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Everything posted by smedly

  1. I'd be willing to bet that most of it goes into someone's pocket - who is checking ?
  2. sack the lot of them pointless stupid rules that they can't even explain the soon this lot are gone the better more wood
  3. very simple answer to that - "money" stemming from total control how do they get away with it - zero accountability and rules written to protect themselves and every one of them has their hands in the cookie jar including senior government medical advisors - anyone that speaks out is silenced
  4. it is theft and police should be treating it as such unless of course it is not registered in his name
  5. let me interpret that The US is not willing to sell Thailand an F35 - they can have a replica which might look like an F35 sort of - in shape only, I would be very skeptical that they would even get that, there is absolutely no way the US would supply technology like that to Thailand ..................... dream on
  6. Charlie - they have absolutely no clue what they are doing - they have been stuffing huge money into their pockets these last 2 years they will come up with any nonsense to keep it going - I hope that some day Thailand will have leaders with a collective IQ above my age and that the Thai people will actually understand what a bad deal they are getting and remove these goons from office - surely they must have realised by now, they need to realise that they have the power
  7. ok I am talking about Pattaya but I assume Phuket is the same - the "people" have already dumped your mask mandate in the ##### - why would anyone walk down a street wearing a mask then take it off entering a bar ........................... more stupid nonsence I cannot express the stupid in any reasonable way more wood
  8. and how exactly are going to know this ? stupid nonsense........and more wood PS - covid is over........move on
  9. how many budgets over the last 2.5 years - trillions, where is the money ? no fiscal accountability and quite frankly Pheu Thai would do no different a fine example of what happens look no futher than Russia - all their big cruisers and properties all over the world worth billions - all money they stole off the people, my opinion is Thailand is actually worse, what can the Thai people do about it - well that is really dire .................................. but it needs to happen unfortunately
  10. I agree with you, if there is the slightest hint of true demacracy here were the people actully elect those in charge there be another military take over, unfortunately the only way to break the mould here is for a huge civil revolt, there is no democracy here - yes people go out and vote woooopeedo but end up with a collection of uneducated #### running the country who never actually won anything, anyone that looks like may challenge them are disbanded and arrested on some dreamed up nonsense, the only way to get rid of them unfortunatly is dire ............................. these ### will keep on thieving from the people until the people take controlj......................there is no true democracy here and the sooner the people realise that the better - but it will be bloody for example - no MP in the UK can sit in office unless they win their seat as voted for by the people ........................................who voted for Anutin or Prawit - they were in parties that got votes so they placed themselves in office - as for Prayuth - well who elected him ?????????
  11. yes walking around in walking street which they take literally - walking
  12. wow what revelation, people running things are actually elected by the people
  13. bars and clubs have been open for weeks, absolutely rammed these people need to get a dose of reality, the world has turned a corner, people are fed up to the back teeth of excessive stupid rules and those that want to keep this cluster going Covid is over - why are they not getting it in Thailand enough more wood
  14. can someone make sense of that please, evidently the source IMO is severely lacking in an education ......................... more wood
  15. a deal was done, he will sell property very likely funded from the proceeds of crime - this ### should be investigated in his home country - assets seized and confiscated unless he can prove where the funds came from
  16. this young lady was butchered she is no longer with us - life cut short, very sad indeed don't know what else to say - just shocking I was going to finish with RIP but that just doesn't sound right, this young girl will never rest in peace.............................never
  17. 100% agree 8 years ? are they having a laugh, hopefully someone end this evil psychopath very soon, an 8 year sentence is pathetic and shocking
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