who do. It's the same with the idiots who unfasten their belts just after touchdown, sometimes whilst the plane is still braking. Even as the plane taxis to the gate it can hit something.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if he does go because if he did, someone would have to replace him. I wonder who could do that?
  13. Better than in Dubai anyway. From what I can tell they never noticed he was so ill.
  14. I don't think so, or at least not yet. But Thais are allowed to own property and companies, which isn't the case for westerners in Thailand.
  15. I was confused about that image, but you've explained it
  16. Surely this is a good thing as it will help tackle the overtourism mentioned in another thread on here. Unless they want less tourists but more Brits. And why wouldn't they.
  17. "Another video Jason shared showed him suffering from diarrhoea" I think I'll give that a miss, thank you.
  18. That's true. However it seems it was him who, despite promises, made sure that those apparently guilty of far worse than him, were never brought to justice.
  19. It's a misunderstanding obviously. "Certain officials should be charged.
  20. I think it means being in the police as normal.
  21. According to this report, you might not be the only one. It sounds as if your having trouble keeping up. I'm getting past it myself to be honest.
  22. The A380 can carry over 800 but is normally outfitted for about 580 I think. There aren't many of those though. The rest are around 250 - 360, so most aren't around 600. I've no idea if the figures quoted in the article are correct. It wouldn't surprise me if they were wrong, as they seem to be good at that.
  23. I don't know why, but I get the impression you're not taking this seriously
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