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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. I have a better idea, I will get a group of well educated farangs together and we will volunteer to reeducate the Bangkok elite.

    What a great idea cmsally! Why don't you do just that! get educated, then come to bkk and reeducate the "Bangkok elite"!!

    If someone were to suggest that for the most part only state owned media should be allowed to indoctrinate people I am sure many people would SCREAM about it! (Oh wait ..... that already is happening right?)

    You could get a bunch of Lobotomised Baboons to come in and Educate this Elite to a higher standard.

    Absolutely no education or IQ needed to be higher up the chain than a PAD Supporter.

  2. I have a better idea, I will get a group of well educated farangs together and we will volunteer to reeducate the Bangkok elite.

    Totally agreed. Cheers

    Please start with the Damapong and remaining Shinawatra elite there.

    I was going to post here, but you are so isolated in your views. Up to you!

    Enjoy your militay Junta if you get it mate, you deserve it.

    Wondering if they plan to hold the election after they have the necessary votes already cast on ballot papers.

  3. But Somchai went on TV late Wednesday to announce that his government would not either resign or dissolve the House.

    -- The Nation 2008-11-27

    this is crazy!! the prime minister is nuts!!

    step down and its all over! thailand can return to normal!!

    the longer he stays in, the worse it is for thailand.

    staying in power is proof he doesnt care about the country,,,, he only cares about himself!

    Lukily most people in the world think your reasoning is absurd.

    A Junta or Dem government now could not control the country and will have no money to pay salaries etc. They will just add to the losses as outside develpment aid is automatically cut off if a Country installs dictators.

    This is the forth time they have been elected and are not weak, the Army and Elite are trying to undermind them. Thats all.

    Does any Government in the world evict protesters or arrest criminals personally? Did Maggie Thatcher go to the Faulklands or on the Miners Picket lines? Course not. They have instruments of state that are employed and paid to carry out the wishes of the electorate, namly the Army and Police. In Thailand however, they have only ever taken care of themselves or their Mafia bosses. You will not find anybody outside ASTV that would argue with this as it is FACT.

    Please explain how you will oust a corrupt Junta appointed Government if it happens. Please please please, where will the checks and balances be against them?

    And please answer the other question. Do you think stuffing Uses Tampons around the place is the work of an intellect or a madman.

    Come on, you are good at knock the people you hate, lets here some support for the PAD and its ideas. Do you have any?

  4. Everyone should support the DAAD Thaksin - they are the true patriots for Thailand. They love their country and are pursuing a noble cause of stopping the evil/corrupt PAD. :o

    Fixed for you Brit, shame you decided to side that way.

    I do not agree with the PAD's methods, but i do agree with their underlying cause - remove Thaksin from Thai Politics entirely.

    Well said! I completely disagree with the seizure of the airports, but otherwise fully support them.

    Thaksin and the PPP just wait until the country falls in total chaos, so that the dictator himself can return and rescue the country! That is what it is all about and I cannot understand, why many expats can't see this?!?!

    Unfortunataly for you pontificators is is not a "Pick and Mix" that is on option. Typically chattering classes types of remarks appear all too often at these times.

    Your choice is Support the suppression of the Poor by this fascist mob, Leave the entire country in the hands of lunatics and Tampax stuffers like Sondhi or not. There will be no right to protest against the next Junta or PAD appointed quango or whatever is their choice of the day. Its easy and you are over intellectualising your choices in this matter.

    If they out this Government the problems only just begin.

    The most hilarious option was of H90 saying he didn't mind loosing a bit of business to better the country. When actually he has no chance of putting the breaks on his financial losses whatsoever and if he has business in Thailand it could be going to hel_l in Sondhi's handcart.

    Oh, good morning everybody and have a nice day!

  5. PAD agression protesters intimidate the media

    Published on December 1, 2008;Mon, December 1, 2008 : Last updated 0:10 hours

    Pickup of TV station staff fired at; reporters forced to take off T-shirts with peace message

    A mobile TV technician and his driver almost got killed when they lost their way at an anti-government protest site yesterday.

    Phanumart Jaihork, a TNN relay controller, said his pickup truck came under heavy gunfire from People's Alliance for Democracy guards at Don Mueang Airport. The vehicle carried the logos of the company and TV station on its sides and a microwave transmitter in its bed.

