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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Wasn't David raped as well. I am sure it came up in the forensic evidence guy interview on TV.

    Ouch. I think we can permanently toss that allegation aside. It was mentioned v. briefly at the very beginning, and I strongly suspect it is unsubstantiated.

    What's the latest on the mention the Brits might postpone their inquest until after the trial? If true, that's no good. It not only unfairly hampers the defense case, it increases the chances that the real perps can continue waltzing around to clubs, planning dastardly deeds, and knowing they're untouchable by the law.

    Note: At the very first mentions of the crime, in both of Thailand's English lang. daily newspapers, I wrote comments saying: outside experts should be brought in to investigate, because Thai detectives aren't adept at crime investigations.

    I know what you are saying but it was brought up in the interview with the man in the white coat on TV. This also explains why he had no clothes on his lower half. Some people have said why was he naked. Well that was why i am sure. I will find the interview later. There was also something about a 3rd DNA on Hannah's Breast. How do you put the video into the the thread. Any pointers. I am going to check tomorrow with the coroners office if it's delayed. I heard it was.

  2. a couple more points of interest

    21 Sep 2014

    There are whispers of a possible altercation between Mr Miller and a Thai man, possibly one with powerful local connections, who had supposedly been harassing Ms Witheridge all evening.
    Asked if an altercation had taken place, Police General Jarumporn Suramanee, Thailand's assistant national police chief, said: "I cannot say".
    Over the past two years, there has never been a single violent incident" on Koh Tao, Chatpong Chatphut, the provincial governor, told local media this week.
    Monday 22 September 2014
    Claims the pair may have argued with a Thai man in a local bar are also being investigated.
    Police Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen said: "We have discovered fresh evidence which could lead to a new suspect who may have had a relationship or one-night stand with Hannah or one of her friends or David the night before they were killed.
    We have asked the Metropolitan Police to go back and make enquiries of Hannah's friends on this matter."
    Koh Tao: police fail another daySeptember 23, 2014 1:00 am
    Pol Maj Gen Kittipong Kaosam-ang, a Surat Thani police commander, asked the media not to report in-depth investigation results, saying it may give some clues to the culprits. But he revealed that Thais may have been involved in the murders and had tried to destroy evidence linking them to the attacks. Some people on Koh Tao had given false information to police in a bid to divert attention.
    September 23, 2014
    The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

    Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

    He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

    September 24, 2014 1:00 am
    Police seeking former village headman's son who fled island
    Police are looking for the son of a former Koh Tao village headman in their pursuit of the killers of two British backpackers on the night of September 14, after learning that the man left the island the following morning.

    A police source said the man they want to find landed on the Surat Thani coast and disappeared. Police say they want to interrogate him first.

    The police last night released two men, who own Intouch Bar and AC Pub on the resort island, after interrogating them for three hours and finding no evidence linking them to the crime.

    One of the two men released last night, who reporters did not identify, said he was unable to contact his son and did not know if he had a hand in the killings.

    Another man, the younger brother of the former village headman, who is believed to be the man seen on a security camera near the crime scene, is still in custody.

    Pol Lt-General Panya Mamen, who is overseeing the investigation, said yesterday that the headman's son is believed to be hiding in Bangkok. Panya refused to reveal the suspects' names, saying police were questioning one man and expected to arrest another in Bangkok today.
    September 25, 2014
    The police have ruled out a son of Koh Tao village headman as a suspect in the murder of two British tourists after he has evidence to prove he was not on the island at the time the murder occurred.

    They now will also shift focus to foreign tourists in addition to migrant workers and local people.

    Police now are trying to determine who left the island in the hours and days after the killing in hopes to revealing new suspects.

    Eighth Region Command commissioner Pol Lt Gen Panya Mamen said Thursday investigators have now excluded the son of the headman Woraphan Toovichien, 49, from the suspect list as he was not on the island when the two Britons were brutally murdered.

    He was in Bangkok, police said.

    In touch. ...= .... Nomsods Brother... and nobody focused on him... its been on Nomsod. That's the distraction.

