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  1. Follows long-time friends and delinquents who pose as DEA agents to rob a house in the countryside, but end up unintentionally revealing and unravelling the biggest hidden narcotics corridor on the Eastern seaboard.
  2. But apart from the hit and run, wasp attack and footy, how're you really feeling................. Seriously though mate, what do you think of Vossy as a coach? I've never really rated him. Reckon he was lucky to get an extension when people were all talking about "stability needed at Carlton" You're 2-8 in your last 10 games and those wins were over WC and Norf.
  3. Reckon you might not enjoy it as much as the US version. I enjoyed it more because I saw it first. When you sought of know the outcome etc, it loses a bit. Still, I enjoyed both.
  4. The whole season has dropped.
  5. Don't think too many saw that coming peeps. Someone needs to do a welfare check on Radar.
  6. The Bay of Pirates for seasons 1 and 2 is your friend.
  7. I preferred the Israeli version Kvodo.
  8. For minors, you will need to have a form 1229 completed. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/form-listing/forms/1229.pdf
  9. If you can't find one in a shop, you can get them at Lazada.
  10. Thought this was excellent. Two part series. The Real Unforgotten. Detectives unearth new leads in a forty-year-old murder case, methodically reconstructing events from fragmented evidence and aging testimonies.
  11. I either misread it or the article is incorrect. Looks just like the usual CPI index of around $4.00 PF.
  12. From what I read, it's a fortnightly increase of about $75.00. Pretty sure expats will receive it as well.
  13. Series 3 of Dark Winds has started.
  14. Afternoon gents No point in a wrap up or ladder as there was only 2 games. Time to punt the opening round I reckon. Until next time.
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