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Everything posted by smedly

  1. and of course he drank soda all night think how many lives will be saved when self driving vehicles become a reality especially in Thailand
  2. the elderly and wise don't trust you Prayuth - the same thing is going on in Russia with a big pile of people enriching themselves over many years - lets hope that the same sanctions apply to all people who have been ripping their people off for decades - Thailand is no exception - what a dirty world we live in, if the west are clamping down on these theives that are robbing their people blind then the rules must apply to them all - where did you get the money to buy that 20m property in London or Newyork and the other 5 you own - where did the money come from ???????
  3. seems like some people of influence is making huge amounts of money from covid and want it to continue, that is the only conclusion I can come too - it has to be about money
  4. bit like saying the german war machine and Nazi's weren't really german but I get your point, I have a couple of Russian friends here and they hate Putin for many years
  5. what the AF chiefs want is a budget they haven't a hope in hell acquiring F35's,
  6. do you know anyone personally that died days after getting vaxxed - I do as it happens
  7. I am not an anti vaxxer, wind you neck in, I normally respect and like your posts but on this occasion you are way off
  8. what am I trying to prove - I am trying to prove absolutely nothing although it is a known fact that some of these vaccines can and do cause heart problems - go educate yourself
  9. another thing to be aware of is debt, a friend of mine married a Thai woman who was married before to a farang, she had run up a considerable level of debt that her new husband was unaware, she obtained the money generally from money lenders to feed her gambling habit which my friend was not aware of, soon the money lenders came knocking and told the farang he was now responsible, although she was obviously a con artist my friend felt very exposed and threatened, there were many other tails about this woman that I won't go into, over several years she cleaned him out of tens of thousands - he was a real nice generous older man in his upper 70's and got completely shafted - he refused to listen to friends advising him to dump her - go figure
  10. I very much doubt the US would be prepared to supply Thailand with this sort of tech considering their close ties with China, also the F35 isn't just a jet, it is a whole technology system integrated with other asset platforms and systems, of course that latter could be excluded, another question is - where is Thailand going to find the money to fund such a program noy only the purchase of the jets but also maintinance and support - I call this wishful thinking or a pipe dream might be more accurate - not a hope in hell
  11. why have Russia stopped flights to Thailand or have have they I see no reason preventing Russians leaving, maybe it is case of selfish Thailand wanting them to stay a spend money
  12. I think it has become very clear recently that their so called and incorrectly named mighty military is completely and utterly over stated, it is a complete shambles, they wouldn't last a week against the highly capable western military, I had a laugh a few days ago a video clip of a Ukraine farmer stealing a mighty Russian tank with his tactor towing it down the road with a Russian soldier chasing after it, or the guy in the car driving past a Stalled convoy rolling down his window and offering to tow them back to Russia....too funny What I would like to see is Ukraine airforce dropping a few bombs in Russia to see how they like it, the US did something similar on Japan early in the 2nd WW, they sent bombers on a one way mission to bomb Japan, there was a movie based on that operation
  13. at least they understand why it is happening as they can freely view uncensored news coverage of what is going on, unlike in their home country where anyone uses the word "war" is arrested and never seen again You can blame Adolf Putin for your current extended holiday or maybe he will arrange a free flight home for you
  14. Wong Amat Beach in Naklua can we have the water tested, I suspect it would not reach anyting close to western standards and would be fagged "red" as not safe ............but if you don't test then nobody knows
  15. serious lack of detail again ............WHERE THEY VACCINATED and if so with what ??????? That is a big black hole of all data or lack of in Thailand - tell the truth
  16. and all foreigners are automatic red it seems - did I miss something
  17. yes I understand what you are saying - I had same a few weeks ago but tested negative (which I did not believe), if you have had an effective vaccine then that would explain your experience, this is still a deadly virus but then so is the flu if you get it bad, people here in Thailand and around the world that are needing elevated treatment and possibly dying fit a pattern - one key factor is being vaccinated with an effective vaccine - Thailand lack of detail and status and general information just speaks to me, in the west they anaylse everything - huge data that is very accurate and also made very public - these ### in charge here are hiding the numbers because in some infantile way they think bad numbers reflect on them.......they would actully be respected if they told the truth - not a chance of that happening, and it all comes down to education - the only way they can look good is to lie
  18. this is still a deadly virus for those that are unvaccinated or those that have been vaccinated with an ineffective vaccine - the lack of information here and the lies and lack of transparency, well it is Thailand after all and they want to look good so don't expect anything that makes them look bad - you have to read between the lines .............. serious lack of detail about anything that is going on - numbers mean nothing without details - we are just not going to get it
  19. get a backbone and step outside your tiny world of greed and corruption - you may think you can sit on the fence .....................you cannot, go ahead and stay silent - that actully means you are taking sides - there is no nuetral ground with this - you either support what idiot Putin is doing or you don't, there is no stting on the fence with this
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