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Everything posted by smedly

  1. The all "new normal" (ruined) Khoaosan road isn't working out is it ?
  2. yes nab them when they get here then scam them out of thousands I hope people realise what will happen to them when they step off that plane - quarantine still waits either open up or don't - people are not stupid
  3. waken up #### the world has moved on what is wrong with Thailand ...................... I think everyone knows the problem nothing more to say
  4. if you can't beat them arrest them and lock them up, Thai style democracy
  5. why ?, that would be a sensible concept that is too difficult to grasp
  6. someone correct me if I am wrong Thailand recently said they had a labour shortage but want to export Thai people to work overseas Thailand brings in huge numbers of migrants from neighbouring countries to work (slave) here, were they are not covered by minimum wage etc - which quite frankly I call that abuse My not get the Thais to work in Thailand instead and let Cambodia and Burma supply overseas workers
  7. it is so obvious that everything this government does is to scam tourists - the test that should remain and makes sense is the pre-departure test otherwise scap them all, the 5 day test was to allow tourists to go out and mingle and them the biggest chance of catching covid then bang them up at huge personal expense - do they honestly think that tourists are this stupid .......................... SCRAP ALL THE TESTS PERIOD and stop this stupid nonsense
  8. are they having a laugh, also just to note, my understanding is booster shots are recommended 5-6 months after 2nd jab so what is this 3 month nonsense "EITHER FULLY OPEN OR DON'T BOTHER" these fools really are obsessed with (stupid rules) -All customers triple vaccinated (double ok if less than three months after last dose.) -All staff triple vaccinated and tested by atk rapid Covid19 test every three days -All customers, even triple vaccinated, must take an atk test within 24 hours every time they go to a bar venue. -Dancing proposed to still be banned -Bottle service banned -Promotions/parties/events banned -Hostesses banned, including sitting with customers or accepting drinks. -No shows or anything similar at this time -No toilet attendants. (This one might be ok with many)
  9. The problem I see with NZ is that they clamped down so hard that it has actually set them back months behind other countries, they cannot stop omicron from spreading and that is all they have done - delayed it, in saying that - does it actually matter - probably not but all the self inflicted hurt was for nothing with omicron
  10. a pickup is not a bus, apart from the driver the blame for this sits squarely with law enforcement or lack of RIP
  11. It is not pre-existing since it was never diagnosed His employer surely has some sort of medical cover why does he not go to his home country for treatment I do feel for the guy but he needs to go home and deal with this
  12. had to check that again for location, thought it might have been Koh Tao with a hoe and a sharktooth ring involved oh never mind Hanna and David - you are not forgotten
  13. the west right now are intoducing rules that seem to target only Russian theives and their laundering, why do these rules so far only apply to Russians ? We have plenty of scope with other countries and their leaders including Thailand who farm their ill gotten gains all over the world ................ apply the rules to them all and where did this money come from that you used to buy millions worth of properties and buy up assets (launder) in the west, prove where the money came from or we will confiscate it .....................pipe dream but seriously, it is not just Russians that are stealing from their people and buying stuff outside their home countries ............................. How does a cop or general in Thailand end up with huge sums of money and is able to buy up millions in assets in the west ........................... the rules must apply to all
  14. they want ot keep the peace - the whole piece called Ukraine Thai media should get a backbone and boycott the whole thing
  15. mounting the center curb of the road will do that - the one the poll is sitting on
  16. you are correct, I wonder was he using his phone which would not be unusual - the cause of many accidents here RIP
  17. nonsense, ATK positive is pretty much accurate, the issue with ATK tests are false negatives
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