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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. Hotel operators plan to launch a "Buy One, Get One Free" campaign to help boost Thailand's travel industry during the New Year holiday. Meanwhile, tourism targets next year could possibly be reduced.

    Does this promotion extend to bg? Don't mind a sandwich made to order. Chuwit, where are you?

    The way Sriracha John is popping these items out makes me wonder if his nest egg is getting the bums rush following the PAD synchronised idiocy events.

    My new years wish is that the good Burgers of Bangkok bear the brunt of this financial hit. Next time, they may be less sheeplike in their following of Sondhi.

    Happy new year yellows and may you not have a pot to P1ss in come the end of Janaury.

  2. Just reviewing some of the recent posting on here and I'm getting the message that the police and the army were complicit in the yellow PAD faschist , illegal occupation of the airport, so stood back.

    However if the reds were to similarly occupy the airport in protest at their grievances, they are to be wiped out by the police and army.

    And as that does seem like a fair assessment.. No one wonders WHY the 'rural' Reds feel like downtrodden and ruled from above by a group that doesnt have thier interests.. Is there any way to create more division in this society than sending these clear signals ??

    I dislike Tacky, but I dislike the PAD even more..

    Also, there were plenty of Army to ensure the Puppet Coup Court could disband the PPP last week.

    The begining of something is this. Certainly not the end.

    Militias forming in the North! A sheep coming to the helm in Abhisit and if the PAD want to see a puppet, they could do no better than watch this sap take his orders from the Army and "educated" hi-so's,

  3. Think the Nation came too just before the Brainwashing process was finished.

    Politicians meeting with Anupong. Judges obeying orders and breaking up parties etc.

    Looks like a coup, smells like a coup, walks like a coup. Just hope it loses international funding and aid like a Coup! This so called Elite must be losing a few bob by now.

    Thaksin to be the Asian Chavez anybody!

    Surely no falangs were taken in by this fascist, brainwashing, moonie, doomsday type cult. Do tell me none were. :o

  4. BANGKOK (AFP) - The go-go bars are empty and sex is on sale at half price as Bangkok's infamous red light districts suffer from a blockade of the capital's airports.

    "It's high season, but now it's like low season," said Nan, a scantily-clad hostess at one deserted nightspot in the Thai capital's notorious Patpong area.

    Rest of article here.


    Some good news at last :D

    That article will bring more people to Thailand that the TAT's last one hundred adverts :o


    Very good to sue PAD which name should be People Acting like Dogs.

    Thailand is mentally ill, and most ill is PAD.

    How come that a terrorist organization can run a country? It's so stupid one can hardly believe it.

    These monkeys should be sent back to the jungle and leave civilized thais alone!

    PAD is the only party that should be banned because of committing crimes, vandalism and terrorism.

    What has happened in Thailand lately is nothing but terrorism, and a majority elected government has to leave! PAD is an extremely active minor group having no widely support by the thaipeople.That's a loss for Thailand, the democracy and a victory for terrorism.

    PAD show no respect for anything or anyone included the democracy, and they have made Thailand a bad place to stay. They almost created sivilian war!

    Therefore I am leaving the country with my family. I cannot take the chance on letingt my children grow up in a country like this. We had a good time here earlier, but now the love is gone.

    :D Thank you for that well considered post! Have a safe trip out!

    Interestingly enough it looks as though this post could well have been written by a Thai person.

    This mirrors the thoughts of many Thai people I know. They have to earn a living and bring up a family in this political & economic environment and they are not happy about it at all. Especially the airport fiasco, which is particularly embarrassing for those Thais that work with foreigners/abroad etc.

    The fact that there are foreign people on here wishing some Thai people a safe journey out because they feel they cannot live in their own country anymore is a little sad and shows that they are rather out of touch with thinking about how the issues affecting the normal working person here.

    My apologies if Pornthep isn't a Thai person but they certainly have mirrored many Thai peoples' thoughts and feelings.

    My thinking as well.

    In any event Porntheps post actually was well considered, unlike the reply from JD :o And even that is a literary work of art compared to the one before it!

