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Everything posted by smedly

  1. I don't know, I remember last year they gave me a slip of paper to come back in 3 months but not this time, it could be an individual thing - they may have looked and seen that my bank balance hasn't changed for years and decided no need for it, I will be there soon to do a 90 day report as the online has stopped working seemingly due to my extension renewal - the system thinks I am on overstay lol
  2. I spent much of my childhood (and later) doing sports and cycling etc just normal growing up stuff - there is no way you could any of it wearing a face mask - impossible even now if you were to exert yourself without proper breathing you could starve a very important muscle of oxygen which could result in a serious health problem
  3. we seem to have a so called lawyer throwing out fake info on his YT channel to earn pennies, his business must be thriving lol sounds like desperation - we have seen a couple posted on here which IMO should be removed
  4. I recently renewed my 12 month extension and when I picked up my passport the next day there was no mention of returning with bankbook to show the balance after 90 days, did they forget or have they dropped this requirement
  5. it is of course true that sea water fish are very sensitive to salt levels as are fresh water fish (with some exceptions) but the salt levels will only be affected very close to shore or at the mouths of rivers etc, all the fish have to do is swim to deeper water or swim deep away from the shore Who knows why this is happening but we do know that Thais will not take the blame for anything
  6. They arrest people for touching sea slugs or picking up old shells from the beach Maybe someone was wearing the wrong sun lotion I'm not buying the fresh/rain water explanation - more likely they came in to feed on something that we put there - any guesses
  7. for the moment I do also, but it becomes rather extreme to wear a mask outdoors or in your own car alone or even with family - on public transport or in enclosed spaces there certainly is a case for it
  8. some people seem to make it up as they go - only one way to deal with that lol
  9. 5 million - are you serious and for the record this is a discussion - I don't speak for other people but I think it is safe to assume that "society" (normal people) would like to get back to "normal", maybe you are different and I quite frackly could care less I like to read posts on here from people that add value to the discussion, I have decided that your contribution is a waste of my time so welcome to my ignore list - very few in the past meet the test so consider yourself special ????
  10. If the UK wasn't testing you wouldn't know much about it, there are certainly breakthrough infections were a few may need treatment but the vast majority (small numbers) needing treatment are the very old or those already quite ill or those not vaccinated, a booster shot seems to deal with the issue very well Society in general is fed up with this virus over the last 2 or so years and want to get back to normal - not "new normal" but normal life, life is short and this virus has robbed me of over 2 years of mine - we need to move on and put it behind us
  11. I agree with most of what you said, mask wearing in SEA is quite common but it is definately more to do with diminishing air quality but it certainly is not normal for humans to wear masks and never will be, if that is the world you see in our future then that really is disturbing
  12. I suppose the point is - humans running around wearing masks is not normal and never will be, if it serves a purpose then fine - going forward I do not see mask wearing in my future
  13. human rights abuse right there - people that come to Thailand to work should be entitled to minimum wage ............................................ it is pretty close to slavery and is definately abuse pretty disgusting
  14. well wonderful and the few hundred that have ended up in Pattaya are now cramed into one place that is active ....................................................... and now very over crowded, it was already very busy and add a couple of hundred people and it is bursting - anyone from pattaya knows exactly where I am talking about - how does that make any sense ?, would it not be better to open up and spread the load ............................................................................ we now have an over crowding issue were enforcing any sort of covid rules is impossible
  15. I noticed over the last couple of weeks some LB's around treetown in Pattaya getting very angry loud and rude (more so than usual), I think the reason is they are being generally ignored by farangs and getting no business - I've actually heard them say as much in Thai as they hang around the area talking, they are now resorting to throwing insults at people which won't do anything to improve their situation
  16. Like others my online attempt failed because I did an extension renewal recently This whole thing has been an emabarassing failure from the start - working not working working not working................I suspect that immigration officers themselves have little incentive for it to work and are quite happy to see it fail over and over like a "you can't replace us" sort of attitude and are quite pleased it keeps failing and they could possibly contribute to the failure by leaving stuff out on their screens that would fix most of the issues like updating a date field - not my job to fix it sort of attitude
  17. you cannot defeat nature with a dredger - the sand will be washed out to exactly where it came from - beach design is extremely complicated - there are ways to prevent erosion but it requires expert study not a dredger
  18. alcohol was being openly sold at the music festival in plain sight of police etc - 2 days ago a bar was raided and 30 people arrested on beach road - go figure How do they expect rules to be followed when they are routinely broken in plain sight, there are other places in Pattaya that openly sell alcohol and are also not touched, either enforce the rules or dump them
  19. I have used the online system for a long time then I had to renew my passport and it stopped working as was the case a couple of years ago, since then I did a couple of reports in person and decided to try the online again (when working) and to my surprise it worked - Note, I have never left the country on my new passport. What I usually do is copy and paste my details from an older application when filling in online form - the last 2x times it has not worked using the copy and paste method, what I found was if I entered the details by keyboard and pulldown menues it works, so copy and paste from an older from and pulldown menuses stopped working for some reason, my last 3x 90 reports have been done online without a problem and approved almost instantly So my advice is - key in your details and always use the drop down selections, I have found this to work flawlessly
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