    After getting lost, they stopped at a PAD checkpoint in front of the passenger terminal to ask the guards for directions, when bangs were heard. The guards told them to rush to a safe place in the building.

    When the truck passed a second checkpoint, Phanumart and his driver heard many more shots so they speeded up. They found many bullet holes on the sides, tailgate and roof. No one was hurt.

    PAD co-leader Amorn Amornratananont apologised to the two, saying the first bang misled the guards at the second checkpoint into believing that the intruders had set off an explosion to incite the protesters.

    PAD supporters at rallying sites are keeping a close eye on reporters. They take photos of them and signal they should report only the good side of the PAD. Demonstration leaders designate specific areas for the media while reporters have to stay in groups for their own protection.

    Ban Muang newspaper reporter Natthawut Karanyasophon said he was stunned when two PAD followers at Suvarnabhumi Airport told him to take off his white T-shirt marked with "Stop Violence". They told him the T-shirt missed the point as only the PAD was treated unfairly.

    Other protesters surrounded Natthawut as they thought he was bullying them. PAD co-leader Saranyu Wongkrachang stepped in and moved the media's work centre to another area of the site.

    Natthawut said the Thai Journalists' Association encouraged reporters to wear the T-shirt while they covered stories at Government House to call for peace. Although he did not fear the protesters, he changed to another T-shirt to avoid more trouble.

    On Saturday night, PAD supporters also forced a woman reporter to take off her T-shirt with the same message.

    Co-leader Somkiat Pongpaiboon said PAD's supporters at Suvarnabhumi do not carry lethal weapons and a weapons-check was very strict.

    However, they are engaged in warfare and the protesters might fly into a rage at anytime so it would be hard to guarantee anybody's safety, he added.

    -The Nation


    Perhaps the army should be obliging them with this warfare.

    Another day in PADland I am afraid and this is truly the voice of a madman.

    And this is from a PAD supporting newspaper! Can't be long now before even the Army are ordered to grow some backbone and shoot some of these thugs.

  6. Great photos, really shows the difference.

    LOL WUT.

    much different than the pictures of the PAD'ers playing badminton and singing songs.

    what about all the Thai Rouge that are tossing granades in bkk?

    it doesn't really matter... both sides have people that believe in their cause, and they're all essentially pawns.

    the PAD guards comprise of many former soldiers, especially from the south.

    the DAAD'ers have strong cop connection, and I'd guess a number of ex-military people from the north.

    if the two groups mmet it's going to essentially be civil war and not good for any of us.

    Look its not six of one and half a dozen of the others.

    One side is advocating the overthrow of a democratically elected (for those who missed it, they won the last four elections) Govorenment to replace it with military rule and rule by elite appointments. Also stating openly in public that the majority of the country is too stupid to vote so should have that right withdrawn. Add to that causing the country billions of dollars of financial loss, loss of reputation and respect. Also escalating violence in a bid to drag the army in and practicing witchcraft and stuffing used sanitary towels and tampons into statues for god knows what reason.

    I have yet to see one single post commenting on the wisdom of stuffing tampons in statues! Anybody want to be first? JD?

    And the other side is defending democracy.

  7. Malaysia truly asia.

    Thailand, nearly Burma!

    TAT predicting tourists down to 6 million. thats 8 million down on this year!

    8 million at 4000 baht per day is 32,000,000,000 per day of stay average loss. Average stay of tourists here is 8.16 days

    So TAT are expecting a shortfall on tourist revenue in the region of 261,120,000,000 baht which is a few bob where I am from.

    Thats without the loss of exports, direct investment and the loss of aid that will occur if there is a Junta or appointed government in place of an ELECTED one!

    There will hardly enough money in the coffers to pay the Idle Army and all those "educated" University and school teachers in Bangkok at that rate.

    Sleep tight!

  8. GP, I've taken a few moments to review a sampling of your posts, which show a breathtaking lack of understanding of the situation here, both now, and historically. Your spurious and inaccurate use of the term fascist underlines this. Your assumptions about the structure here, serfdom, or surfdom, as you describe it, and your apparent lack of knowledge of how PAD came into existence, and the events prior to the coup, is also clear. Now this may be because you have chosen not to make these things explicit in your posts.