    Your posts are always well considered CM and I keep an eye out for them. Perhaps more of us can learn from your thoughtfull posting.

    Thai will get their money if the Dems get it. It will be under the umbrella of Nationalism. Thai people must be proud to keep Thai Airways in business.

  6. So they're going to sue PAD but what exactly is PAD? A registered business? A registered charity? A legally recognised organisation? Just what exactly is it they are going to sue? What assets does it have? hmm....

    Blood from a stone.

    Good thing about Thailand is that if they don't have any money, they go to prison. Which is satisfactoy for most right minded people

  7. "Trying to prosecute the PAD leaders will only inflame the situation--but what the Thai Authorities need to do now is make sure this does not happen again..on Dec 8 or whenever the PAD decides to protest again the airport or seaports, their convoys of protesters should be met by roadblocks armed with machine guns..and if they try to shut down vital economic arteries again, it's gonna be time to blow some of them away tienamen square style."


    Easy, anybody not at the airport making trouble is not shot.

    This is going to bite pad in the ass now.

  8. Coming to the fore is something a Statesman or serious politician does during or BEFORE a crisis.

    This is too late for the fence sitter.

    Only sure thing from an election would be they would have even fewer seats as the percentage of poor in Thailand is set to rise, starting from around the time of the PAD Phuket protest.

    Do you know they had such serious threats at Phuket airport that they baaaa'ed and went away. The Governors weekly address to the good Burgers :o of Phuket in the local edition of The Phuket - mostly clips from other provinces (Round the South, Thai news round up, Phang Nga and Krabi, Koh Lak) patched together with adverts for unsold houses and luxury products aiming at wealthy people that don't live here and most certailny not recognisng that is it probably Thailands second Biggest sex tourist resort - Gazette alluded to it.

    Sorry Abhisit but its too big a leap for you from head sheep to Bo Peep :D Dye the wool yellow and stay put.

  9. MP Kudep Saikrajang on Wednesday ruled out the possibility for the Democrats to form the next coaliton government on the ground that six coalition parties remain firm on their alliance.

    "It is more realistic if the Democrats want to join the six-party alliance - this is very possible and the coalition is open for negotiations," he said.

    Kudep was reacting to a call from the business associations for the coalition switch in order to overcome the political turmoil.

    Even if the Democrat Party leads the next coalition, it will not have sufficient votes to ensure stability, he said.

    The Nation

    And it never will have.

    The ratio of poor thais is too high here and the Dems will not make it in this enlightened age.

    The long memories of the Dems backing the overthrow of a 4 times elected TRT/PPP will ensure this. PAD brainswashing or no PAD brainwashing.

  10. What we should be doing is educating these people, as unlike many countries in the west, most of them don't really learn anything from school due to the lack of good system and government support. How would you expect them to make the right decisions?

    I agree that those attending even the highest thai learning institutions are incapable of making the right decisions (according to my Godly thinking) therefore nobody shall have a vote and we (I) the army (General Whoever) will rule instead. :D:o

    So what we really need are checks and balances against the Dems.

    What if their supporters were too stupid to vote? Looking at most of the banners on the sites they were using English of a lower standard than many Bar Girls that have met my friends :D aquaintnce!

    Perhaps the PAD signs in Thai said something like, "Free buffaloes here this week" or "Follow me for look at some dirty books"

  11. So the PPP is not disolved?

    It is dissolved.

    Brand name change time is all that happened.

    Same same but different....

    Haha, classic Thailand.

    Lol, on the news, "we win"

    What a complete bunch of losers.

    They let the sheep think they had won and as Sondhi said it they believed it.

    The backers turned on this madman, gave him his scalp so they didn't feel total failures.

  12. Victory?

    What victory?

    The courts sentenced the PPP, as they would have done anyway. The same mob are still in charge.

    Someone must have told him to end the madness. About bloody time. Stay away from the airport next time.


    That was my immediate thought.

    PAD have been told to leave by their masters.... or die. Remember, these are "educated" rich fascists and its their money and businesses that are going to take the hit.

    They lost a lot with the last coup, they will be luck to have enough money left after this one to wage against Phi Phi Island.

