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Everything posted by smedly

  1. and you missed my point entirely - I know exactly what a VPN is, I have qualifications in IT remember that a VPN is provided by a 3rd party so you need to be trusting them also, it adds another layer into the mix when it isn't necessarily needed
  2. if you are happy then up to you Nationwide is highly secure - card reader Wise - is a transfer company so no risk there as it doesn't carry a balance Bangkok Bank - ATM only do you trust your VPN company - I see no need to use a VPN for the purpose you describe above But like I said it is entirely up to you as long as you are happy and confident - plenty of reading on the net for this type of thing
  3. my debit card is disabled for any type of online or in shop transactions - if I wasn't able to do that I wouldn't have the card
  4. it really depends on how secure you think your phone is or how safe all the apps are that you have installed - nothing is 100% safe and there are some very suspect apps in circulation - up to you really.
  5. it depends on the country you are travelling to as to what they will accept - nothing to do with Thailand I believe the UK for example will accept the certificate but then an airline may not - probably better to get the internationally recognised document if intending to travel overseas
  6. have you heard of a computer, and I agree with him about banking using an app on a phone - it is very risky
  7. I agree with this - it is only recently I decided to get an ATM card after years of going to the branch to withdraw money in person, it is a debit card but is disabled for anything other than ATM use - too risky IMO and also if you do become a victim they don't make it easy to get your money back, I also get an sms when there is any activity on my account
  8. what it should be telling them is that the junk they are buying from China is all but useless and a total waste of money but then of course we all know why they are doing it - if there's a budget they can fudge it
  9. When you read the above you soon realise something very obvious - the solution to get foreign tourism going is staring them in the face and I bet they still can't see it
  10. when tourism accounts for 20% plus of the countries GDP they are all reliant - they just don't have the brains to work it out
  11. That whole statement doesn't make any sense - ask a stupid question and you will get ...........................
  12. ha ha, I grew up in a more modern house than my grans, I wasn't around in 1954
  13. ok ? a 240v mains socket in the shower and years ago (pre 1950) houses were wired differently - lighting circuits were heavy guage and in some cases the only electric source in a room - wall sockets were round pin if they were there at all and wiring ran on the outside of walls, I remember my grandmothers house - and street lights were gas lol Irons were not electric
  14. jesus christ almighty charge your phone while taking a shower that is a UK socket and the bright spark looks Indian
  15. Phuket is as open as they come right now and yet after the first 6 weeks of sandbox which saw about 34k people arriving they have barely broken 8k the following 6 weeks - they have exhausted the returning retirees and Thai's, very few actual tourists are willing to put up with their money gouging red tape no matter how many times they declare shut down Thailand open - it is fooling nobody
  16. We have had domestic tourists come and complain there is absolutely nothing to do because nightlife and entertainment are still mandated closed and many business owners won’t open unless the situation dramatically improves.” well according to your big clever boss top man at TAT yesterday - he doesn't want bars and nightclubs to open at all - ever, this is coming right from the top man in charge of tourism in Thailand and he is obviously smarter than you to be in such an esteemed position Most of the stupid people who don't have big jobs like that know you are actually talking sense ???? but what do we know
  17. it has happened it's called revolution but is very messy - it hasn't happened in Thailand so far but I think this is the closest it has ever been
  18. yes but in most cases around the world there are people running countries that have something semi solid between their ears
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