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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Most Political leaders throughtout history have displayed at least some of the following, and sourrounded themselves with others who did have, what they were missing.

    attrative physical attributes


    intellectual capability/achievment

    political experience

    military or business success

    brutal tendencies

    Jutaporn seemly lacks all of these, with the possible exception of the last one. He would probably fit in well with one of those 10 on 1 gang street fights.

    The sad part is the majority of the present PT leadership seems to copy this assesment of qualification, by displaying none or maybe one of the redeeming qualities. As the leaders/cabinet, etc appear to be PT's "pick of the litters", I see no hope of it getting better with them in power.

    What attributes does Suthep possess.




    Self Inflated


    Bi Polar?

    Does this make him a better person Than Jataporn. ..?? I don't think so. In fact I can't name One politician who stands out as fit for purpose.

    • Like 2
  2. Jatuporn charged that Suthep did not actually want national reform but wanted to grab absolute power for himself and his associates.

    I thought Suthep want to reform first then election? Many communities also agree to reform first then election. Only YL(TS) govt refuse to reform first.

    doesn't Suthep want to Eradicate a whole swaith of Thailand society. Anywhere sort of North and East of Saraburi
  3. I knew Mick and Lynda for many years in Bahrain, used to go out drinking with them, boating (skiing) rugby club.We had some wild days and I find it hard to believe this happened.

    The last I heard he was still with Lynda and she was working with a property company and he was on the go kart track (and has been for about 6 years, but maybe not the same one). They have a place in South Africa but not heard they had split up (Lynda is still in touch with friends and last saw her a couple of years ago).

    Never trust any news from Thailand, Jim Green and Nick Lamb are just two who were the wrong end on the smiling culture.

    Sad day.

    R.I.P. Mick, condolences to his kids in England and Lynda.

    Hi I know they had sold their place in South Africa.

    I know Mike had some problems with various people there. This is why he moved to Mini Siam. I don't know the full story just what he wanted to tell me, so I don't want to comment.


    A terrible terrible sad end to a Guy who was so committed to the sport he loved.

  4. This piece of English crap is going to kill himself,,, which is ok with me as he is a low life looking for his dog, which brings a question,,, is the dog still alive??? the American that kicked his face in is not, so where is the dog,,,I'm an animal lover,,,,,,,,,, Better yet I have never been in that 7/11 and had knifes thrown at me???? it must be a British thing,,,,, the law between the Thais and the Brits is simple,,, you plead guilty to your crimes and get life if you waste the courts time then you get the death penalty,,,, I pray to god that this piece of garbidge gets life in a Thai prison,,,, the pitbull will be now known as the pumping chawawwara,,,, I hope Martin Carpenter the British council has a lot of vasalean for this garbidge from England he will need it

    I gather you are not an admirer and do not believe his story. However it is for the court to decide if his 'cock & bull' story is believable. They will examine witnesses and also listen to his account. If he is found guilty then I would be in favour of the harshest possible penalty.

    I am as appalled by this whole matter as the posters on this site, and for once can understand the harshness of many comments. BUT it has often been said on this forum that people are judged by the press and the Thai system before they have had a fair trial, and that that is not justice. Whatever the feelings it is hypercritical of posters to want 'fairness' in many cases outlined on this forum, yet happily condemn before trial in this case. Let the trial be held and give him his chance to put his case. If he is found guilty I will be amongst those on this forum who wish him the worst possible future.

    I guess you must be an embarresed English man/women,,,, but I was there and saw what happened ,,,,did you????????????????????? Proberly NOT

    So tell me what did actually happen??

    Did the Marine kick his ass first?? and Lee took revenge later??

    Can you give a full account for us. Fly on the wall style?

    Thx In anticipation.

    P.S. I hope you will present yourself as a witness in Honour of the Marine who died.

    • Like 1
  5. Just an Update, We retrieved our pickup with the help of a very handy Lawyer, by the name of Khun Pot. We have sold it for in excess of 500,000 so alls well there clap2.gif .

    The Scoundrel Julw00t.gif #n S~whistling.gif &!5y who is the General Manager at $@ermm.gif r!X has told us he will report us for defamation if we mention his name in this matter. That words very similiar to what he done to us except it was Deficate cheesy.gif .

    Thanks for all the helpful comments received wai.gif and the private messages from some of his other victims. Especially the lady he cheated, you have my heartfelt sympathyssad.png , My apologises for cnot coming back to you again, the whole episode has been quite stressful as it was our last assett we had.

    I was amazed how people could recognize him and sidekick thai G/F ( the letter after A) As i turned the stones lots of ugly things crawled out that where related to him blink.png .

    A full file is being presented to Immigration and a few other interested departments hit-the-fan.gif . I dont know wether they will act, however in for a penny in for a £.

    To all you guys out there who said it was hopeless beatdeadhorse.gif .

    Persistance my friends Persistance. partytime2.gif

    If any people out there would like Khun Pots details if they have a Legal problem send me a P/M as i dont suppose its in the rules to post his details. Whilst i cannot guarantee anything, i do know he is very capable.

    In the past he did get cleared off an attempted Murder charge and now he has sorted this spot on.thumbsup.gif

  6. A funny one. Soi 6, Bird with a plaster on her wrist... i said what happended... i she said i make tattoo for my boyfriend him come back from England soon, i love him. i said lets have a look it read "Galley"........I said Galley???? is your boyfriend is Galley???? she said Galley. You mean Gary....??? Yes Galley.....giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  7. I came to Thailand first time in 1992. To meet my future father in law Trevor Frettsome....(some may remember the man, he had 2 kids with a Thai Bird, one was gin and one was tonic). How daft can a girl be to send their B/F to Pattaya. First nite out i met him and his mates in a bar in soi post office and they took me to walking street. up a few stairs into a dimly lit bar. A bird was dancing with her tits out and as we sat drinking a photographer came in with the polaroid and they got the bird with the tits out to sit on my lap. Smile!!!!! Click... so what do you think of the bird her dad asked me, i said she's ok but i love Maria. Well how would you feel if we told that was a bloke......... Jesus i was outta there like a shot. They all bundled out a few minutes later pissing their selves... Welcome to Thailand...

