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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Excuse my confusion here...the Trans marriage here is the same as a regular marriage where each partner individually has the required bits? Is it the Trans bit I'm not getting?
  2. There are more holes in this story than Swiss cheese...I wasn't gunna touch it.
  3. Is there a statute of limitations on his crime against the Thai people?
  4. how many times do you have to be told that it does not stop you getting covid?
  5. How much are shares in banks paying? Like old mate always said...don't put money in the bank. Buy the bank
  6. I don't wear a mask because of covid when I go outside I wear one because of the air quality...sitting on the back of a motorbike taxi in traffic makes sense to me.
  7. Trump is yesterday's news wrapping today's fish heads It's time for change.
  8. What turmoil? All is going smoothly...covid is being pushed into the furthest regions of the mind and forgotten...bars are opening tourists are spending. All is good in the Land of Smiles.
  9. Multinationals doing as they are told and losing profit? Good luck with that.
  10. belonging to the long nose short arm deep pocket tribe I hold every puff in until I start to see spots before my eyes from the uptake into my system. anything other than that and you're wasting your time and your money
  11. Says a troll profile with 14 posts. Thankyou for your pov sir it is always welcome. I will take that under advisement and remind your good Christian self of Genesis 1:29
  12. Beachfront entertainment then retire to soi6 for beer...heaven on a stick
  13. maybe he is just checking to see if having had a vasectomy the colour changes, she's told him it does.
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