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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. This is really good news. :o Lets all be positive.

    It is all good news. The worlds media has called Abhisit and his cronies for what they are. Un-elected, un-democratic, manipulative, fascists.

    If Samark was Thaksins puppet, Abhisit clearly is the Army/PAD puppet and its only a few of the PAD tag team on here that seem to see it differently.

    Shouldn't the thread title be "Abhisit eventually put into power by Army"

    Was there ever a sleazier path to power than this? And with a banned TRT henchman finally being brought in to give him it.

    Great start. Time for these Coup plotters to show the world that they really are as inept as we believed them to be two years ago.

    Burma and Laos will certainly be going up in the worlds standings soon. Vietman will be so far ahead of Thailand after this all pans out that Thais will be looking for jobs on Vietnamese building sites for years to come.

    "The worlds media", "un-elected", "fascist", and on it goes in the crying apologists world. Your love for Thaksin is sickening and the length you go to cover for him.

    The democrats might not be the best (or even close to it), but they are frankly the least worst. And calling them names doesn't make your love-pet any better.

    Or claiming that "others" or "world media" does to cover for your own insecurity is just sad. Especially when it isn't true.

    If you spent as much time reading or watching, The Times, Telegraph, Reuters, BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, FOX, Times on line to name but a few, and less time abusively appeasing a coup..... You might learn something. There really is only Sondhi's press saying any different. Even Sri Racha John is quiet on this and you can be sure if Abhisit was being praised in print, he would be slopping it all over the place here! :D

    If you had ever read my posts, I state often that I preferred Abhisit over Thaksin, and Sondhi over Thaksin IT he was elected.

    Its the circumstances of it all that stink and somebody (PAD) has ruined an entire holiday season during a major recession.

    But I know you would rather bat on and defend the indefensible. Thats your right, and my right is to oppose what I see to be a coup. Just don't expect everybody to change their mind because of whats happened in recent days.


  2. This is really good news. :o Lets all be positive.

    It is all good news. The worlds media has called Abhisit and his cronies for what they are. Un-elected, un-democratic, manipulative, fascists.

    If Samark was Thaksins puppet, Abhisit clearly is the Army/PAD puppet and its only a few of the PAD tag team on here that seem to see it differently.

    Shouldn't the thread title be "Abhisit eventually put into power by Army"

    Was there ever a sleazier path to power than this? And with a banned TRT henchman finally being brought in to give him it.

    Great start. Time for these Coup plotters to show the world that they really are as inept as we believed them to be two years ago.

    Burma and Laos will certainly be going up in the worlds standings soon. Vietman will be so far ahead of Thailand after this all pans out that Thais will be looking for jobs on Vietnamese building sites for years to come.

  3. I think she would make a good politician.

    Dont just judge her because she is Thaksins sister. They are 2 different people.

    Also thai politics is too male dominated.


    But explain why good, Is it just because she is a woman?

    It will be good as it protracts the Thaksin Dynesty. It sets the stage for the next generation to free themselves from the top down "educated" thai's of Bangkok.

    Anybody familiar with life before Thaksin will remember how much he improved the infrastructure up there.

    It will be good as gets up the noses of PAD and their paymasters.

    Good because they will have to use another massive chunk of Thai assets to try to keep their snouts and the trough.

  4. I just spoke with a friend if mine. She works at a well-known international hotel in Bangkok. Right now, the hotel has 20% occupancy, and they have completely closed off one of their two buildings. She has been scheduled for some 15 days off so far this month due to lack of work. Traditionally, December brings in 18,000-20,000 baht in service charges, but she has been told to expect possibly 3,000 baht this month.

    Yes, I've been through this with an acquaintance the other day. She is quite devastated at the prospect of not getting what she sees as her "bonus". To someone at her level, this represents the lump sum which means she can make capital purchases. The knock on effect will come next year for sure.

    As the PAD sowed Thailand shall now reap.... and continue to reap and reap.

    There comes a time when the perks of doing business are not enough to offset the major problems that have just beset the business community.

    Riots in Bangkok and the worlds press predicting this is just the beginning. No, Thailand is not going to feature in as many long term plans as it was prior to Swampygate!

    Thanks Sondhi! and baaaaaaaaa humbug to any PAD sheep that lose their jobs in the process. Pity that every last one of the PAD cannot lose their job at the front of the queue but thats life.

    Perhaps if they all wear used tampons on their lapels it will repel the redundancy notices!

