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Everything posted by hkt83100

  1. I recommend going back to school and learn a little about math. 0.50 is 0.500 is 0.5000, or half a percent.
  2. Exactly the same happened to me. I ended up driving to Korat, spend about 1 minute doing the report at the office, and returning. A waste of 5 hours and about 200 kms.
  3. for me a glass of red wine works pretty well.
  4. Driving without a shirt can be a reason for another fine. 😉
  5. "Consequently, he was transported to Pak Kret Hospital 2 for medical treatment and a blood test to determine his blood alcohol content." Be patient and read on 😉
  6. Looks more like a brain failure. In driving school I was taught to use the same gear downhill like uphill. But what is a driving school anyway?
  7. And this is Thailand News? Amazing...
  8. Nowadays it is quite common for commercial airplanes to have a fine piece of equipment called "autopilot". P.S. Sorry Simon, I read your comment after writing this.
  9. Looks like that's roughly the time when the kids are out of school and start tik-ing and tok-ing like crazy. How about Sunday? Same effect?
  10. I recommend using your phone and a software called "U Scanner". I works well, does a great job at cropping and de-scewing the image, correcting the exposure. It can save your image as a graphic or as PDF. And it is free.
  11. Unless there are some potholes making i inconvenient to use the leftmost lane. 😟
  12. No, they will not. At Immigration just tell them you want to buy a motorbike. They will give you the necessary form. They also will ask for about 300 Baht for this, even though it is officially free. I asked for a receipt, which I did not get. But they wanted no money any more...
  13. Did you try to get it from your Amphoe? It is free, and it takes about ten minutes to get it. And no bribe like at the Immigration. And it saved me a roundtrip of 180 km for the last extension of driving license.
  14. A long time ago I read about this problem, but I lost the text due to a disk crash. Someone mentioned the name of the form to fill out at the bank. It was not power of attorney. The problem is the account has to be in a single name, but how can a partner get the money from the account? I remember there was a English and a Thai term for it... Thanks for any hint in the right direction.
  15. On the other hand I would like to know why most of the toilet doors are lower than the other doors in the house, normally. To be seen in many restaurants.
  16. For me, Sprouts would destroy even the best dinner, I hate that stuff from deep within my heart. All my life. Disgusting. Luckily, in almost 30 years in Thailand I never confronted that pest. But I don't mind if someone likes it. Up to you.
  17. Publish the name and you will be sued for defamation. Not very easy to understand, but that's the famous law.
  18. It is a preparation for Tesla auto-navigation.
  19. I hope you will not get sued for defamation.
  20. Maybe it would be helpful to remove half a ton of extra mirrors and head lights from the truck?
  21. Quite a few years ago I had some problems when leaving the country for a visarun. It happened at Pedang Besar that the IO told me, "You are not in the computer." I helped him by suggesting to look up first and last name instead of last and first name. But otherwise, the Immigration computer was always right in 29 years...
  22. Better do away with these stupid sales times for alcoholic drinks (11:00 to 14:00, 17:00 to ??:00).
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