    The Court decision was written down years ago and the muppets on the bench had no say in it.

    Talk about Thaksin having puppets! Strewth.

    Any news on where Human Rights Groups are now ranking PADland?

  13. Victory?

    What victory?

    The courts sentenced the PPP, as they would have done anyway. The same mob are still in charge.

    Someone must have told him to end the madness. About bloody time. Stay away from the airport next time.


    That was my immediate thought.

    PAD have been told to leave by their masters.... or die.

    The Court decision was written down years ago and the muppets on the bench had no say in it.

    Talk about Thaksin having puppets! Strewth.

  14. The government was freely elected and did everything it could to settle this thing peacefully from the time it started.

    The PAD tried to force the Army into staging another coup and for months caused everyone from school children to tourists as much inconvenience as possible without a care for anyone but themselves. There is really no comparing the behavior of the two groups. :o

    Unfortunately the court had a different opinion.

    There you go again.

    The court had no opinion. It handed down the Juntas opinion as it was told to do. Coup on now.

    This junta are now going to get nationalist like last time with FBA and visa regs etc.

    As many Thais will lose jobs through recession and now this, they will edge out as many foreigners as possible hoping that an "educated" thai could manage a falang oriented company.

    I like a good coup as it gives the hi-so's a chance to show the world what a bunch of fascist retards they are.

    Just like last time. It wasn't long before the Junta and its puppets were the laughing stock of the world. Bring is on Anupong, lets see the poicies now.

  15. Does anyone else feel that in these multiple threads about the same issue, we are devolving into some sort of PAD vs. PPP antagonism?

    To attempt to put an end to some of the antagonism exhibited herein, can we at least agree that there is a problem created by the airport occupation, for better or for worse, and that we all hope to be resolved as soon as possible?

    I have my own very strong political views, and have mentioned them in this thread and others. but let's put those aside for the moment. I am not crazy about either the PAD or PPP-- I just want this resolved for the good of Thailand and the wonderful Thai friends I have made here. It is significantly and irrevocably hurting people-- I think no intelligent person can dispute this-- any idiot who dismisses economic damage as unimportant and non-life-threatening should be ignored. There isn't much we can do as farangs, but at least we can express our hopes that no violence occurs, regardless of which group we may happen to support.

    All of this is quite obvious, of course-- I'm just trying to bring this discussion back to the issue at hand and distance it from political mud-slinging.

    your sentiment is right, and I am not being sarcastic. The time for talking was months ago but when they managed to gerrymander through the corrupt courts the thing about Samak and his cooking show being a conflict of interest, most of us developed a sense of fair play. A TV cooking show for gods sake and the Courts ruled against him.

    What has happend though is it has gone beyond resolving. We and Thailand are loosing so much money through this that many of us don't want resolution. We want the people who have caused it to suffer as much as possible for their actions.

    People now have a clear choice, Fascism or Democracy and there is no sitting on the fence.

    The PAD have made it absolutly clear they don't want to discuss this. Its a new appointed Governent or a shut down country. If/when the Army manage to make a Coup, it will get even worse.

    One thing, the people loosing the money are the rich educated ones not the poor so there is no hurry for poor people to resolve this as they will never feel a monetary loss as much as this Elite.

    Let them give all their support and money to Sondhi if that is the intellegent thing to do. See if we care when they return home from the Airport to financial ruin. Many in that airport have a f&&*ng massive reality check coming to them when this is over. And as their mugs have been on TV every night there will be more than one or two reprisals, bust heads and windows etc.

    Laughing stock of the world.... If thats all Thailand was it would be better than it is now.

  16. Some holiday snaps of party time down at Swampy. PAD style.

    For some reason they seem to be kicking the crap out of someone :o


    Click at pictures on left side (on page linked), one picture should appear below.


    Surely with our free and impatial Judiciary in Thailand these criminals will soon be brought to justice.

    I posted before, nobody is allowed to leave if they have been paid. He was trying to leave and they caught him.

    Then he was held in position so another peaceful defender of democracy could kick him in the head.

