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Everything posted by smedly

  1. nothing more to add except where is all the money going with all these emergency budgets that have been approved over the last 8 months - there is absolutely no financial accountability - hundreds of billions of baht where has it all gone Following the recent banking theft which hit the news these last few days it pales to insignificant when compared to public finances which the people of Thailand own Thailand approves $1.64 billion more support measures - Thailand News - ASEAN NOW - News, Travel & Forum
  2. yet another huge budget - where is the money going ???????????????????
  3. maybe they can explain why a victim posting on here yesterday has never used their card for purchases or ATM - there is only one way that card info could have been exposed - either from the bank or the CC company
  4. That is something you need to take up with paypal, my UK bank address is my Thai address but wasn't always - I have confimed deliery addresses in both the UK and Thailand - my last porchase on ebay was a couple of months ago from HK .......................never had an issue
  5. I wonder how many cops got a message 30mins before the raid - leave now
  6. I have paypal ebay amazon all linked to my UK bank account which also has a debit card, been buying stuff for years and often delivered to Thailand, never an issue and I feel confident there never will be but - This discussion is about thefts that took place in Thailand from Thai bank accounts - that is a different thing entirely as the OP has identified - read my above post
  7. Discussing VPN offers no value to this thread, it has nothing to do with what went on and would not have prevented this crime - it is off topic
  8. two posts from another that covers this theft In order for this scam to work two things are required A CC or Debit Card and all its details A CC or Debit card that is enabled for comercial transactions As I pay attention - a poster on here yesterday who is a victim of this theft does have a card issued by a bank in Thailand - he has never used it not even in an ATM machine, from that it is not hard to figure out that whoever stole his money had access to his card details from an internal system - so that is either at a bank or the CC company It doesn't matter where the money went or how it was requested - an insider had to have access to the card details to make it happen additionally In order for this crime to work you need - - a source for the money - Thailand bank or CC company with an insider who has access - an account with company like paypal using fake id and credentials - a bank account in a foreign country (China/Russia) using the same fake id and credentials - a team cooperating across borders at the source and destination of the stolen funds - once the stolen funds have been retrieved at the destination then this theft is over It is difficult to investigate the whole process as it will involve angencies in different countries, the Thai police primary goal is to identify the insiders at the source in Thailand People wonder why banks are so particular about making sure of your identity when opening an account - this is why, I don't know how difficult it is to create bogus accounts in say China or Russion for example but it could much easier than in Europe or the US This crime will operate for a few days just long enough for the funds to transferred and withdrawal completed and that will be the end of it.
  9. I wonder how long it will take for them to realise their plan is not working and tourists will not accept all the nonsense conditions They should know already just looking at the abject sandbox failure as it unfolded and collapsed in Phuket
  10. so additional to my post above In order for this crime to work your need - - a source for the money - Thailand bank or CC company with an insider who has access - an account with company like paypal using fake id and credentials - a bank account in a foreign country (China/Russia) using the same fake id and credentials - a team cooperating across borders at the source and destination of the stolen funds - once the stolen funds have been retrieved at the destination then this theft is over It is difficult to investigate the whole process as it will involve angencies in different countries, the Thai police primary goal is to identify the insiders at the source in Thailand People wonder why banks are so particular about making sure of your identity when opening an account - this is why, I don't know how difficult it is to create bogus accounts in say China or Russion for example but it could much easier than in Europe or the US This crime will operate for a few days just long enough for the funds to transferred and withdrawal completed and that will be the end of it.
  11. In order for this scam to work two things are required A CC or Debit Card and all its details A CC or Debit card that is enabled for comercial transactions As I pay attention - a poster on here yesterday who is a victim of this theft does have a card issued by a bank in Thailand - he has never used it not even in an ATM machine, from that it is not hard to figure out that whoever stole his money had access to his card details from an internal system - so that is either at a bank or the CC company It doesn't matter where the money went or how it was requested - an insider had to have access to the card details to make it happen and no a VPN would not have made any difference lol
  12. it is total nonsense, someone or possibly a group working for a bank or a CC company in Thailand has stolen money from bank accounts in Thailand - they are trying hard to make this look like a foreign criminal gang which it isn't, someone in Thailand may have transferred the money out of Thailand but the transaction was initiated in Thailand by someone with access in Thailand, it would not be difficult to trace.
  13. Have to laugh at these people It's a pretty safe prediction because it can't get any worse, it's like the weather man predicticting it's going to rain today while looking out the window at the rain lol
  14. Firstly, personal data of bank account owners were leaked to criminals after accounts had been set up for bill payments through applications. Secondly, account owners received fraudulent messages with links through short message services (SMS) luring them into clicking the links and inputting their personal data. Thirdly, corrupt staff at petrol stations and shops copied numbers on credit and debit cards and sold the data to criminals. Use a VPN - problem solved lol The above quoted text from the article is complete tosh The message is simple - it is not safe to use a card to pay for anything with a card sourced in Thailand - it is not secure, nothing to do with phone apps or devices, this breach is very explicit I suspect that the so called crimials had access to internal banking data (employees) and are very likely responsible for this
  15. all very sensible until you add in ................................. fully vaccinated person as opposed to fully vaccinated foreign tourist, the distinction being......................................work it out for yourself so you missed my point entirely
  16. so now it has changed from the last time they made such a claim of 25% dose of AZ, now it is a full dose of AZ and a half dose of Pfizer and it is not all about antibodies as they claim - it is rather more complex than that - more Thai quackery
  17. so this could be an exclusive MC Thailand issue .............................interesting
  18. the default for my card was disabled - I had to request it to be enabled, for Bangkok bank I believe a visit to your branch is required although I have never explored this or give them a call
  19. Banking security is an interesting topic, banks have introduced extra levels of security over recent years beyond the pin, we have card readers - OTP messages etc which adds an extra layer, the weakness exposed in this topic is when you use a card for online or inshop purchases were you enter a pin to approve the payment - another weakness is the bank IT staff/empoyees Some on this thread have offered solutions like using a VPN to increase security - maybe they can explain how that works or adds value to this topic lol I do not trust Thai banks but hey that is just me, if the internal system security at a bank fails it is almost certainly an insider - if your pin is hacked at a POS terminal then the person at the retail outlet is very likely responsible Interesting fact - the ATM machine you use to withdraw cash uses a MS Windows OS
  20. as already mentioned you can disable it for payments and only use it for ATM cash
  21. I know whop to contact if I need a TV repaired lol Oh wait - I do all the repairs myself on my electronic devices - my TV does have networking though but it's not connected to my bank
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