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Everything posted by smedly

  1. the public did not elect him in either roll, exactly what is wrong with so called Thai democracy, these people are appointed as members of a party but not individually elected by the people, it's a fudge of alliances and deals and you end up with people who were never directly elected by the public put into top jobs
  2. revoke their visa and/or permission to stay, they are adding nothing of any value to Thailand/Pattaya...............deport them
  3. the world has moved on why haven't you
  4. this why I cut my own hair or it is now OMG
  5. there is a positive lol I can imagine the prelim negotiation - do you swallow ? yes I swallow everything how much ? all
  6. how do you know they were ladyboys ?
  7. welcome to the world of business I assume the real complaint here is that they would not co-operate with your price fixing collective
  8. was that more important to you than a drunk behind the wheel since you never mentioned it. I hope they all fully recover too and the drunk driver goes in the slammer - gets deported and pays a hefty fine and compensation, drunk drivers are killers
  9. most civilized countries (if not all) have binned all covid emergency legislation months ago, what is wrong with Thailand Mr Prayuth - maybe it is you and your top team, the people don't support you and you know it,that is the only reason for this emergency decree - nothing else
  10. they have busted a ring - multiple rings kabadi kabadi - ring busters
  11. don't do it just yet, throw a few more billion emergcy budgets out there or shou;d I say "in there" it really is a shame that those in power these last 8 years have exempted themselves from declaring their income and wealth, that fact alone would make my blood boil, I wish the people would waken up and realize what these greedy ## are doing
  12. how about the boat captain who was in charge of everything going on on his boat, he is 100% responsible for all activities on his boat, he is the guide
  13. over the last couple of weeks they have been out painting road markings around Pattaya which is great if they would use a quality product fit for purpose - they are fading already, use the cheapest ## possible which turns out to be a complete waste of money
  14. well it's got sweet ## to do with the Thai voting public, if they actually had a say in the matter - Thai democracy 101, this scumbag and his mates would be in jail if the people actually had a say
  15. surely the captain of this boat should have informed the people on this fishing trip what the laws are, he is responsible for what goes on on his boat
  16. Like I have said many times - Thai clubs in Pattaya have been open until 4am and beyond since April, clubs on walking street are already open until 4am such a huge drama when it is already happening
  17. Mountain B not worthy of an uproar - what a Strange country Thailand is
  18. tragic there has been a lot of talk about building control and standards in Thailand after this negligent mess (it cannot be labelled an accident) - it is pure negligence both from the owner but more so the authorities who are ulitimately responsible for letting this business operate without proper safety assessment Also in developed countries businesses like this must have insurance but of course they will not get insurance unless the building has all the safety certificates that allow it to operate, IMO the local authorities and ultimately the Thai government share most of the blame - the owners bypassed the system because they could IMO all businesses like this must have liability insurance and to get that they must pass all building control requirements and safety The lady in the OP should not be paying a penny, it is the responsibilty of Government and local authorities to ensure the safety of everyone and when they fail they should pay
  19. Thai nightclubs in Pattaya have been rammed with hundreds of people until 4am for months - way back from when everything was supposed to close at 11pm
  20. has he come to Thailand for advice on crowd / population control maybe Gotabaya, Prayut, Anutin and Prawit can all exit Thailand together when the ## hits the fan here I heard Dubai or Montenegro is nice this time of year
  21. I sort of feel sorry for them, they opened a business and thought it was ok - they are not fire expersts - they are not experts at anything, that is why it is important to have government experts make sure that their building conforms to regulations and standards - so who do I blame - the expert authorities that were supposed to do their job and didn't - the blame for this is with them and only them
  22. buy the useless subs - cream off the budget while the people starve Time the Thai people reaslise that these budgets come from them in taxes - IT IS THEIR MONEY that these people are enriching themselves off we have seen it laid bare in Russia ...........................it is exactly what goes on here - government budgets finding ways into pockets - billions and billions and billions of the Thai peoples money just disappearing, count up all the emerncy budgets over these last 2 years - where did that money go ???????? I think everyone knows on here exactly where it went
  23. from talking to Thai friends - the tree most hated people in Thaiand are Prayuth Prawit Anutin ...........................who elected them in this Thai style demacracy which it isn't .............democracy people go out and vote and end up with people they did not vote for running the show - even Russia is closer to proper democracy than Thailand - in Russian they just dispose of the opposition ................ same here but Putin actually gets elected by (stupid people)
  24. a huge number of members and visitors if they don't get their email notification system working IMO the site is now broken and the solution doesn't seem to be a priority after going on now for almost 10 days This site cannot function properly without notifications - surely someone must realise that
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