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Everything posted by smedly

  1. While insisting that the intent of the decriminalisation of cannabis and hemp is for medical use and for economic reasons
  2. lol beat me to it, highly recommended that Prayuth and Anutin never remove the mask, bring happiness to the people
  3. head upright - find ears - feel for elastic cords x2 behind ears - pull backwards and out, if you have very large ears "ahem" Mr Prayuth - you may need assistance
  4. what is the point - nobody voted for him to be PM (Thai Public) and the same goes for the rest of the DPM's - who (THai Public) voted for them ???????? They appointed themselves - welcome to the biggest Democracy scam on the planet The people can vote all they want but you will still end up with these uneducated @@ who will just appoint themselves - Demacracy Thai style - I think the same happens in Russian and a lot of countries that claim they let the public vote ..................................but it means absolutely nothing , if I was Thai I would be very angry nobody should be running this country unless the Thai people directly voted for them - UK PM cannot be in No10 unless the people put him there - if he loses his seat Bye BYe the so called demacracy in Thailand is a complete joke - what will change it - I dred to think but it needs to happen
  5. no mask ? please put a mask on forever, a whole nation will be very happy 6 shots ? B S
  6. you have no idea what is coming - I hope you have the common sense to get on the right side of it - the people are fed up with the unelected uneducated baffoons running the country
  7. well yes - defaulting on loans is a very serious issue - perhaps why they needed a loan from Japan - it has a better look than a default Something really stinks about this and they seem to be keeping it to themselves - wouldn't want to admit the messed up now would they
  8. yep, I think you are correct, these so called FX reserves are already collateral for existing borrowing, there suddenly seems to be a huge black financial hole emerging, this is quite shocking but no surprise
  9. where did the money from billions upon billions of emergency budgets over the last 2 year GO ??? ..................... where is it ? now you are borrowing from Japan !! why not use some of the foreign reserves you claim to have ? and 13b baht is pocket change in the grand scheme of things I smell a rat
  10. Thailand behind the curve - what's new The most manipulated currency on the planet...........................for who ?
  11. I hope it is being closely watched by 3rd parties............I smell .........................................
  12. hard to figure that one out accident - misadventure or was it a diliberate assault - attempted rape etc etc causing her to fall, the other Russian girl I am sure knows what happened
  13. nothing to do with covid but will you keep wearing yours please the rest of us have moved on
  14. I really don't know what to say undercover ladyboys could be a way of clandestine infiltration - lipstick and handbags
  15. first I have heard of this I wonder if there are other fuits that do this ?, is durian the only one weird
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