    In my view, it would be wise to look at the history and understand more clearly where PAD comes from. This is doable, but it is a time consuming task, one which few here, even given my hiatus, appear to have the inclination so to do. Those that do contribute to the debate, those who do not, don't.


    So put me right then. Give us the PAD guide for dummies if you think there is something missing.

    The problem with you is that you think you are superior to everybody on this thread and just pop up and pontifuicate on other peoples reasoning.

    If I am so deluded, stop reading my posts and post something useful yourself so we know where you stand . We might even agree with you. If it is doable, how long did it take you? Where did you look? Etc. Just post something useful for once.

    You are starting to come over as a troll rather than the towering intellect you seem to be aiming for.

  9. "This is your last warning .....if you do not come out soon, we will warn you again..."


    And to think, some falangs give tea money to this band of cowards. Next time:

    BIB: You go too fast. Give me 100baht for tea money.

    Falang: Boo

    BIB: Shriek, run for your lives, he said boo!

    Sorry for another Monty python line "Brave brave Boys in Brown, when danger raised its ugly head, they bravely turned away and fled, brave brave Boys in Brown.... run away, run away"

  10. A short note to 'grandpops', the press release has already been placed into this thread, 03:00 30/11 page 20 even though it was published on 26 November.


    Thanks for that I hadn't seen it as I have a life outside of Thai Visa!

    Could you perhaps contribute something constructive like, in what respects is the Asian Commission for Human Rights wrong?

    Is it now wrong because it is three days old? I really don't know what you are trying to say, so please be clearer or say nothing if you have nothing to contribute.

    Seems to me that anything awkward for PAD attracts loads of pointless posts to push the original away incase it influences any sheep to stray from the PAD fold. IMHO

    For those that didn't see it ACHR ladle PAD as Fascists


    You are welcome, however, are you suffering from an age related illness? I noted factual information, it is for others to evaluate, not for, unlike some, I to insist upon a related construct. I do note however, that many, but not ACHR, take the view that the '97 constitution was a major component in creating the authoritarian democracy and its associated strictures. Does that make them 'wrong', not by default, but it might, in a questioning mindset, raise questions.


    Yes it was factual. But it was totally unnecassary as you added nothing to it. Please lets have your views on it.

    Lets have the questions a questioning mindset might raise. I truely am interested in exploring this further and am genuinly interested to hear who might be thinking what. Adds to the debate.

    Lets keep it civil as well

  11. What we need is a Thai Joe Strummer (RIP)to organise some real rock agains Fascist concerts and events like we had in the early 80's in The West. Where is Ad Carabao? Where are all the Luk Thung acts we see on Thai Chai Yo every day. Where is Jintana et al?

    Beautiful people in the North and a reminder of why we live here.

    PAD rally is a reminder of why nobody likes Bangkok and avoids it like the plague. OR gets out of it every friday to monday to head north, to Pattaya or to Hua Hin to get away from it.

    EDIT.. Thank you H90 for posting those wonderful pictures again. Thank you

  12. A short note to 'grandpops', the press release has already been placed into this thread, 03:00 30/11 page 20 even though it was published on 26 November.


    Thanks for that I hadn't seen it as I have a life outside of Thai Visa!

    Could you perhaps contribute something constructive like, in what respects is the Asian Commission for Human Rights wrong?

    Is it now wrong because it is three days old? I really don't know what you are trying to say, so please be clearer or say nothing if you have nothing to contribute.

    Seems to me that anything awkward for PAD attracts loads of pointless posts to push the original away incase it influences any sheep to stray from the PAD fold. IMHO

    For those that didn't see it ACHR ladle PAD as Fascists


  13. PAD make more friends!

    Asian Human Rights Commission:

    The takeover of the main international airport in Bangkok by protestors going under the banner of the People's Alliance for Democracy is a watershed moment for democracy and the rule of law in Thailand. It follows some months of increasingly aggressive strategies to get the current government to resign and to block it from making amendments to the 2008 Constitution, which was prepared under the watch of the 2006 military coup leaders and their supporters and pushed through via a deeply flawed referendum.

