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Everything posted by smedly

  1. is this ## having a laugh listing all the things they did right would be a very short list - lets start with vaccines and go from there, then closely followed by testing and let's not exclude being open and honest with the public delusional this man thinks he did anything
  2. lets have a full independant financial audit of the government and while we are at it a full audit and disclosure of the financial status of all ministers since taking office
  3. hardly surprising is it since they have been out mixing in the community for 5 days where there is a highly infectious virus spreading rapidly
  4. again Thailand well behind the curve - other countries with high case loads are removing restrictions as we speak - Thailand should be doing the same, what is wrong with these people, a class of 6yo's could run the country better than these plonkers Time to move on - there is no "new normal" - just "normal", people want their lives back we have had over 2 years of this ### - enough is enough Find some other reason to keep your emergency powers - covid is now old news
  5. just lock them all in - ## all for a mild cold let omicron spread, enough of this insanity, it is the best immunity to covid you could possibly get
  6. it is not worldwide inflation - in Thailand it is Thailand inflation you dummy - it is up to Thailand government to take steps to curb inflation "In Thailand" just as any other country will do the same - steps the UK takes will have no effect on inflation in Thailand, stop trying to make it look like it is someone elses fault - the responsibility to control inflation in Thailand is with the Thai authorities what a plonker
  7. this is also the DPM responsible for "road safety" in Thailand, says it all really
  8. one simple question do workers from Cambodia get minimum wage in Thailand ?
  9. he's laughing at them from behind that mask because no matter what happens everyone knows exactly who rules, doesn't matter about votes - the people of Thailand can tick all the boxes they like, there is only one way this will end unless the people of Thailand book them a flight - escort them to the airport and freeze all their bank accounts .................... maybe not in that order
  10. do expand a little, the only foreign beggars I have ever experienced in Thialand are from SEA counties how do you know what people spend
  11. they likely are testing more since arriving foreigners are tested twice
  12. who did you copy this time China, are we going to see a substandard Tesla copy hitting the streets
  13. exactly, foreign arrivals have alread had 2x tests unlike most of the locals they will be mixing with, who is infecting who is the question and the bigger question - with omicron does it really matter as western countries have pretty much reduced restrictions or removed them completely, why is Thailand always months behind the curve seems the only thing that matters now is - are you vaccinated or (as increasing recent evidence is showing) have you already been infected with the virus which seems to offer the best protection - natural immunity that could last for years this pandemic is coming to an end Thailand needs to get with the program
  14. well this is going to be a busy one for ANF here is a great quote I have heard many times "no I am not gay I like ladies" lol
  15. trying to figure out what sort of U-turn the pickup was making, damage on the rear rhs - he must have been crossing lanes from the left to do this hope the rider recovers I prefer not to ride at night or in the early hours now - just too dangerous, too many drunks trying to drive, a MB taxi within central Pattaya is semi OK provided you can find one that has not been drinking
  16. is there such a thing as a one way travel bubble, seems that Thailand can approve a bubble on their end but ....................? is there also one of these none return bubbles with China - I am thinking there are ears on a Thai bubble
  17. and what about the owners/managers of companies that contaminate the sea and coast with massive oil spills - who is causing the actual damage ridiculous
  18. snogging and flowers spread covid, wear a ### at all times or face arrest
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