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Everything posted by smedly

  1. how effective are Chinese sourced ATK'S at detecting omicron some concerns have been raised with test kits in the west with reports of false negatives
  2. do you think standards are properly enforced by thai government agencies ? could it be that a lot of these construction companies are foreign owned and run ?
  3. number of omicron cases detected daily in the UK now almost 200k, number of those in hospital infected with omicro 800ish (unclear if omicron is why they are there), deaths of people with omicron 50ish (unclear if omicron caused death or they just had it) what is very clear is that infection detection rates are rising fast in the UK other key data rates are not, very complex issues at play and will take a couple of weeks to nail it down and reach conclusions about omicron but so far it is looking good SA being several weeks ahead is a good place to look at data people should not drop their guard just yet and maintain caution but what I have seen in Pattaya these last 10 days is quite disturbing - packed venues - no rules being followed - closures due to infections, they only have themselves to blame if locked down again, and for those that came here for a 3-4 week holiday good luck with your PCR test before you are allowed to leave
  4. If there was no panedemic and covid then I would agree Here is the senario Right now pretty much everyone knows omicron has cold/flu symptoms Person gets a bad cold - oh this could be covid Does ATK Test - Positive Feeling really bad reports to hospital Doctor has to admit because it is covid Person is assessed over 2 days Released on 3rd day because they are recovering and not ill enough to be there Going forward this senario could change rapidly - Feeling really bad reports to hospital - sent home People advised not to report to hospital unless XYZ
  5. I am going with what I have read and emerging data - we are not there yet, perhaps I should have made that clear, oh and vaccines are protecting the vast majority seemingly now from serious illness. does that mean anyone including me should drop their guard - absolutely not and based on reading between the lines in Pattaya I will be modifying what I will be doing over the coming days like staying well clear of crowded venues etc is this looking more and more like a bad cold - well yes it is but we are not there yet, it will take a couple of weeks data collecting to confirm exactly what omicron is - for now it is trending positive but nobody should let their guard down
  6. yes but hospital admissions and deaths are not rising the same as case numbers, that is becoming very clear, a recent small study in SA is showing the vaccines and natural immunity are keeping people from getting seriously ill - so they are working, generally it is looking like people are coming down with a bad cold, it is not unusual in the UK that some will report to hospital or a doctor for a bad cold - seen it going on for years - and now with covid even more likely, positive ATK - bad cold .............better get to hospital quick - released in 3 days, was there really any need for them to be there ?, probably not, plus there is still overlap in the UK from delta - the overall picture is rather complex and confusing right now but one thing is becoming clearer - omicron is mild - not fatal and more like a bad cold
  7. with omicron number of cases is becoming irrelevant, in SA it spiked very quickly and is now on the decline - hospital cases and deaths did not spike showing only a very slight rise
  8. if covid is showing up in Pattaya it would would be very helpful to know where and how how many, keeping information like this hidden from the general public is not helpful at all venues are supposed to test staff and observe restrictions - I have seen no evidence of any of it
  9. imagine the price "if Pigs could fly"
  10. you cannot have just 700 cases of omicron, it has an R+ rate of +3 all over the world, but of course superduper Anutin the next Thai PM 555 knows better - I hope he has an exit plan brcause the Thai people are fed up being robbed nothing much more to add
  11. data from SA is several weeks ahead but is not directly comparable since SA immunity is driven by previous infections were the UK is primarily from vaccines, for some reason the UK is witholding information about hospitalisations i.e. why they are there - what variant - vaccine status etc etc, perhaps they are gathering that critical data right now, right now as it stands it is pointles just saying that x amount pf people are in hospital detected with SARS CV 2 ...................so far that is all we know which was the point of my earlier post, if it turns out that 80% of the 9000 odd reported in UK hospitals are there for other reasons and/or have delta - unvaccinated - etc etc, those details are critical to assessment of omicron, so far they are not forthcoming in the public domain from official sources..........................yes I read the report you mentioned from London but that is not an official report
  12. that is the point, right now there is no reliable source - just missing important information
  13. "We were told after her operation she would need to be in hospital for at least two weeks and it would be six weeks until she would be fit to travel." She said: "At the moment she is in a Thai government hospital, she's been there about a week. "She had an operation where metal rods were inserted to take some of the pressure off her nerves. "They don't know about long-term damage at the moment. We were initially told it would take two years before she would be walking again but we just don't know." that is what I read
  14. recent news out of SA is very positive, I suggest people take a look meanwhile as infections soar in the UK hospitalizations due to omicron are unclear as they lack critical data such as variant and the reason why people were admitted, it is being suggested just like in SA a high percentage of hospital detections were discovered through routine testing and these people were not primary covid omicron cases but incidental - mainstream media appear to be miss reporting these critical details or leaving them out - you have to wonder why
  15. from what I read she needs to just wait at home for few weeks until she is strong enough to travel, at that time I see no reason why she cannot get on a plane with a relative to accompany her - a business class seat will likely help with this, she will not be the only person to have ever travelled on a plane without full mobility Hope she recovers fully over time
  16. if this is the case then governments including in Thailand should be providing them free since they are forcing people to wear them.
  17. there are whole countries were sick ## like this goes on often linked to certain religions
  18. ormcron is increasingly looking like a bad cold - lets hope so This current Thai government want it to continue because as soon as this pandemic is over they are over, so many people I talk to have an anger buillding that I have never seen before, they are fully aware of all the billions of emergency budgets over the last 2 years that have disappeared into a black hole called a pocket - there is anger in this country
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