  17. "Rural people are blinded by corrupt media and need to listen to ASTV," said Thanapol Buranasombati, a protester, referring to Sondhi's station that broadcasts the rallies around the clock. "When the poor farmers know the truth about what is happening they will side with us."

    If somebody doesn't die laughing at this they should.

    And this from an "Educated" Thai!

  18. A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

    On 30 May 2007 Thailand's senior judges participated in a farce that was not of their making but has, thanks to their acquiescence to the country's military regime, been made to appear one of their doing. By sanctioning a decision that was made well before 19 September 2006, they have caused immense damage to already diminished judicial institutions, with far-reaching consequences.

    The military-appointed Constitutional Tribunal--comprising of six Supreme Court judges and three Supreme Administrative Court judges, including their presidents--dissolved the Thai Rak Thai party of the former prime minister, Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra, on grounds of endangering and acting against the democratic state under the 1998 Organic Act on Political Parties, and removed the electoral rights of over one hundred party board executives, including Thaksin, for five years in accordance with Announcement No. 27 of the military coup group. Thus we have the spectacle of a group of judges appointed by an unelected and antidemocratic military regime making a decision on the actions of an elected political party that is alleged to have undermined democratic process. And we have the absurdity of a decision made on the basis of law established under a constitution that was scrapped by that very same military regime, with punishment approved and meted out to a group of in! dividuals under one of its orders. Little wonder that the verdict has only further contributed to the confusion that has reigned in Thailand for the last eight months.


    Can;t be true can it as he didn't say "Sondhi says!!!

    This is from the last shambolic attempt at gerrymandering by the "educated" elite.

    Proves that way back then there was concern about this antidemocratic fascist element.

  19. Whilst snipping my post for a more self-convenient reply you 'forgot' to answer the other two questions I posed (now hi-lighted). Please do. Thank you

    First, I don't think I have any kind of obligation to answer your questions or posts, just as you don't have any to answer mine.

    Second, I don't care of you consider any of my posts childish. My childish posts don't hurt anyone, don't cause any financial losses. The childish actions of the PAD and the incompetence of the PM to stop them, however, are hurting Thailand and it's people.

    Thats the problem with "elite sheep". They think they are superior and can demand answers to their crackpot questions on a web board.

    We shold perhaps stick to highlighting the Fascist threat to people with the capacity to learn or understand something.

  20. His party was legally elected. Why should he step down for an illegal mob?

    Someone has a loose screw! :o

    Explain that to the courts, i believe they are meeting tomorrow...

    The verdict came not without criticisms. Although conducted independently, the trial was made in a time when the military junta, understandably hostile to the Thai Rak Thai, was staying in power. Furthermore, the constitutional judges, although consisting of high-profile judges renowned for their autonomy, were arbitrarily hand-picked by the military soon after they came to power.

    The introduction of Announcement No. 27 (Section 3) by the Council for Democratic Reform dated 30 September B.E. 2549 (2006), was also a spot of criticism. Whether or not the Announcement can be applied retroactively to charges committed before the Announcement was enacted and enforced is controversial.[4] On the one hand, it can be argued that the CDR's Announcement earned a law status at the time it was announced. On the other hand, however, making an act punishable as a crime when such an act was not an offense when committed--so-called ex post facto law--is, some argued, unjustifiable. This was reflected by the non-unanimous 6-3 vote in favour of the application of the Announcement. Chief Judge Panya Thanomrod, voting against the use of Announcement No. 27 (Section 3), held that barring individuals from politics is a serious charge and that individuals have the right to know in advance any possible punishment they will receive as a result of conducting a particular action.


    And, sheep, even though they were hand picked by the Junta to do their bidding they still couldn't agree.

    Baaaaa humbug if you don't understand a link beween a Biased Court and a shady verdit. baaaaaa

  21. But Somchai went on TV late Wednesday to announce that his government would not either resign or dissolve the House.

    -- The Nation 2008-11-27

    this is crazy!! the prime minister is nuts!!

    step down and its all over! thailand can return to normal!!

    the longer he stays in, the worse it is for thailand.

    staying in power is proof he doesnt care about the country,,,, he only cares about himself!

