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Everything posted by smedly

  1. does the long term multi million baht visa come with free body armour who is to blame for this ever increasing backwards progression in Thailand since 2014 ............ guesses /
  2. to serve and protect..........drunks with guns dead people - of corse the big cheese will be along shortly to tell us all his police force are beyond reproach and stellar officers ..... all of them lol, and lets not add driving drunk on top of the pile of this PR cluster ## shameful - what a dangerous place this is - you expect things to improve over time ...................... Thailand is seriously getting worse - that is my experience
  3. can you also ensure that only those that are eelcted (voted for) are allowed to serve as MP's - shouldn't matter whar party they are connected only that the people voted for them as individuals ............oh but that would be real democracy wouldn't it ................ the people voting for individuals who they want in government and running the country The Thai people need to realise that as they go and vote in elections they will still end up with the same people in the top jobs ........did you directly vote for them ? well no you didn't ......but they are still there, they are members of a party only - they were not individually elected .......... not democracy, you should be able to vote into office the singular people you want there - it's a scam - you are being fooled - waken up
  4. yeah she just ran over someone for fun he was in the middle of the access road which normally would not have people doing stuff.....the bottom line - he should have had cones out so nobody would run over him while he was working - it's like any sort of roadworks - the area should have been cordended off so he and his crew could work safely ................just stupidity and what happened .....
  5. she very obviously didn't see him - why ? was he wearing something so he could be seen, probably not
  6. nothing goes on in Pattaya without the cops you are welcome to interpret that as you like
  7. The Banglamung district chief added that even though Pattaya was a tourism area, people still should not drink till late because they could feel drowsy and intoxicated, which might lead to traffic accidents. how old is this ####
  8. well we couldn't have that could we, how ### awful - imagine people coming to Thailand and enjoying themselves......................outrageous, throw them all in jail how dare they
  9. +well I thought the Tkai people should be electing and voting for who they want to run the country - these #### attach themselves to a party - doesn't matter if they did not win in their undemocratic seat - as long as your party wins even though no Thai person vote for you ........and I refer to "that person" ...................who voted for you Anutin/ Prayut ? ...............nobody did and nobody will.............................so why are we guing to end up with you ##### when nobody vote dor you to be in office ..........one thing I am sure about, there is no democracy in Thaialnd
  10. did't read the OP to this thread - why ? because you have a highly educated person trying to comunicate with wood It really is embarassing - really
  11. agree 100% and been saying it for years - one of my first observations here many years ago, it's like they stop mentally maturing at 10 years old, they can steal and nick things but it stops there, I put it down to lack of education and the general maturing of the country being held back by decades of political turmoil and by severe corruption, the country has been broken for a very long time with no sign of improvement or progress
  12. a lot of people I know have recently been mildly ill with what they described as a cold, I mentioned to them it could have been covid as the symptoms are identical, that is where we are at with covid right now, I have no doubt that certain risk groups could still get seriously ill with covid but isn't that the same for the flu so I agree with you - this thing is over China is way behind the curve on this for 3 reasons, vaccination levels and lack of effective vaccine, also severe lockdowns that prevented spread but also reduced the herd immunity effect that other countries now have, China has made a bigger mess of covid than even Thailand
  13. so does anyone know what the rules are right now ? from reading the various articles it seems to indicate that tourists from China India (and some others) will require at least a test In any developed country were proper democracy exists - a senior government head who displayed this level of incompetence would have resigned or been fired a long time ago
  14. I hope Anutin will be personally compensating finacially all those who came out the other end of this losing money, this ### has shown yet again he is not fit for office - the only thing he is good at is failure on multiple levels, who voted for him ???
  15. yes Thai expertise lol, sure why not "design" and build your own Subs - Cars - Phones - motorbikes - aircraft - TV's etc etc etc .................. well the reason you don't is because you can't, it embarrassing to think the country that claims to be the "hub" of everything has no home designed products of any quality that could be labelled as Thai ........ how's that for a hub
  16. it would not surprise me if more people are getting severely ill or worse from the flu than CV19
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