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Everything posted by smedly

  1. don't hold your breath or expect anything resembling the truth - this guy I have no doubt is very guilty of something - but ...............................................we will never know what really went on here IMO, I will reach my own conclusions when I hear about 12 year kids and attempted rape, this story is more than the lady in the massage shop and nobody wants to tell it, we might find out more if his full name is released IMO
  2. a hailing service app usually gives a very accurate estimate of the cost and the route of a journey
  3. are you suggesting that this massage shop might have been a front and was offering something more sinister or the mentioned 12yo was the womans daughter and the woman had a current or past relationship with this American I have to admit the original report on here made no sense to me, I just put it down to poor reporting I think you are right - there is a lot of stuff missing from this story Either way glad they caught this scumbag before he butchered or abused anyone else, very likely not his first rodeo
  4. welcome to my ignore list, I really have no time for foolish nonsense
  5. Either fully open the country up or don't bother - if you cannot open to locals how on earth can you open to foreigners, and your anti alcohol CCSA dinosaurs along with anti drink Prayuth should all resign, it is clear you have no clue what you are doing, it is embarrassing to watch you may personally have views on alcohol consumption but you need to realise that it is an important integrated part of tourism and many social and entertainment structures, you cannot stop it so get your heads out of the sand and face reality Get the country open again - you claim 70% of people will be fully vaccinated by 15th Oct, lets plan for that in Hua Hin and Pattaya and get things fully open to locals first, increase testing in those areas to monitor the situation then if all is good open to foreign tourists 1st Nov, this cannot go on forever, and drop the anti-alcohol nonsense - stop trying to force your personal ideals on the rest of the population - keep it to yourself
  6. they caught covid from a local who went undetected because the only people being vigorously screened on Phuket were the foreign (so called) tourists who were then penalized with expensive quarantine, they got it all the wrong way round, the people being vigorously tested should have been the locals who were likely to infect foreign guests many on here doomed it to failure before it even started listing all the reasons why and you still went ahead, it has been an epic failure and still is, now you propose to open up Hua Hin and Pattaya with the same failed format, this is just shocking stupidity. Either open the country up or don't - if you cannot open to locals how on earth can you open to foreigners, and your anti alcohol CCSA dinosaurs along with anti drink Prayuth should all resign
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