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Everything posted by smedly

  1. I have made many posts about this - ATK tests are unreliable, many people I know have cold symptoms, ATK negative - they are all doing the right thing and isolating assuming they have omicron, only way to be absolutely be sure is PCR test and nobody is doing that at least not farang There is no way to stop omicron - impossible
  2. The reason for the outbreak is pretty clear 1. Opening borders and Pattaya to foreign tourists without opening up enough venues to support them which created mass overcrowding in a very compact area of Pattaya that was clearly not equiped to handle the numbers 2. Telling foreign tourists that Thailand (Pattaya) was open when it clearly wasn't (see above), as I said before - either open up or don't - this was clearly a massive error to create some sort of half way house with pubs still being forced closed - how on earth was that going to work - it created mass overcrowding in a very compact area 3. who to blame - well the authorities and their stupid restrictions and opening up to tourists when they clearly were not ready which created mass overcrowding in a very compact area 4. Do I blame the few venues that tried to pack em in - not one bit - not their fault that they became overwhelmed. 5. Do I blame the tourists who swamped the place - not one bit, they were told Thailand was open when it clearly wasn't Like I have said before - either open up or don't - no half measures, and they should have opened up to locals weeks before accepting foreign tourists What next - likely a ### lockdown of their own making because of their stupid insistance on control and not allowing the place to fully open in the first place - you cannot defeat stupidity like that
  3. that is vastly different to the UK US and Europe, ZOE is a huge database in the UK The ZOE Covid study app lists the follow symptoms as the main signs of Omicron infection: Runny nose Headache Sneezing Persistent cough Sore throat Other signs can also include night sweats, fatigue, body aches and pains and nausea. ALSO Omicron symptoms: What new Covid variant research shows us so far (nbcnews.com)
  4. I would not be relying on ATK test results - they are showing to be unreliable for omicron, IMO like I just posted - if you have cold like symptoms then just assume it is omicron unless of course you want to get a PCR test - the most common symptom of omicron is a runny nose - if you don't have that then you are probably good
  5. as I said on another thread - I know of many people who have a cold right now - very likely omicron, they all tested negative using ATK - they are doing the right thing regardless and isolating until it clears up Government advice right now should be simple - if you have what seems to be a cold then isolate regardless of ATK result - simple
  6. what do you think the real number would be if they PCR tested the whole population in one day (impossible I know)
  7. I am aware of many people with a cold right now (omicron symptoms) - they all tested negative on ATK, do they have omicron - very highly likely, what are they all doing - ignoring the negative ATK and isolating at home for 7 days which is the right thing to do Thailand needs to get with the omicron program - they cannot stop it - they cannot lock people up - the best advise to people right now is if you have cold like symptoms then isolate at home no matter if an ATK was negative or not - it is highly likely you have omicron and should assume so, if your symptoms seriously worsen after a few days like breathing difficulties etc then seek medical attention.
  8. are they not following events and data in other countries this is not delta, based on known data about omicron it is so far showing to be a much milder disease with those vaccinated with "effective" vaccines, you cannot stop the spread of omicron - impossible this knee jerk reaction from Thai authorities is questionable, maybe the Chinese vaccines are totally useless against omicron and that is why they reacting like this - not something they will admit to - that the vaccine they have used on 50% of the population is now useless - would be interesting to know based on emerging data omicron is a mild disease unlike previous versions of this virus waken up Thailand
  9. this is not delta, based on known data about omicron it is so far showing to be a much milder disease with those vaccinated with "effective" vaccines, you cannot stop the spread of omicron - impossible this knee jerk reaction from Thai authorities is questionable, maybe the Chinese vaccines are totally useless against omicron and that is why they reacting like this - not something they will admit to - that the vaccine they have used on 50% of the population is now useless - would be interesting to know
  10. if this was still delta or a deadlier mutation then I would not be saying what I am about to say This Omicron is going to spread to everybody, increasing evidence shows it is mild especially in those vaccinated with effective vaccines - keep the vaccines rolling out - open up and lets get on with our lives unrestricted, we have been very lucky that Omicron is what it is - it could have been much worse Time to take it on the chin and move on - we cannot continue like this - we have done all we can and now have a lucky break to see this far behind us
  11. not sure how effective they are anyway, there are many articles on the subject
  12. must have been really impressed with the full (none) compliance with any rules there is no stopping the omicron spreading no matter what, lucky it seems in most cases like a bad cold for most
  13. meaning the tests can detect sars cv 2 nut cannot identify it as omicron - other tests are required for that
  14. no kidding at least other countries including the UK and US are making an attempt testing, what exactly is Thailand doing or reporting ?, hiding numbers as usual, when you have a health minister that makes a stupid statement like "we have Omicron under control" then he has no interest in showing real numbers or trying to find them - it is called losing face and this man has no faces left You cannot control Omicron spread "impossible", all you can do is supply vaccines and hope for the best - luckily it seems Omicron is showing more and more to be mild - and it is just luck - it could easily have been the other way and then we would be in real trouble During delta I knew of 2 people total that got it in Thailand and were severely ill - both vaxed, so far I know of 10 people that have omicron and rising - they all have a cold
  15. is he vaxed and how long ago, very unlikely delta, ATK tests have small detection window if they work at all his symptoms sound very omicron not delta, years ago I have had the odd very bad cold exactly as your friend described - what should he do ?, if he has a very bad lung infection and has trouble breathing then he should seek medical assistance - if he has a sore throat and it remains that way then up to him good video to watch.
  16. what on earth are you going on about, the UK is testing almost 2m per day as for the OP - what a complete pile of nonsense, what planet is this guy on, 30% what ??
  17. because other countries are open and honest with thir data and do not try to hide it no matter how bad it is, on the otherhand we have those in power in Thailand believe publishing honest data makes them look bad so they will do anything to cover it up - it is a sign of weakness and lack of integrety low IQ and lack of education - that is what happens when you are put into power rather than voted into power by the people
  18. that is all well and good if the rules apply to "all" equally in Pattaya Thais testing positive are told to go home (place of residence) and isolate - does the same apply to foreigners ???, no it doesn't
  19. I think you will find that most in Pattaya have it or have had it - they will be adding very little to the numbers that can only be found through mass testing does anyone know if the figures published for Pattaya are PCR ATK or both - nope, hiding real numbers keeps the place open until 9pm because covid wakes up after that time
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