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Everything posted by wombat

  1. so no good for lubricating jaws that all of a sudden get sore????????
  2. sorry...he used WD-40 my understanding is that its pressurised fish oil...I stand to be corrected and I apologise for any confusion
  3. will they be sending them to Australia like the last time when humans were stored in barges?
  4. I am not a doctor and this doesn't answer your question. my grandfather had chronic arthritis ...he would spray WD-40 (fish oil) on the affected area and rub it in. it worked for him.
  5. ive always been dubious of the advertised thc content...this mob seem very optimistic
  6. it doesn't seem to run parallel to the doom and gloom I read in western papers how the economy of china is tanking
  7. Thats where you made your mistake...all women expect money for services rendered. The only difference is the amount they expect to be or are paid
  8. there are no trans women in Pattaya ...they are ladyboys and were ladyboys long before this redundant minority called woke stuck their appendage into a system thats worked fine since before I was in pampers
  9. is there a description of the prison he would be sent to?
  10. You could well ask that about any topic. I give up please enlighten me grasshopper?
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