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Everything posted by wombat

  1. no...soi 16 also known as soi arab. 3.30 ..rental car...cruisin for a bruisin ...sorry i meant ladyboy...he was lucky his fake gold necklace worth 100k wasn't lost in the melee
  2. not being a royalist other than getting a laugh out of Ginger & the Gingers Whinger while the future King prefers to identify as a tampon ...i'm rooting for Oz to become a Republic and really think all the money being spent should go on helping the homeless and the disadvantaged
  3. guns don't kill people ...people kill people. a bullet killed JFK...no one blamed the bullet.
  4. #NB...they aint assault weapons...they aint got a chrome bore. the one common denominator for all these psychos is the need for them to post macho pics of them with their weapons on social media's.tweak social media algorithm to recognise guns and to red flag them with enforcement being informed so they can go round and have a chat and a confiscation if deemed suspect.i think it would be that easy.
  5. the one common denominator for all these psychos is the need for them to post macho pics of them with their weapons on social media's. tweak social media algorithm to recognise guns and to red flag them with enforcement being informed so they can go round and have a chat and a confiscation if deemed suspect. i think it would be that easy.
  6. is it ok to smoke this then? Honest officer he told me the joint only contained weed with a THC content lower than 0.2%.
  7. Be the first one on your block to have it tattooed. It seems to have worked in the past.
  8. Why? My guess is they are stronger than the minority that want to change the constitution. The solution is very simple... The common denominators are all these wanna be scumbags advertise their macho on social media's. Tweak the algorithm so it recognizes guns ammo rifles. When the censor botts recognize them they get red flagged to enforcement who go round for a chat and confiscation. Guns don't kill people...people kill people.
  9. Statisticaly nicotine is harder to give up than heroin.
  10. Economics 101 is happening. Without war to fuel industry capitalism fails. The world policeman is out selling Lend Lease agreements for disposable things that kill.
  11. Sadly the alternative is comrade what's his name...that would be a real travesty. BOJO knows he is on a good thing and will stick to it.
  12. WS can't be anymore family friendly than it is now... The family that plays together stays together.
  13. You may not ...the EU sure as does. Anything EU can do to spank UK for leaving then Brussels will.
  14. No...other countries are doing that for him.
  15. Tweak the social media algorithm to pick up on guns rifles & ammo. Red flag them to local law for a chat and a confiscation. With the countries south of the border those that want weapons will get them. The protagonist in these shootings are all ratbags who advertise on social media. Guns don't kill people...people kill people
  16. In reality he and his mates were practicing to get wheel changing jobs at the F1.
  17. Be careful that's 2 days in a row the same thing has been said...two flips don't make a flop.
  18. Realistically....what's a parliament rec club without a practice dance room to hone the soft shoe shuffle?
  19. Doesn't matter...all the amulets were up to date.
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