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Everything posted by smedly

  1. they can introduce as many laws ruled as they like but without proper enforcement they are useless If the UK or US decided tomorrow that police would no longer enforce traffic laws how long before the still existing laws are totally ignored - that right there is were Thailand is at
  2. like I have mentioned many times - Treetown soi Buakeow was fillied to overflowing this week - we now have crowds of people probably now well over 1000 all crammed into that area and onto the road and street - treetown has been serving alcohol for weeks if not months - it is the only show in town and quite frankly absurd that they will not open anywhere else to relieve the pressure I wouldn't normally name such activity but this is so bad - they have to realise there is no choice but to open other venues urgently - a possible solution might be to open LK metro - it is a single street and could easily be controlled in terms of covid as it has only one way in and out at either end and of course they need to allow restaurants to legally serve alcohol
  3. Yes it went from 0 to 2, that's a huge increase in percentage I wonder how long they had to wait for that photo
  4. according to him, someone that likely will make a huge ammount of money, nothing like trying to promote your own pocket
  5. donated being the important factor here, the Thai health ministry has nothing to do with this - they are still a failure
  6. Gathering in groups for parties ???? you told them Thailand was open when in fact in places like Pattaya very little is open, all it took was a few hundred extra tourists in town and certain places like TreeTown are crammed with people every night - there simply is no other place to go at night You cannot invite tourists to Thailand claiming it is open when it clearly isn't - it's a blatant lie and is now causing severe overcrowding in the limited palces that are open and clearly breaking existing rules something needs to change
  7. Let me interpret the OP into a simple one liner """Why is nobody coming"""
  8. Half truths are ok - just say you are playing "pull"
  9. exatly and now just as they were told for months - tourists are not coming Phuket sandox was a massive failure Their reopening (not open) cluster is a massive failure (millions didn't come and aren't coming) How many failures does it take to screw a lightbulb in
  10. Pre Covid this "airline" was a failure ............... now they are tring to sell food ??? Give me 6 months in control and full access to the accounts and I will fix it and I must also be allowed to bring criminal charges aginst those that have been filling their pockets for years - I am sure they are very wealthy now
  11. There was enough stuff going missing without this This is a step backwards for sure, how can any postal service function without registered mail - they may as well close up shop
  12. so does this mean they can drive like nutters and never be fined or prosecuted under Road Traffic Laws
  13. From totally banned to untold riches Well for the crooks that control it and we all know who they will be
  14. well said and 100% correct and for those that have failed PCR tests on arrival - I'd be willing to bet they are from only one or two countries that should now be red listed for producing fake test docs
  15. I want to know how he got his job That is of more public interest than the garbage that comes out his mouth
  16. I put all that info in when I registered and got the email response and approved - nothing since then I guess there's a slim chance I put something in incorrectly but I doubt it still this isn't really about the app is it - it's about not being able to do it online when the system clearly has my updated extension date for 2022
  17. I have never used the app for anything before - so how could it find any data - your sign in is a password and an email
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