    Alliance members have since August gone from merely occupying spaces like roads and parks to occupying public buildings, in particular, the Government House. Organised armed "guards" have defended their positions both from opponents and from state security personnel. They have also illegally obtained and openly carried an array of manufactured and homemade weapons, including guns from caches that had reportedly been kept in the government premises. They have illegally detained other citizens. They have vandalised, destroyed and stolen public and private property. In the last day or two it has been reported that in addition to occupying the Suvarnabumi airport they have seized busses, and have refused to allow police into the airport to investigate explosions there during the night. They are now reportedly preparing for the latest phase in the "final battle", which is supposedly being instigated under codenames like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the cities on which the United States military dropped nuclear bombs at the close of World War Two.

    The alliance has exhibited a number of features that from past lessons of Thailand and other countries around the world pose grave dangers to the future of the country's imperilled democracy. Of these, the following can be said.

    1. They spring from a far-right ideology that has for decades driven successive military-bureaucratic administrations in Thailand, which dramatic changes to political and social life of the last two decades have increasingly threatened.

    2. Their coordinated attacks and actions on the pretext of self-defence and national interest are designed to cause a widespread feeling of insecurity and uncertainty and allow reactionary elite forces to push Thailand back to a 1980s model of "half-sail" semi-elected government.

    3. The alliance leaders have occupied the public space and forced people throughout Thailand to either take sides for or against them, or to opt out completely, thus alienating millions of people and denying them the opportunity to have a say on the key political and social questions of their time.

    Some commentators and opponents of the alliance have described its agenda as fascist.
    This is not an exaggeration
    . Experience shows that the types of systemic changes and regimes that follow such movements, although they may not describe themselves as fascist, have fascist qualities. Indeed, successive dictatorships in Thailand's modern history appreciated, expressed and used many fascist symbols and policies, and the residue of these can be found in the language and behaviour of the alliance leaders today.

    If these events are allowed to continue, and it is self-evident that they are being allowed, they will effectively undo everything that was done to build a culture of democratic rights and participation in public life in Thailand during the 1990s.
    The damage that they are now in a position to effect will surpass anything of that caused by the ousted government of Thaksin Shinawatra, and could even provoke a greater disaster than the 2006 coup and scrapping of the 1997 Constitution
    . Whatever institutional and legal gains were made in the last decade or two will be undone.

    Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers
    . That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful.

    Peaceful protest is not only a part of democratic process; it is integral to it. But the rallies and blockades in Bangkok of recent days, weeks and months have not been peaceful. Nor can they properly be called protests at all, as they are not merely demonstrations of a wish, but acts aimed at achieving goals at all costs. And the costs to Thailand have already been very high. They will get higher, and be felt in terms of the lives and liberties of all people in the country if they are not brought to an end. All people in Thailand have a right to oppose this ultra-conservative project for state dominance at their expense.

  14. Industry officials say loss is now 'incalculable'


    Meanwhile, Pramong Suthiwong, chairman of Thailand's Board of Trade, yesterday urged the government to re-open Suvarnabhumi Airport as soon as possible because the damage from its closure is now "incalculable".

    Dr Olarn Chaipravat, the deputy premier in charge of economic affairs, will today hold an urgent meeting with Pramon and other private sector executives to discuss the situation.

    Leaders of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Thai Industries, Thai Bankers Association, and Tourism Council of Thailand will also join the meeting.

    The private sector said an extended closure of Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports would also severely damage the country's international reputation, while the recovery process will take more than one year.

    Pornsilp Patcharinkul, a senior executive of the Board of Trade, said fresh food, orchids, electronics, jewellery and other exporters are badly hit by the airport closures with damage estimated to be around Bt3 billion per day.

    Fresh fruit and vegetable exporters could not do their business because they needed to use cold storage facilities at Suvarnabhumi Airport, he said.

    The private sector is not sure how long it would take to reopen the airports as a reopening will likely require certification from the international aviation body for safety reasons.

    "Thai exporters will lose lots of business opportunities as buyers will turn to other countries. Unfortunately, this is happening during the peak export period as lots of orders are received in November and December," he said.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2008/12/01...cs_30089835.php

    Absolutely no sympathy for them. They could have been more vocal against these fascists before because it is wrong.

    Now they moan an wail only because they lose money, not because the People of Thailand are threatend with dictatorship and coups.

