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Everything posted by smedly

  1. put your phone away when trying to drive this was not the power polls fault
  2. well what's the odds they were <deleted> and driving like fools hope they recover and learn a lesson.............doubt it
  3. these scams began when large firms outsourced their call center support to India, they have become quite cleaver at what they do - it is not unusual to have someone with an Indian accent on a call center, what they do is identify known customers of paid services/online shopping etc - they accumulate this personal information either from existing call center accounts or from the companies themselves were customer data is shared by planted employees or paid for with bribes, once they have this personal data they can then target mostly vulnerable elderly people and trick them through various methods to steal from them - huge sums are involved I remember someone asking me about the number Indian eateries around pattaya that never seem to have customers - seems they have the answer
  4. explains everything, would be interesting to see who is connected to these "huge investments" - individuals, families, businesses, I am pretty sure about one in particular and we all know who
  5. it could have been smelted and ended up in anything metal, scary
  6. wow and no actual details given of the alleged offences, this is so open to abuse, countries have laws that are well defined and understood and supposedly enforced by police - this scheme just bins the whole lot and gives police powers outside the law against foreigners
  7. Bad week on the campaign trail for General Prayut as a lack of public enthusiasm makes itself known hardly a surprise since the people of Thailand never had a say in his leadership which has gone on nearly 10 years
  8. maybe you have a meaning for the word "boyfriend" nobody else has
  9. very sad RIP was this man worth it - likely not
  10. this is pretty serious, how on earth can something like this go missing
  11. not workable, deported for a very minor motoring offence is rediculous and open for abuse, if these bike gangs are disturbing the peace then think of something else
  12. didn't realise elite visa needed 90 day report - hope you get it sorted
  13. I think I can say with confidence that this ### has a history of violent abuse - this is not his first rodeo, unfortunetly likely not all of his victims are as brave as this girl to report him or they have and its been covered up or maybe they are not around to report it, I'd like to see an investigation into this ### but that won't happen in Thailand where money trumphs justice and criminal prosecution, I wonder did he ever live in the US. Pity his identity cannot be revealed - other women need to be aware of this evil ######
  14. this dangerous predator thinks he can abuse women and buy his way out of it funded by his parents, I really hope she presses charges against this abuser but I don't think sexual abuse is well understood in Thailand and he will get away with this
  15. rape and sexual violence isn't always as well understood as it is in the west, she may have been too frightened to say stop or try to escape - unless she clearly understood and consented without fear then she probably did the right thing - there is no telling what this #### was capable of - it could easily have ended badly for her ...................... what she did was wait until he was sleeping and made an exit which IMO seems to have been the right thing to do
  16. so he recently comes back to Thailand and buys a property then suddenly he slits his own throat, who gains from his death (murder) - motive is always a good place to start none of this makes sense
  17. the joke in all this is that Prayut Anutin Prawit and the rest don't need to get elected or win a vote, all they do is be affiliated to a party usually leader which somehow exempts them from actually being directly elected, it is a fudge and scam of any proper democracy I am aware of, it takes bits of various systems and leaves out the criticle parts that make them fair and functional then fudges them into an unworkable mess - it is a con, the people go out and vote and then wonder why the same people are in charge even though nobody voted for them
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