  5. On a related thread that is now closed, ThaiPaully had a great idea that Taksin should come back, serve his jail time, and re-emerge as a conquering martyr who would save Thailand. Good point, ThaiPaully. Several famous leaders have gone to jail and come back out to lead their people. Vaclav Havel of Czechoslovakia and Nelson Mandela come to mind, also Gandhi and King served time in jail.

    Unlike those four international heroes who stayed put and took whatever the powers that be had to dish out, Thaksin fled because he couldn't take the heat. To come back now and serve time would be so obviously cynical a scheme that I doubt it would work. Thaksin's game plan has never included self-sacrifice. Even if the idea occurred to him, I doubt his ego would allow him to spend time behind bars.

    These men stoically served time in jail for speaking their minds publically and returned heros.

    Thaksin SENT people to jail for speaking their minds publicly.

    Or at the very least sued them for 100 times their net worth...


    I met Mr. Havel briefly several years ago, a very clear speaking gentlemen.

    We were both Frank Zappa fans, and the conversation mostly stayed there.

    Never have I understood so much from so few words. :o:D:D

    As you are so specific, who did he send to jail? Were there no court appearances etc. Please enlighten.

    City of tiny lights indeed!

  6. Take a chill pill, grandpops.

    "Fascist coup", "your dogs ass" - you are too emotional at the moment for a discussion. Whatever valid arguments you have get totally lost with this kind of presentation.

    I'd love to know who is really in charge according to your theory when calm down a bit.

    If you don't know now, you never will!

    There are no major news outlets saying anything other than this is an installed Government. It's a coup pure and simple and the "democrats" were put in power at the third attempt on the orders of the Last Coup and Constitution re-writers.

    Perhaps in your quest for knowledge you should re-read many old posts from here and abroad.

    It will be interesting to see what they do with an economy destroyed by PAD, a major world downturn and the PAD, Army, Banks, and big businesses all wanting their money from the trough that Sondhi holed! Add to this the relentless pressure that will now fall on his "un-fit to rule" head and it should be fun.

    Chilled, and got the beer out mate. It's now up you you PADdies to defend your parties decisions whilst they last.

  7. You have to understand that the Democrats are favored by people higher up the food chain--probably pretty close to the top, so they will have done nothing wrong. Just wait and see.

    Well Scott: Please tell me how hugging a member of another politcal party violates the constitution?

    Am I first to say he should resign :o He should hang his head in shame. Democrat my dogs ass!

    Or a long time popular TV chef turned prime minister being barred for cooking!

    Whatever happens, we have to keep the spotlight on this for what it is... A fascist coup.

    Whatever the courts "decide" will be what their masters "decide" for them. Doesn't stop the rest of Thailand or the World for that matter from drawing conclusions.

    Let this Installed government and its backers show the world just what they are about. Believe me, Thai people have access to this as well now and are (worryingly for the elites) becoming more savvy.

  8. I wonder whether extradition proceedings will be started now? (Assuming that he is in a country that has such an agreement with Thailand!)


    Sinful thought of the day :o

    Perhaps the PAD should head off to China and The Middle East in search of their nemesis!

    A nice christmas image would be of them trying it on with a real police force and army at a real airport!

    Maybe Sriracha John could design us a nice Christmas card depicting them in action with their little clappers in a Chinese jail. He certainly did a top job with his first post on this thread :D

    Red shirts all round I would imagine!

    3 Hail mary's do you FatherF?

  9. Police to take legal action against violent red-shirted protesters

    BANGKOK: -- Police Monday threatened to take legation action against red-shirted protesters who threw rocks at vehicles leaving Parliament, causing damages and injuries.

    Metropolitan Police Commission Pol Lt Gen Suchart Muenkaew said police had take photos and videos of the rowdy protesters and would take actions against them later.

    The protesters, who support former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and the Pheu Thai Party, turned violent after learning that Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva was elected the prime minister.

    They used police's barriers to briefly blocked gates of Parliament. After, broke up the blockade, the protesters waited besides a gate and threw rocks at vehicles, leaving the Parliament compound.

    The rocks broke the windshields and windows of several vehicles. Several people, including a reporter, were injured.

    Suchart said police managed to control the situation after the protesters dispersed from in front of Parliament and regrouped at Sanam Luang.

    -- The Nation 2008-12-15

    Maybe the best course of action would be for the red shirts to threaten to take action against the Police for encouraging this coup!

    Theres a case to be made though for the police.... unlike the Army who really has let the people down.

    All major news outlets pointing out the irony of the Democrats finally getting a bit of power by non-democratic means and aligning itself with the Newin Faction.

    How desparate this "Intelegentsia" :o:D must be to stage two coups, rig elections, change constitutions, appoint their lackey judges to ensure two party disbandments and then put their blue eyed boy in power with the help of this mobster.

