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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Can she put an all inclusive label on this please?
  2. I can't find what drug they are testing for in anything he said?
  3. the question I ask myself when I see abortion stuff in print is....why are men telling females what they can do with their body? As for the same sex marriage thing...who gives a rats @$$...I dont.
  4. either the end of year clean out or new stock is on its way
  5. Little Russia full of draft dodgers?
  6. Ground control to Major Tom. Start the sting the Ruskies gone.
  7. The dreaded sex drug that makes woman into deviates...that explains it all.
  8. Ain't never gunna happen...the genie is out of the bottle and it ain't never gunna go back in.🙃
  9. They were persecuted badly for such minor transgressions
  10. Probably a Biden voter...you can't take them seriously.🤣
  11. Global warming coupled with cow farts guilty for sure
  12. This bloke has lost the plot 100% Jill is running America she has the last word at night and first word in the morning.
  13. But it was on the internet it must be true.
  14. Nothing like some cultural enrichment to add spice to a night of gayness
  15. Is there a gofund me for this born again lad?
  16. Other than perhaps mirroring your own life as a whole where do you fit in?
  17. You haven't met your cashier yet have you?
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