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Everything posted by smedly

  1. well it would be useful to know the vaccine and health status of those that have made up these numbers
  2. phone records etc .................................... I hope the Thai police do what they need to do, I'll bet there are a few falangs involved in this horrible exploitation of children............### them up and throw away the key
  3. seems clear that those who are getting ill and needing elevated care are either unvaccinated or they got something that doesn't work, the lack of transparecy and missing data is very evident - just my thoughts
  4. police had grounds to shoot him and rid Thailand of this ### for good
  5. why ? surely more likely to get a false negative, I believe positive ATK is pretty much solid
  6. a few came here from Dec - Jan because they were fed up chugging and the local fat birds back home have no interest lol, those fat birds would rather have a big fat fish burger x2 and smell the fingers next morning like they had something lol, too funny, what is wrong with the youth in the west they have to travel 9000 miles to get a ## ....too funny
  7. Pattaya has become Treetown and 500m in any direction - the city is dead outside of this area apart from maybe a couple of remote hot spots
  8. so what - everyone in Thailand has or will have covid
  9. are you for real, western countries are providing them with tools to defend themselves, if you have a problem with that then you are part of the "problem". #####
  10. he is very obviously not fit for purpose - hardly a big surprise is it
  11. Ukraine is right next door - don't let the slaughter put you off
  12. well I am going to say the same thing I said a few days ago The Thai government/authorities need to shut # # up They should not be commenting on what is going on - Ukraine is a free country paving their own future and then along comes mad man Putin who is trying to bomb his way into peoples hearts ............. on what level does that work ?...........in his head only it seems My opinion is - the Russian people will not put up with this just as the world doesnt, Russians who have been sent into Ukraine will already be asking themselves ........what the # are we doing here .................................... Mental mad dog Putin will be gone very soon, he will not be allowed to progress this nonsense Bye Bye
  13. Ukraine peaceful people and country have been invaded by hostile violent force directed by a despot mad man, Thailand really needs to shut up on this, there is no place for generals in democracy
  14. better to just shut it you have no right to even comment Prayut, seriously shut your mouth
  15. I have a feeling these people are not telling the truth
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