    Perhaps the writing is on the wall for this fascist inspired PAD coup, perhaps they lost more money and support than they meant to with the un-hinged Sondhi and his amazing spiritual tampax!

    What they really need now is for Head Puppet Abhisit to get them some nice tax payers money to make it all better and ensure they stay richer than the people they so love to oppress.

  10. I just dont get it. PAD blocks airport and causes untold disruption and distress yet thet now win by having their own PM.

    I thought that the democrats were a minority in the parliament so how can a PAD man get the PM's job.

    Its no wonder that the red shirts are upset.

    Abisit is not a PAD man. Democtrats won the majority, and will answer to both the yellow and red if policies do not suite the needs of the country in whole

    He is a PAD man and without them he would still be on the outside.

    Abhisit answers to PAD, the Army, The supposed middle class "intellects" :o:D and now Newin.

    Anybody it seems but the electorate.

  11. Anyone care to speculate as to how the PAD will react? Will this be enough to keep them from causing any more disruptions?

    I wouldn't be concerned with PAD reaction, but rather with the Red Team's. I'm afraid they are capable as yellow one, to cause havoc and disruptions.

    As I hope society in general will do - Perhaps its time for TV red shirts and yellow shirts to put the shirts back in the closet for a while, and try to work for the good of the country. A new party in power with a new elected PM deserve time to announce their policies and implement them.

    So, now the PAD and the Army have forced the elected Governments from power and put their puppet in place, after I might Add, two years of blatant gerrymandering, poison court decisions, a new charter in the Democrats favour, you expect the rest of the country to fall in behind this sheep!

    His first priorities will certainly be to the PAD supporters that are going to be hit hard by the recesion they exacerbated with their facist action.

    Happy honeymoon to him, but he is not up to the task. Watch this space! :o

  12. PD, eastern block countries has a single party totalitarian system and on paper they had with only one class representation, ok, maybe two - workers and farmers.

    Under new politics 70% of parliament would have no party affiliations whatsoever and would represent HUNDREDS of groups and classes.

    If you want to talk about one totalitarian party claiming to represent farmers - look no firther than TRT/PPP/PTP. They only didn't use the word "communist" in their name, all their ideologists came from communist ranks anyway.

    Present tense re 'eastern block'? Usual incoherent rambling from this poster.

    I agree, the PAD tag team get more bizarre the more it becomes apparrant that they have been supporting a Fascist Coup this past 6 months.

    It show that many falangs think that Thaksin invented corruption and that they have no memory of Thailand before the late 90's.

    A falang education program could also be in order over here!

  13. A 30 Baht Healthcare note with a value of 50 M baht? Nice work if you can get it. Where does one sign up to become a Sor Sor? :D

    Amazing Thailand at its best. :o


    Or, as you seem to love Junta's, you could more easily cross into Burma.

    Im sad to see the Democrats are pleeding that authorities provide security for their chicken sh1t MPs to be able to access parliament.

    Pleas that were so lacking when their PAD masters and Tampax pushers were calling the shots. As they have lost the last 4 election straight, despite the Army installing a constitution and Courts to adminsiter that Constitution with the express aim of having a Democrat Government, I think they are getting in their excuses early.

  14. The point is that anywhere you go in the world both men and women are looking for Bigger Better Deal (BBD). Whether it is a woman who leaves her mediocre boyfriend for a "successful" man or a man who leaves his wife and children to be with a younger woman. We sure are living in a f....cked up world. There is no more trust and warmth.

    Therefore be single and stay happy. If needed get a dog or cat. They will never betray you.

    They are a pets !!

    Couldnt compare wiht relationship :o

    I agree that they are pets. But nowadays human do not want to be companions anymore. All they want is to see how they can take advantage of one another. I think there are good and bad people anywhere. One has to look very hard nowadays.

    From what I hear is that many farang men like Thai women because they are more friendly and caring than their Western counterparts.

    Much more friendly. And much more likely to be family oriented which is what most of this is about. We've all had girlfriends in the west and they are mostly anti breeding... up to them and good luck with the careers, but why can;t they get along and enjoy the career? why do they feel the need to slag of any male that prefers asian ladies?

    The vast majority of the living species of the planet however see a family (breeding) as being above a wonderful career in a dead end office. The joys of family life here are evident to all and its what life is all about for both sexes. Most of the vocal PC minority of the west will be extinct in the next generation so is that a smart move? How is the "Departmental Analyitical Supervisor" title going to look in one hundred years time on the family tree if you have no decendents? Like and oddball thats what.

    However, I was more worried about the pet lovers. Where does sex fit in with this?

