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Everything posted by smedly

  1. Three AstraZeneca vaccine doses generate a 121 GMT immune response against Delta I wonder what AZ would say about that
  2. who to believe, Thailand seems to have a tendency to make many claims that are never submitted for peer review and therefore are simply words that are meaningless
  3. who to believe, Thailand seems to have a tendency to make many claims that are never submitted for peer review and therefore are simply words that are meaningless
  4. easy to figure out who could have covid - breath test them for alcohol - those just eating cannot possibly be infected
  5. my understanding of arrivals means anyone testing positive up to 7 days after arrival which means it is highly likely they got infected locally, as usual they leave out the finer important details
  6. so the headline is nonsense - 46 are not in hospital care, no indication of how sick the others are - I suspect not very
  7. The reason for this is that only certain people can profit from the market - all about the money and who is controlling distribution - not hard to figure out the people who want a monopoly on this eclusive market It is either illegal or legal it cannpt be both
  8. when you go to enter a venue they will send you to an official test point - treetown being one of them, before they will test you they will ask you for you details, if you refuse to give your details they will refuse to test you and you will be refused entry into the venue, it really is that simple
  9. from another thread I have a lady friend in Pattaya she tested positive. Strange they told her to go home for 2 days, now they put in a quarantine hotel for 10 days. Why not just let her stay at home? don't know if Thai or not
  10. it was the lagoon's fault, if it wasn't there no way I'd have driven into it - I am not stupid lol maybe it was la' goon trying to drive
  11. Typical missmanagement by this government, wait until there are none left then decide to order more - keeping ahead of the cure as usual ................... not
  12. The virus dictates where this goes from here not you You can manage the efffects which you have failed miserably these last 2 years doing untold damage with stupid rules and quite frankly poor choices - I don't see that changing while the same poeple are running the show
  13. they already have your details before you take the test - there have been several people reported they are forced into isolation but no solid real confirmation, Thais are told to go and quarantine at home There is no way I am exposing myself to this - I am fully vaxed and if I suspect I have omicron (cold symptoms) no matter what a test says I will go home and isolate myself, I know of many doing this already or have done PS is you are forced into quarantine you will be paying - more like a scam to me
  14. I said this before - there is some dodgy testing going on in BKK - remember testing positive is a ## load of money they are able to gouge out of you - I smell scam all over this
  15. actions speak louder than words - as usual the public are left guessing with this government, it is truly shameful
  16. Phuket health office reports 726 new cases , out of which 468 are local and 258 are from abroad what does from abroad even mean - are these alll local infections and they trying make it look like they are new infections from New arrivals - which is IMO total word game lies
  17. I think we all know the answer if you don't want to find it the don't test in big numbers and also ignore 90% of the ATK test results - Anutin is a genius at hiding stuff and it's not limited to virus detection numbers
  18. hope all the tourists who came here for a holiday over new year are getting the full experience of this cluster ## that we have been subject too in Thailand for going on 2 years, you now run the risk of being arrested and extorted for a wad of cash and if you test positive for covid you will be taken away and detained for at least 10 days and extorted for another wad of cash - enjoy your stay, Thailand is open 555
  19. you cannot slow it or stop it - stop making these stupid statements
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