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Everything posted by wombat

  1. With a Shinawatra in the mix of contenders the outcome is obvious
  2. Putting nappies on them was the straw that broke them moo cows back so I've been told
  3. all the people I know who use social media for profit do it on their backs
  4. Annexing the island and renaming it Little Russia?
  5. the rules changed once they got it back and nothing happened...why would it be any different with Taiwan?
  6. and the sabre rattling continues... meanwhile... China owns Taiwans infrastructure by proxy and can shut it down in hours. couple that with hypersonic missiles making naval warfare obsolete and there wont be any red white and blue fist rising from the ocean to save Taiwan when it happens
  7. A common complaint when those that love him and I do mean love him can see they are being shafted by the dinosaur squatocracy.
  8. What a shame the votes from those not in attendance didn't go to the popular choice by default?
  9. plug in the Chinese facial recognition software into the Thai system...tether them...jobs done
  10. now dont you go getting all logical here please
  11. did he really expect the squatocracy to go without throwing every roadblock they could? the squatocracy fear him worse than a dose...their way of life is about to change and change is the one thing they fear
  12. the squatocracy are scared of him. my friend with benefits loves him.
  13. you can have any sort of democracy you like just so long as its the one the squatocracy want.
  14. thats cute...they can now park it up at the sub base the Chinese have built in Cambodia. game set & match to China.
  15. You are both I love aren't you? Right So what's the problem? Oh and remembered to put all you buy in her name...it saves all the hassles.
  16. He sounds and looks like a drama queen using poetic license to embellish his story...there must be more to the story than he is telling...no one gets that sort of treatment for 2 tablets
  17. with the number of posts you have you ask this question? ????????
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