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Everything posted by smedly

  1. to see 50k a day they would need to be testing 4 times that at least
  2. The UK is testing almost 2m per day Thailand IMO opinion do their best to conseal numbers because they think it reflects well on Prayuth and his mates who continue to hold power on another note - worth readinging the daily Mail online which has some emerging data as more is learnt about omicron - we are not there yet but the trend is still looking very positive Reflecting back 2 years I wonder would we be talking about this if omicron had been the very first covid virus - I don't think we would
  3. people should read Daily mail online which has some very interesting data look for "Omicron may be nearly 100 TIMES less deadly than flu, scientists say" I also think it is time to start focus reporting this as omicron and not general covid
  4. smedly

    ATK rapid test

    I warned of this several times, running around Pattaya packed bars the last 2 weeks throwing caution to the wind with a ## it attitude has got him exactly where he is - no sympathy whatsoever
  5. don't agree James, we had pretty much stopped delta in its tracks as far as omicron goes - like I said - it is completely different animal and if it had been the very first strain to come along what would we saying about it - likely nothing anyway lets hope it turns out to be how it is looking
  6. I have no respect for this man in any shape or form - he turns my stomach when I see his face but it pains me to say - this just looks like a family photo from his own home
  7. The profile for this virus has completely changed - I wonder if we had started with omicron 2 years ago would we even be discussing it, as the days roll on and more data becomes available I am feeling more and more optomistic Also the impression is that omicron is replacing delta - I don't think that is actually the right way of thinking it, we had pretty much defeated delta with vaccines etc so it was on the way out - omicron has put covid on the radar again and all the measures that defeated delta are not so effective but vaccines do appear to be preventing people getting seriously ill - yes there are some hospitlisations but few of them are needing higher care and are recovering quickly Lets hope this trend solidifies over the next few weeks
  8. you are correct - all you had to do was look around pattaya these last 2 weeks and see packed venues now many closed because of virus clusters - they couldn't keep to the rules so this is the result, unfortunately many of the rule breakers were here on 2-3 week holidays and the majority will have already gone home or going home soon - we are now left with the aftermath with closures and lockdowns
  9. lack of foreign tourists might have something to do with it
  10. the article is confusing to say the least what I think it is saying is that people who happen to be police have accumulated Bt270billion in private debt that the are having difficulty repaying, it really has little to do with how they are employed
  11. airline may still insist on preflight tests - also a lot of flights do not fly directly to the UK Personally I would prefer passengers are tested before boarding a flight that I have to share with them
  12. The FDA recommended doing both no matter what the instructions said - I posted the article here last week but that does not solve the issue of "can the ATK used effectively detect omicron no matter what the sample is" I would also like to know if the detections listed for Pattaya are ATK or PCR or both, that is unclear right now
  13. not as straight forward as you think, many people under intense treatment in hospitals are from much older infections i.e. delta, many are unvaccinated, many have other serious illness There is still no clear evidence either way that omicron is milder or just as deadly as delta, if there is evidence then it has not been made officially public - this of course is critical as to how this unfolds, I expect we will know soon enough
  14. jesus Christ, I don't know who is worse - the foreigner or the Thai so called instructor for this stupidity, I'd be will to bet the Thai has no qualifications for piloting such an aircraft, I hope she survives and fully recovers and has learned her first serious life lesson
  15. you have shown consistently you offer no value to any discussion. - welcome to my ignore list
  16. every photo I have seen regarding these measures have all been during the day - everybody knows that 90% of drunk driving happens at night or in the early hours of the morning so what is the point
  17. we all have a favorite but as I get older I prefer someone else does all the heavy lifting or a lazy 66 in the morning ????
  18. I noticed tonight in passing that central Pattaya has become noticeably less busy, several recently popular bars remain shut, I think many Christmas tourists are now on their way home or are in the process of - possibly now isolating before critical pre flight PCR testing
  19. I was under the impression that people could be charged and convicted in Thailand in their absence - a law that was changed years ago, if they chose not to be present then their problem
  20. why ? and agian raises serious questions about the reliability of current PCR testing in Thailand
  21. want to hear my story of having a really bad flu 30 years ago we all need to take stock of what is going on now, I read somewhere recently from a virologist that we are now dealing with a completly different disease - I believe him
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