  15. What is unreasonable is that a self appointed vigilante group is able to make these demands....

    The "demands" are most basic, most of them are right there in the constution and related laws.

    What is sad, as I said already, is that they need to be spelled out publicly and officially.

    Actually it's any citizen's right to demand the government to perform it's duties. Call them vigilantes or not.

    What exactly do you find unreasonable there?

    Nazis which is what they are pure and simple.

    And remember, they had their supporters and sheep just as the PAD do. They were referred to by Hitler as "useful idiots". How apt is that for many PAD supporters!

  16. well, there is the Thailand Hippie Party that is already registered with the Election Commission.

    their full name is "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party". you could see them at the PAD protests, but a lot of people claiming that no one from the PAD want take part in elections.


    Thanks for sharing that one! :o

    I think its nice that the PAD can show what level headed people they are and how they have no paranoic tendencies whatsoever.

    And most of the world can view them (again) for the fascist idiotic cretins they are.

  17. I just love the constructive criticism you can muster up...

    We are waiting for people like you to come out and defend it.

    you have had countless months sticking up for this closet fascist idiot and now he is openly behaving as the true fascist idiot he is, the silence of the sheep is defening!

    I would like to see somebody in power come out and say, if the PAD ever disrupt the country like they did last time, they will shoot every last one of them. That would be more sensible and democratic than what Herr Sondhi is on about.

    If Thaksin ever wanted a mandate to come back, these cretins are going to give him it.

  18. This looks more and more desperate for the Sheepocratic Party and Abhisit.

    Its the sheep trying to round up the guard dogs scenario. Just as the Cliff Richard-A-Like thinks he is getting them into the pen, they will turn round and eat him.

    I hope they do let him into power in the aftermath of the PAD shambles at the airport. Let them take the rap for the worst period in Thai history. It'll stop em ever been taken seriously again, even by their feeble minded brainwashed supporters.

  19. Intereting time to be tightening immigration rules, I actually thought it might go the other direction. But perhaps they believed there would be no economic fallout in Thauiland. At the moment everything I read say's tourist are giving Thailand a pass this year. Things may have changed drastically since these changes were considered and actuallu implemented. I would not be surprised to see many more changes in the near future. But going in the other direction. But hey I have been wrong many many times.

    They are after all the wide boy bar owners, time share crooks and "Real Estate" operatives. The ones that we all want rid of. All those spivs running round hoping to pick up on 3% commision for doing nothing.

    About time as they obviously found a way round the last crack down and are all still in place. "Bore bore boast brag, got the bar in the wifes' name, don't need W/P and I hate paying tax, If the immigration come, I'm just a customer! Arn't I clever mate!"

    Now its cheaper to pay the tax and have the W/P they don't look so smart.

  20. Wishful thinking by OP.

    No mandate and a shattered economy, espescially in Bangkok which is the hub of their PAD masters.

    Should the weak one take the helm, it's quickly downhill as they will be bankrupt and rapidly lose the bit of support they had.

    Remember, this is a Coup, and more than half the country is not going to recognise them, let alone work with them.

    Pure fantasy to think they can do anything other than their masters bidding. This truly will be a puppet government whilst it lasts.

  21. I just stayed in the Amari Hotel at Don Muang Airport for a night prior to coming home. A nice hotel that had done well to recover from the devastating blow of the move of 90% of airbusiness to Swampy. I often stay the night before a flight (no hassle in the mornings etc) and things were looking up for it. Last night, it was like tumbleweed blowing through the place. Since the well thought out plan by PAD, occupancy has plummeted to 8%. A senior member of staff told me last night that if things do not pick up significantly within 3 months the hotel will close. Very sad for all the staff. Well done PAD! (and that is just one hotel, there are similar stories throughout the city).

    Trouble is a lack of foresight. Many of these businesses found fit to get involve and supply the PAD with food and shelter etc. If enough people in and around BKK had an iota of common sense or a concept of cause and effect they would have been more vocal against this Fascist Coup.

    For evil and Fascism to triumph it is enough for good men to do nothing. And many were guilty of doing nothing.

    Stand up next time, this was a small rag tag gathering that fed on apathy.

  22. Has he made mention in his articles about the Senate investigating committee finding the police and government responsible for the Oct 7 deaths, maimings, and injuries?

    Or that the other investigating committee, the police one, having not produced anything nor even indicated that are actually still investigating?

    On that day they did their job which was to stop a herd of brainwashed sheep from invading parliament.

    The problem was that they didn't us the tactic more often to protect the Airport and Democracy.

    Fascist Coup in place!!!

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