    Lukily most people in the world think your reasoning is absurd.

    A Junta or Dem government now could not control the country and will have no money to pay salaries etc. They will just add to the losses as outside develpment aid is automatically cut off if a Country installs dictators.

    This is the forth time they have been elected and are not weak, the Army and Elite are trying to undermind them. Thats all.

    Does any Government in the world evict protesters or arrest criminals personally? Did Maggie Thatcher go to the Faulklands or on the Miners Picket lines? Course not. They have instruments of state that are employed and paid to carry out the wishes of the electorate, namly the Army and Police. In Thailand however, they have only ever taken care of themselves or their Mafia bosses. You will not find anybody outside ASTV that would argue with this as it is FACT.

    Please explain how you will oust a corrupt Junta appointed Government if it happens. Please please please, where will the checks and balances be against them?

    And please answer the other question. Do you think stuffing Uses Tampons around the place is the work of an intellect or a madman.

    Come on, you are good at knock the people you hate, lets here some support for the PAD and its ideas. Do you have any?

    so, are you saying that you LIKE the prime minister?

    and you are saying that I am wrong for hoping he leaves? and you are saying that half the world agrees with you?

    i personally thought that everyone already recognises that he is corrupt and is working on behalf of taksin as a puppet.

    and the very fact that he wont step down amongst all this trouble is 100% proof that he only cares for himself and NOT for thailand.

    when a HUGE scandal hits a western government, the leader or persons involved almost always have to step down.

    Don't have to like the prime minister. Thats democracy and we accept it.

    Let me clarify that for you and the PAD sheep. I Grandpops would be delighted if Sondhi was Prime Minsiste or Abhisit... If they were elected. I would rather have the Dems that Thaksin back but no way to the Fascist PAD. Sondhi is Bankrupt again so the people he owes the money to are going to eat his sorry ass like they should have when he lost that 6 billlion baht.

    Not everybody shares your insane views and paranoia when Thaksins name is mentioned.

    He will step down, when the term ends. Thats how it works and its you out of step.

    This is not a scandal hitting the Government here, its a Coup and failed "educated" elite trying to dissenfranchise the poor.

  22. Unfortunately the Government (I use that word loosely) have proven themselves to be completely inept at negotiations (which I thought politicians were supposed to have expertise in) and thoroughly incapable of wielding sufficient sway over their judicial and defense forces to swiftly resolve the situation through the usual channels of last resort.

    A coup should not be the answer, the government should accept reality and step down from their leadership position. Not because of the protests, which I personally abhor, but because they have been proven that they are simply not capable of doing their job.

    The sad truth is that they will never do so willingly, so what else can be done to break the deadlock?

    Well the democrats can force a dissolution, but as usual they are too busy doing nothing. So what other options are there, save a coup or intervention from senior figures?

    You post points out your total lack of understanding of a Parlimentary government. A government is disolved and new re-elections held when the current government loses the confidence of the voters (this is when they no longer command a majority of voter support). Parlimentary governments are not usually disolved when a couple of crackpots have enough money to continually commit criminal acts and propagandize on their TV station. Otherwise governments would never last more than a few days.

    How many elections do you propose before you accept the fact that a relatively small group of thugs are trying to hijack the country?

    Only one more as the "educated" ones will only allow their people to stand.

    Coup virtually in place already but Army even too spinless to act for their masters.

    I think let the country go to the dogs is best as the rich are the ones to lose their lot. Imagine, I bet half these "educated" muppets at the airport still think they have thriving businesses to go back to when they leave. Ha bloody ha, most of them will be skint for xmas.

  23. Be a nice surprise if The PAD get their way and there is no money in the coffers to pay Soldiers, Police, University Oiks, etc. etc.

    The Junta took a pounding last time and if they try it again it will be worse still. They were absolutely clueless in all areas and the laughing stock of the country.

    Thaksin is the one to save Thailand, but he must put PAD to the sword once and for all or they will be undermining democracy for all time.

    The Army and Police need purging or totally reforming as they are as corrupt as the Courts are.

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