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Everything posted by smedly

  1. nothing much else to do is there - and no issue having a beer at the music festival either so I would assume the same for every other event - double standards
  2. weird - honestly never heard of that, I assume Cameroon is not one of the 63, I guess you'll have to go out early or tell them to stuff their 6pm rule unless they can show it to you from an official source, I said a long time ago it was ridiculously stupid that someone could spend all day at their own home with family but have sleep in a ### hotel - only one reason for that - money gouging
  3. Torrent system shares the dowload with many nodes which is why its speed in unmatched - you still have a fast connection which is good and yes there is a limit with international connections (torrents are not affected by this the same as live streaming) 250Mb/s is less than 20MB/s ...............................B = Bytes ..........b = bits
  4. yes you can but strickly speaking that is not the same as watching content on an android box or similar - what you are doing is downloading the torrent content but just not saving it - it still gives you the choice of 1080p HD or 4k UHD = much higher quality, the drawback of doing this is you cannot watch live sports but again the streaming services are poor quality
  5. you are limited to provider bandwidth and quality - which is a real problem, I could never watch video streaming at FHD (720) resolution on a 65" TV it is just poor and hard to watch, 1080p is the bare minimum and preferred 4k
  6. I have 3bb fibre 1000/500 Bt700/m and can download just as quoted above 3gb file in 1-2mins, I have hit speeds of over 60Mbs, it is lightning fast If the OP can get fibre on the DS then don't waste your time with anything else
  7. how much if you don't mind me asking
  8. Take the turn off for BangNa pretty simple then keep right and turn right at the lights and you are on Suk, ekamai is on the left as you go down - maybe about 4km in traffic TBH I would just take the bus and leave the car, are you just going for the day, I would have driven for you if I had known earlier ????
  9. which country ? the current rules as of 1st Nov is that anyone arriving after that date and is fully vaccinated is required to take a PCR test on arrival and wait in a SHA hotel for the result - if you have not come from one of the 63 approved countries then you are involved in a whole set of different rules - IMO you are being bull ### either way maybe more info would help - like when you arrived and from what country - what you were told you needed to do upon arrival etc - as stated above it all changed on 1st Nov, as for Sanbox rules I have never heard of be in by 6pm - are you an adult lol
  10. by who and into what will give a good clue where Pattaya is heading - someone wants these businesses/spaces for something, it is still unclear exactly what There are a small group/cluster of venues being allowed (or ignored bt police) to sell alcohol right now - the problem is that as a few hundred new people arrive in Pattaya they are all crowding into this one place/area and it is now extremely overcrowded and is at breaking point, anyone living in Pattaya knows exactly where I am referring too and the chaotic scenes there every night now, this pressure needs to be released urgently
  11. yes for a while it was cheaper than a MB taxi for a single person but 2 up I think it is still cheaper as the rip off MB taxi drivers charge double for 2x passengers
  12. went out for a walk tonight and passed by TreeTown and it was rammed full of people drinking and I mean in the hundreds - there is nowhere else for any new tourists to go at night so they are all crammed into one small area - it really is at breaking point something urgently needs to change - just crazy
  13. the slow death of Thai tourism happening right before our eyes, I feel privileged to witness it first hand. Never thought I could ever possibly say this but - Thaksin please come back
  14. good to see all government agencies sending out the same message.................................not
  15. Think positive, if you get double that (16) before the end of Nov at least it is moving in the right direction
  16. I wish they would stop embarrassing themselves with this nonsense The one coke and 5 straws brigade from India are not going to save Thailand There is no doubt there are some nice foreign built hotels here but step outside into the filth and garbage and it's a whole different picture from the marble floors of the hotel I have fond memories of the pristine holiday destination in Spain Portugal Greece Italy and generally around the med - you could eat off the footpaths and general infrastructure it is so clean and engineered - absolutely spotless and not a tile out of place Thailand has had huge tourism income for decades and what did they do with it ? - stuff it in their greedy corrupt pockets instead of spending it on infrastructure - they only have themselves to blame for the mess
  17. I will be in the office anyway so will bring my bankbook with me
  18. what are the chances someone got fleeced
  19. they really have no clue the filthy rich will go and retire somewhere that isn't filthy
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