    I found the Blackout A-go-go later that night on my own and never looked back. 2 weeks in Heaven Flew back to UK more money and went straight back. Never the same again. as for Maria... Maria???? Maria who LOL

    Walking along beach road early hours of the morning no problems. Never robbed and no hassle. How times changed.

  8. I have to ask; was he sending the money without meeting these people and without seeing the place etc.?

    It is easy enough to get scammed even when you LIVE here let alone sending money to people without a lawyer etc.

    I would NEVER do anything without a good lawyer here and ONLY through him/her.

    And I'm not flaming but will also ad that if this is the case then he wasn't being very smart about this "transaction."

    Unless he is here and has signed paper work, documents, lawyers involvment etc. I would say he is SOL.

    Even a visit from him to the "scammer" might end up in the innocent being guilty if he is charged with assult etc. Sad situations but one really needs to be carefull here and actually more careful then most countries and should spend a great deal of time here before buying anything even fully legite.

    You say it was in a "housing development" and we all know a farang cannot buy a house here in his name unless it is through a company and if he wasn't using a lawyer then chances are he doesn't have a company here. Was it in his gf's name or something.

    Very little details you give here in order for people to respond in a helpfull way and also you could be charged with deformation if you are not carefull. Thai Criminal Code: 306/304 because you have made this "public" so with "third parties" involved now you better be careful if you yourself lives here in Thailand.

    I am not by ANY means defending scammers if this is all true however just pointing out some realities here in LOS.

    yes but he will have a receipt from sending money from wherever he is to thailand.

    And on any transaction don't you have to fill out the reason why you are sending funds abroad to someones account.

    That with some emails should be enough proof shouldn't it ? or am i wrong and he has big problem ?

    I Know an English guy who had a word with Immigration police ref a certain German Developer who had a "Free Way" of doing things. If you get my drift as no names but some of you may rememeber his bar/villas as well. Anyway he was hauled in front of immigration and asked to explain where the guys money was. He couldnt and had to sign an agreement to pay the money back. As you know all things cost in Thailand but it was well worth the price. It wasnt me by the way i had to sue the guy for my money. But i did and got most of it back. If you P/M me i can give you the details of the Lawyer guy i used. I have known him for 10 years and he isnt a rip off. He's names Pot by the way. He has a very good way with things.

  9. In your position, I would consider hiring the services of a well clued up & experienced private detective. They use Thai girls to gain trust and gather information. I wish you good luck.

    Thanks for the good wishes. I am having to let the Thais deal with it but I would like to see the nasty piece of work brought to book here as well. I have brought the dot com of his name and when this is sorted I am goner put his face and a list of someof his offences up for the world to see. I have to goto harrow and Watford to get the newspaper archives of when he got down for fraud. That was linked to real estate as well. And now he's general manager for a big developer in Chonburi province. Hardly the best thing on your cv. Well not if you want to stay in your job. I have a feeling he is going to rue the day he crossed me.

  10. I would make arrangements for your wife to meet with the very helpful Toyota people somewhere else but not at the dealership. If this sh!thead's already had his dodgy girlfriend hassle Toyota, there may be the chance of something inopportune happening as they really need that book and know your wife is coming to get it. If any of your Pattaya mates (apart from the ones that didn't like to warn you about this turd until after the fact) have a 'friendly' off-duty policeman they can ask to assist, maybe get him to tag along like with the wife... just in case. The scumbag looks like he has 'sold' the truck but can't deliver the goods without the book so could be desperate enough to try something really silly if the book and 'POA' that your wife signed is all he needs to get your money.

    I think theres a truck load from Nakhon Nowhere coming to make sure theres not any problems that cant be resolved.

    The Family are pretty pissed off to say the least. My poor wifes had to put up with me for years and she doesnt have a lot to show for it :-( but the money from her pick is/was very important..

  11. Sorry, you're buggered then! sad.png

    It's ironic that in trying to do it legitimately, it's left the scammer in a stronger position than yourself. Isn't it always the case... just like how the "doley's" in the UK can somehow flout the system and get untold handouts, while honest hard-working people down on their luck will stuggle endlessly! Look around the local council estate, and see all those 4x4's and late model cars parked outside!

    I hope you find a solution. Like you say, it's probably not even about the money; it's the principle! I too would look for a way to see him taken out of the country if I could. Much more satisfying, and would hurt him much more I think.

    Good luck.

    The lawyer says we are Ok. He has spoken to the police about our case. I dont think we are buggered. He has also spoken to Toyota and they know that he with his bird are trying to Scam us.

    The lawyer said he isnt going anywhere and just wait.

    But yes i want to have him for this without a doubt. just biding my time until this is sorted then the hit-the-fan.gif

    I may send his picture to every shortime bar and gogo in Pattaya and ask them to check there cctv when they get or have been busted in the past. If he shows up then he was the grass or handed the marked money over for the shorttime upstairs. He may just be full of B/S but he may have been doing that as he has told a couple of close mates he has fallen out with since. Bit of Thai justice would be good for him. On the other hand it may just be him trying to make out to close pals he has connections etc. Who knows. theres so much Shiiite come out of some guys in Pattaya.

    I was told you know when he's lieing.

    " He has his mouth open"

    LOL i guess they maybe correct.

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