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Everything posted by smedly

  1. so your solution is ##### it and too bad if you die - you might just change your perspective if you were actually responsible for anything other than yourself and more importantly held to account for the deaths you failed to avoid while in charge of a country - your attitude sounds more like anarchy - disband all police, laws and governments and every man for himself
  2. simply put Thailand does not have a welfare system - if you don't work you don't eat, Thailand could not afford a welfare system - they might have a chance if they cut out corruption and the huge ammount of money going into the pockets of those in high places
  3. they couldn't stop delta and will be unable to stop omicron - lockdowns etc slow down the spread of the infection over a longer period which in turn relieves stress on health providers and avoids having to treat large numbers of very sick people over a very short time - there was a time when Thailand was on the brink with hospitals at full capacity and having to turn people away and that was with restrictions and lockdowns
  4. yes that is why all restrictions were lifted in the UK and Europe several months ago and society got back to a sembalance of normality - but don't let that get in the way of your tin foil hat conspiracies
  5. I somewhat agree with you but there are differences between SA and say the UK, stats show that more people in SA got Covid 19 so have a larger number in the population that have natural immunity, the other significant difference is the average age of the population SA being a lot younger, both those factors could be the reason why the data in SA is not directly comparable with say the UK
  6. judging by the huge number of parked motorbikes around all the open drinking venues every night - drink driving is rampant and that goes for foreigners and Thais, I really hope many are caught
  7. since Thaland doesn't do mass random testing they will be flying blind with omicron - the only people they yest are those arriving from outside Thailand and those presenting to hospitals and their contacts They will rely on data from countries that do mass test, we are currently not far enough into this omicron to assess exactly how this will pan out but one thing we can be sure of - omicron is here and it will spread very quickly
  8. Lets hope they remembered to tell Andrea Bocelli about this booking and also that they would have to quarantine for 7 days
  9. This is were people get confused with terms Covid 19 is the actual disease that the SARS CV 2 virus causes, vaccines prevent the disease - they allow the body to defeat it before it has a chance to replicate and make you sick from covid 19
  10. I think we read the same report but what you left out was that in the lower resperatory it is 10 times less prolific, it seems to have developed into a spreader but not so much a killer - that was the general takeaway from the study ..................it's a bad cold lets hope it turns out that way
  11. wow only two, is this a joke, pretty obvious that many "bars" opened middle of last week - when is a bar not a bar - they must have forgot to put a Grab poster out front lol Hilarious what is going on here right now Most of the "restobars" that are open are packed to the brim - there is an obvious need for more bars to open to relieve the pressure especially now that omicron will be spreading fast everywhere
  12. omicron is here there is no stopping it, it spreads like the common cold, a recent study in HK suggests that just like the common cold it primarily infects the upper broncial tubes and is less virulent deep in the lungs - so far this is a good sign
  13. OMG with a track record like his how on earth is he still in office, the sheer arrogance of this self appointed ## is shocking
  14. it was always a risk this could happen, many on here advised people not to travel to Thailand right now or anywhere for that matter and leave it well into 2022 I hope you recover your money if you decide npt to travel
  15. why did they leave out metal detectors - face and fingerprint scanners - DNA - blood test -pee in a cup and a stool sample
  16. so this is a huge change in policy, it seems vaccination is no longer enough who is making money from test kits ?
  17. a bit late after the fact with 3x people dead, two offences likely committed - speeding and drink driving, it is of little use charging these reckless idiots after they have killed 3 people RIP - so sad
  18. pretty much defines the range of policing in Thailand - they are not capable of much else There are much more serious offences to deal with
  19. All hail the mighty and powerful Anutin who going forward will be judged by his numerous cataclysmic failures I hope the Thai people have the resolve to rid Thailand of these self appointed ### once and for all - they cannot be removed with the ballot box so they will have to find another way.
  20. got the nod means they were told they could open on the QT .............................. unofficially The official line is they are not allowed to open, I hope that clears it up for you
  21. what official announcement? I know many bars that have been given the all clear - they have been closed up to yesterday and they are not "pretend" restaurants, they are now open, I also know a couple of the owners
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