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Everything posted by wombat

  1. The only confusion is happening by those that are confused.
  2. Is the Hilton 33 floors high?
  3. Thats a bold statement to put out in the public arena.
  4. I disagree.. My girl is different. She told me so.
  5. I can't see it affecting the moaners and groaners on here posting vitriole from their fan rooms.
  6. Elon ain't no dummy...if there wasn't a demand he wouldn't supply
  7. With a high speed rail link from China to Bkk...let the party start
  8. in the game of GO thats being played globally a base on the dark side of the moon means the Chinese win
  9. no shorts on and washed up beside him....he was rubbing one out and had a heart attack from viagra...suicide by Pattaya...move along nothing to see
  10. the genie is out of the bottle ..the big money have invested...aint nothing gunna change...stand by for lip service only to satiate the doom and gloom merchants
  11. after the events of the 7th ...I absolutely agree with them
  12. And we'll they should be concerned...the future is looming
  13. My guess is the statute of limitations must be about up. How long has she had to jump on a soapbox about this?
  14. with the frog navy escorting the reffo boats to the half way line and then pointing them in the right direction while the RN sit home drinking tea that pledge is going to be watched with great interest
  15. I've always found it quaint that non of the surrounding muslim countries will take Hamas muslims as reffo's coz they fear terrorism
  16. to be expected I guess I mean after all the Hamas mob that have infiltrated these countries as reffo's it was only a matter of time before they went off
  17. To old to fight back...pmsl...sucker punch thrown...will it connect?
  18. Why are males telling women what they can and can't do with their body?
  19. Sounds like you haven't been here very long. She said she was different ,not same Pattaya lady only come Pattaya one week,work cashier.
  20. a reviled leader known as the “Butcher of Tehran" Allah thought so too and sent him straight to hell. There was no body to bury it was cremated when the chopper crashed in the weather decreed by Allah.
  21. Drive to arrive alive is my motto.
  22. may you never lose your naivety🤣
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