    Just learn how to be poor. What about sufficiency? They are not about to die of hunger are they? They don't have to eat leaves, roots, mice, snakes, frogs and insects like they do in the north.... YET

    Stand up and fight or accept your loses. Sondhi cares as much for Businesses as he does for poor dark skinned people and Democracy. They are finding this out now.

  15. And don't they look a happier bunch than those awful light skinned "educated" PAD.

    BBC interviewed a woman lecturer at the airport. She had to be the thickest person ever to make it onto a news cast. The bbc let them talk as it weakens the PAD cause the more these idiots are allowed to speak into microphones.

    "the problem is with poor people in Thailand. They don't know about anything so don't know how to vote properly. That is why we must take charge of government" Said the fair skinned "educated" one. Sickening, absolutely sickening.

    Keep on talking sheep, keep on talking. They interview you not because they like you, rather, to show the world how ignorant and dispicable you are.

  16. The situation is slowly escalating, and the core problem is a class conflict.

    As is always the case with Thai culture, what you see on the surface is not necessarily the reality. Behind the gentle wais, or traditional Thai greeting, and friendly smiles has always lurked deep-rooted social contradictions. A dynamic, burgeoning urban middle class looks down on a huge, poor rural class which has been awakened by Thaksin Shinawatra's Peronist-style populism.

    One of Asia's most vibrant intelligentsia and unfettered media co-exists with probably the world's most conservative and powerful monarchy. A fractious, corrupted political elite manipulating elections for its own gains co-exists with a military elite which has staged more coups than elections.

    There is a game going on with the "last stand" of the anti-Thaksin forces holed up in the airport. The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) - once hugely popular with the rabidly anti-Thaksin urban class - has steadily lost support with its increasingly illegal and thuggish tactics which have badly affected the economy. The PAD wants to force the hand of the players - the military to launch a coup, or the government to resign.

    The elected government is pushing the military to take action against the PAD. The military is asking the government to resign and call new elections, which is an odd thing for an arm of a government to do. All the while, the emboldened PAD is fast becoming reminiscent of the proto-fascists in Germany and Italy before World War II.

    I didn't highlight this. It's how most thinking people see this.

    This is an ongoing revolution and the Fascist PAD are fighting a rearguard battle on behalf of a morally bankrupt Elitist group whose time is coming to an end.

    Let the Bankok rich lose their money. Isaan and the North is poverty as usual, only this poverty is not as acute as it was pre Thaksin. The PAD pot must be nearly empty now as they are more and more desparate to provoke this coup.

    Four straight election wins against all odds and all the might of the Junta Appointed Court with the Junta ammended constitution.

    Army not fancying a war in the south and a major insurection in the North. Besides, the Government is still in the country and the worlds media, politicians and almost the entire north of Thailand are on their side. In any event if they coup, they will have no money in the coffers as the country is shafted now by their inaction.

    The fight against Fascists must always be fought and if the sheep of the PAD want to be fodder for Sondhi, what is the rest of the country supposed to do?


  17. There was no mention about the PM doing a runner on the BBC news just now at 17.20 ?????

    marshbags :o

    Yes I heard him say that also , something along the lines of - Thai PM has apparently already fled the country due to personal reasons!

    This hasn't been reported anywhere else?

    The BBC were saying that somebody had said that Thai TV has said That Somchai MAY have already fled the country.

    Friend heard that somebody had said that maybe.... was all it amounted to.

  18. I think things are really going to start "heating up"more and more.

    As the police refuses to do their job, many citizens of this country feel it is their duty to defend the government they elected.

    As the police didn't do their job and arrest the other criminals (Thaksin etc) many citizens feel it is their duty to protest against this puppet government.

    All these attacks on PAD protesters these last few days are a normal reaction of frustration.

    True, but it hasn't changed a thing, they are still entrenched.

    The peoples you call "reds" are tired of seeing illegal acts being perpetrated non-stop by the "yellows" in complete impunity.

    The people you call "yellows" are tired of this puppet government consisting of criminals, fraudsters, liars etc who act with impunity to fill their pockets at the country's expense.

    If the police was doing what they are paid for there wouldn't be a need for the pro-governments to throw grenades.

    If the courts had done what they are paid for, Thaksin would be in jail along with his ex Mrs and the pro-government guys would still throw grenades..


    Yawn, Another example of PAD on the back foot and not able to post about this PAD land future.

    Can't you lot post pro-actively?

