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Everything posted by smedly

  1. yes I am aware of that and as I said previously "early data suggests" but there are those on here that just seem to spend time picking holes in what other people say instead of going and checking for themselves - sad really
  2. he also links the sources for all his presentations - ivaluable work that I don't need to do
  3. research SARS CV 1 - remember that one, completely wiped itself out
  4. no they are not, many were admitted to hospital for covid unrelated reasons while there tested positive - they are NOT being treated for covid they are simply positive and asymtomatic
  5. Try this - how many of those admitted to hospital in SA were admitted for covid and how many of those actaully required treatment specific to covid when it was was discovered they were infected through a manadatory test - the data is not as clear as you are making out
  6. what he does is gather research from around the world from the experts and produces it for the benefit of us all - he does not claim to be and expert
  7. OMG - please read up before posting - you are way off with this one
  8. yes it can go either way but early signs are positive which is good news
  9. I assume you are english speaking and understand exactly what I posted - I did not claim it was a fact - I thought my post was quite clear "early data suggest"
  10. recent early data suggest that this variant could end the pandemic
  11. if you access on a PC then on the left you will see inbox etc scroll down and click more then scroll down
  12. I wonder if the office are getting the reports on a possibly new system maybe their spam system is filtering them out too
  13. I am the same as you - new extension a few months back but here is the kicker - the very last online report I did which was around the time of my new extension - when I downloaded to approval record it had the date of my new extension 2022 Then later when I tried to do an online report a couple of weeks back I got the same result as you - said something about overstay and would not allow me to do it online yet the system does seem to have my updated extension - go figure
  14. all they now need to do is explain what their job actually is
  15. there are many that work in the private sector were I suspect they actually know what they are doing, it seems that government web applicatios are developed by people who have no clue and are employed and awarded contracts for reasons other than ability and capability
  16. since Pattaya is now a blue zone this nonsense sits with the goveror of Chonburi and possibly the mayor of Pattaya - nobody understnads why they are doing this and they have given no rational reason - this sort of stupidity will result in defiance - rules work and people comply when they make sense - none of this makes sense - I suspect that corruption is at the heart of what is going on - no surprise there, if they don't make changes soon then they will loose public support It would be interesting to know the business connections to an area that that has been breaking rules fot months and not a thing is done about it ..............................Treetown and one 7/11 across the road - I suspect ownership of these two businesses will reveal exactly what is going on and why - someone in a position of influence is making a lot of money
  17. Thailand increases “Blue Zone” destinations to 26, eases more COVID-19 curbs nationwide - Thailand News - ASEAN NOW - News, Travel & Forum
  18. Pattaya is now a Green Zone and yet the mayor and governor still refuse to allow restaurants to serve alcohol - could it be as simple as the governor or mayor have a familky interest in Treetown which is basically the only show in town and has been packed serving alcohol for months and is ignored by the cops - right now that is all I can think of, Pattaya now green means they have been given permission from the CCSA to allow restauants to serve alcohol and yet they still resist, it is all I can think of
  19. so Pattaya is now a Blue Zone but still restaurants cannot serve alcohol - what is up with that ????
  20. This hasn't and still doesn't make any sense - there is something very underhand and sinister going on with this especially concerning restaurants
  21. while the restrictions on alcohol sales continue in Hua Hin and Pattaya they will remain just as they are .........................................empty, why would anyone want to go to either
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