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Everything posted by Will27

  1. The first 3 episodes are pretty much everywhere.
  2. No she doesn't. But she told me Australia had a reciprocal agreement with Greece so she can apply from there.
  3. The Tattooist of Auschwitz Whole series out there.
  4. Sorry for the late update gents, but the forum was playing up. Anyway, that's it for another round of footy. Both Chooks and FJ picked the card. The Milky Ways go to FJ due to the margin. Well done boys. Still pretty tight at the top with Radar leading the way. Until next time.
  5. I assume he's talking about getting taxed as a non-resident.
  6. Season 3 next week.
  7. Looking forward to this one. June 2nd,
  8. You know it was about you Einstein.
  9. Check out his posting history. I'd say he's on the spectrum.
  10. Secrets of the Octopus. Thought this was terrific. Octopuses are like aliens on Earth: three hearts, blue blood and the ability to squeeze through a space the size of their eyeballs. But there is so much more to these weird and wonderful animals. Intelligent enough to use tools or transform their bodies to mimic other animals and even communicate with different species, the secrets of the octopus are more extraordinary than we ever imagined.
  11. That's the first series. Season 2 just started.
  12. Series 2 just started.
  13. Well Tipsters Another great round of footy. Radar has picked an excellent 6 and now has the lead. He gets the Wagon Wheels for this week. The round starts on Wednesday this week. Until next time.
  14. London police officer DC Hana Li is escorting Dr Matthew Nolan back to Beijing where he has been accused of a crime. However, on board flight 357, she finds herself embroiled in an escalating conspiracy and a growing number of murders.
  15. I enjoyed it but thought it should've been condensed into 5 episodes. Thought 7 was a bit long.
  16. Radar. When I said it was "great to see you back". I was lying.
  17. if it's basic information, maybe try one of the larger chains in Australia like H&R Block. My mate here gets his done by them.
  18. Under the Bridge Reena Virk, a fourteen-year-old girl, went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Seven teenage girls and a boy were accused of the savage murder.
  19. The story follows the writer and performer Richard Gadd's warped relationship with his female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma.
  20. Series 2 of the excellent Blue Lights starts tonight.
  21. Well Peeps That's it for a round full of upsets. Five picked five with FJ getting the Toblerone for this week. Ozzydom still the leader of the pack. Until next time.
  22. It's not fair at all. It only applies depending on what country you're in. I have a friend living in Greece who will be able to apply from there in a few years.
  23. I don't need to report you to the mods. Most of your posts are inane and have no value.
  24. This topic is about the 2 year qualifying period. FYI, I'm not on a pension.
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