  19. Many of the tuk-tuk drivers are just trying to make a decent living. The outrageous prices we suffer is a direct consequence of the high monthly rent that the tuk-tuk drivers themselves have to pay to Mr. Big.

    I agree with most of the points that you make but .... Not on this one though.... The TT drivers in Patong in general are bone idle lazy and operate with the same inane mindset as the empty Thai hotel in low season that sets a room price at 2500 for one night and will refuse 10,000 for 5 nights. The Red Brigade would prefer to do one trip for 400 Baht than 2 for 200... Its the old Thai logic. The boys in Karon and Kata mostly hang around the bars waiting for their girl friends (who support them) to finish work and keep an eye out for any young pale flesh that arrives from up country that may thru her freshness provide him with a better income. But on the same emotive subject. I took a rare trip to Patong a few weeks ago and refused to pay a a line of Tuk Tuk's 400 Baht to go to the Ban See Fa nightclub a mere 4 minute drive from Bangla. Instead I crossed the road to the Sand Inn and negotiated with a motor bike taxi for my Gf and myself at a rate of 80 Baht... Well all hel_l broke loose when some young Thai guy who seemed to be over seeing the stand and was high on a cocktail of Ice and his own self importance thru an almighty wobbler and began screaming at the old geezer for accepting the 80 Baht cos the price was 150 Baht... The old guy stood his ground all be it nervously and at the end of the journey I gave him 150 Baht

    Only brace in numbers.

    See the great taxi mafia in Bangkok get chased up the road by a bunch of old ladies in yellow shirts.

    Mafia my ass. 10 on one and they are a menace. 8 - 1 or less they will sh1t it and run.

    Lot of lost face by the "mafia" in thailand.

  20. Update:

    According to The Nation, its been moved to "the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's Lan Kon Muang ground" wherever the heck that is . . .


    A large plaza in front of City Hall

    Google Earth:



    Looks pretty big from the air :D Just a short walk to Govt. House... :o

    Might just put the Junta Court off convening as well.

  21. The government was elected democratically by the people to represent them. A minority in Bangkok don't like the results and are trying to "fix it" so that the results are what they want rather than what the majority want. That is not democracy.

    IMHO, the government should move the capital to some other city, anyway. This fiasco is proof that there is just too much "stuff" [insert alternative word] in one city. Leave Bangkok as the center for commerce. Move the seat of power elsewhere (Khorat or Khon Khaen would be my choice, personally).

    Doing it under this administration would also create jobs when and where they are most needed.

    not again that nonsense!!

    The 3 biggest parties get dissolved on December 15 because of their massive vote buying. So they are NOT democratic elected.

    h90 ,

    First the courts had NO judicial support in the Thai constitution to make "parties get dissolved,because of their massive vote buying".

    1) They did'nt let the commission finnish it's investigation.

    2) They had no REAL authority as they were placed there by "None Legitimate"means.The Army Junta!

    3) Before the Army Junta Fiddled with the Constitution there was NO SUCH "Law".It is all Hokus Pokus.

    (If not the Law and Constitution or People, Who Controls The Army? And the Courts?)

    Like in Western democracies, a party cannot be held collectively accountable for what some members and or employees do.

    That said INDIVIDUAL politician can be prosecuted and MUST be removed and replaced by the Party involved! That was the constutition.


    They just don;'t get it because they don;t want to.

    If Sondhi says it, they believe it. They are incapable of checking the appointment dates and the appointees of this elitist Court.

    Its an attack on the poor and any supported of the PAD is an enemy of Democracy. No argument about that outside of ASTV.

  22. An exclusive video from thaksin



    Thai politicans need some serious public speaking classes.

    Well perhaps a some great intellect on here can post on you tube a full translation in Thai language. No?

    Can you make that full speach in Thai. No :o

  23. The plot thickens even further and the whole scenario appears even more bizarre

    because BBC world in the 3.00 pm bulletin just reported the Thai Prime Minister has actually left

    Thailand for personal reasons. In the reporters words it looks increasingly like

    the governments grip on power is slipping further away

    Their ELECTORAL MANDATE holds firm though.

    Whats happening is that a few elitist fascist are staging a rear guard action for their masters. Democracy has been undermined by Army and elite.

    Its a fascist lead Coup. Nothing else.

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