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Everything posted by smedly

  1. the most obvious point here is ............................."""IF""" you'd done something wrong!!! in a lot of cases you haven't and that is the problem
  2. The fact they feel the need to put this out there IMO is admission and evidence they know they have a serious problem - everyone has known it for a very long time unfortunately it goes right to the top and is imossible to do anything about it can anyone imagine what would have happened to that Taiwan actress if she hadn't been smart enough to wait until she was out of the country before blowing the whistle on the Thai police - I be willing to wager she'd have been locked up or worse
  3. so who is actually providing the expertise in this fantacy - it is very obviouly nobody in Thailand here is what students across the nation are doing - having deadly pitch battles in the streets - the future of Thailand
  4. try finding one of these so called taxi's actually sober after 12am and I am serious. I see them sitting drinking at their ranks throughout the evening - I use taxi's to get home from a night out as I prefer to leave my vehicle at home when drinking, it really is shocking how many of these riders are drunker than I am in the small hours - I have a few reliable guys that I will call by phone to come to a location and take me home - they never drink - I even have a rider that is already drinking at 7pm at my condo - I am going out and they think it is ok to be drinking - I refuse to take a ride with this particular rider because they are already well oiled when I am going out. as for the battles that go on between win and bolt - there is a simple explanation - with bolt we have a defined fare that is generally much cheaper than the rip off win riders - they don't like that - they don't like the fact that if they were all working for bolt they would not be able to rip people off - that is the problem right there.
  5. why so much dust in Thailand concrete roads is definitely one of the reasons, I am no engineer but if done on the cheap they release huge amounts of particles into the air
  6. if local cops attended this scene first - then anything is possible - I am pretty certain that whatever we have read about this so far is fiction - the can say whatever they like and nobody is in a position to question it details like who found him are seriously lacking in this "story" I remember someone compiling a dossier of Koh Tao mystery deaths and it is compelling - the biggest and most talked about on here was Hanna and David - don't want to get into that one but that was the biggest stitch up I have ever witnessed in my life - there were so many things wrong in so many ways
  7. you know what - even if an autopsy was done I still would not believe the results - people are instructed what to say - even doctors
  8. so what happened to him assume everything you have been told or read is BS unless you actually attended and saw with your own eyes - then sorry but they are just words, they can say and report whatever or what they are instructed to say and report, does not mean it is fact, did this guy have a gf, I wonder where she is ................. in hiding ?, in fear
  9. this is so funny but also genius, as they bus the chinese tour groups around like lemmings to various "select" rip off businesses they have just added the bt10k x2 vaccination mandatory stop to the rip off operation
  10. you are missing the point, they are not police in that capacity, off duty means "off duty" - if you had any clue about policing you would understand exactly what I am talking about just leave leave it there, no point in discussing it further
  11. everyone on that island says and does exactly what they are told - no exceptions
  12. the point being - who told his friend these details, sorry but I just do not trust anything from this place
  13. someone of that age dieing suddenly will always attract police attention - it is reffered to as a sudden death - the police will want to know the cause of death, there may be a medical history that explains why a person may have died suddenly - or they may be hanging from the ceiling with their hands tied - or they may have a big hole somewhere but just to have died like that - I would want to know I do not trust local authorities on this island - they can say whatever they want without question - not one word do I believe
  14. you are technically correct but if you were mudered and the local authorities said - nothing to investigate then there is a problem - right ?
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