  3. Wasn't Davi1

    The Headman only mentioned Sean coming to the bar. I don't know if a time was mentioned.
    Timeline update ⏳
    11:10 boys on motorbike.
    11:12 Muang buys cigarettes.
    1:27 David go hotel.
    1:56 David last seen.
    2:58 hannah last seen.
    3:44 run man white shorts
    4:51.25 foreigner with thai
    4:51.28 run man white shorts.
    5:00 Muang sees b2 asleep
    5:45 Muang goes ac bar.
    5:46 foreigner with thai
    4:30-6:00 time of trouble.
    6:00-6:30 bodies discovered.

    Unconfirmed looking for sources.
    Sean at choppers bar 8 o'clock.
    15th or 14th. ?
    Sean out with Chris cooper.
    14th or 15th.?

    Could it be Chris cooper that Sean was with when he saw the Headman with blood.
    Muang went to get guitar at ac bar ? Time

    Thanks for putting together a time-line. I wouldn't doubt defense are looking at that, and some other posts herein also. When was 'running man' with dark shorts?

    Wasn't David raped as well. I am sure it came up in the forensic evidence guy interview on TV.

  4. How would they possibly know if she was raped or not? Physical signs are not always evident. She could have been drugged with GHB or a roofie, GHB does not stay in the system long and is hard to detect with drug screening. Both can lead to death, especialy if mixed with alcohol.

    I agree. In all of the pictures she seems alert and well aware of her surroundings. She seems like a sensible young lady. She was last seen with a female friend at 2:58. She was attacked anywhere between 3:00-5:00 the idea that she just stopped shopping with a friend, and whipped behind a rock to have consensual sex with either David or a couple of guys from the island does stretch the imagination. She really does not appear drunk in any of her pictures. It upsets me when people try to paint her in a bad light. I do believe Hannah did nothing wrong, nothing immoral. She was the bright light that was extinguished.

    I think she was restrained forcefully. It may well come out in the inquest that Hannah had suffered other bruising, cuts and scratches from nails. On close inspection of the photos it has been pointed out she had been assaulted all over her body. This would only indicate rape. She had been penetrated in both lower cavities and semen was found. I doubt if she was drugged to the extent she passed out I think she appears to have struggled..

    As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

    This is the sort of info that will crack this. Just a slip up from a single person that puts them on the spot and then they will sing.......


    What is the source that you know this.

    New name to the list of interesting people to question?

    Chris cooper. ??

    Which facebook.

    Are you sure you are not talking about the night of the 15. Sean was out at choppers bar at about 8 o'clock.

    The night of the 14th Sean said he was asleep.

    Though in another statement said he witness the altercation in ac bar.

    Though all hannah and david friend say there was no altercation. ?

    I just copied and pasted what they wrote on my FB comments.

    Looks like they turned of there account now and the link doesn't work.

    Howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... I took a screen shot....

    Very strange goings on.

    I have just recently realised I must save everything. Video and pictures are going missing being blocked everywhere. There are dark forces at work ?.

    But this fb still does not say the date. Is it the night of the 15th around 8 o'clock.

    Or the night of the 14th that Chris is talking about. ?

    Not sure I only know what was written. I have sent David at CSI a PM waiting an accurate response. Sean McAnna was caught in the Koh Tao bar Crawl pics dated 15th Sept though. He doesn't have the Bar Crawl shirt and his has sleeves. He also seems to have headphones around his neck like he was working maybe??

    He Also seems to have an Injury on his left Elbow.


    • Like 1
  5. Lawyer U Aung Myo Thant, a member of the team, told Mizzima they were calling on the court to summon Mr Christopher Ware and Mr Sean McAnna - friends of the two British murder victims Ms Hannah Witheridge and Mr David Millar - as they could be main witnesses in the case.

    “Myanmar witnesses testify that they (Mr Ware and Mr McAnna) are related to the case. When they entered into the bar, they had injuries. Bloods stains were on their guitar. And the time was around 4 o’clock in the early morning,” said U Aung Myo Thant. “But they said they had a motorcycle accident and then they were released. Therefore, we officially requested the court to question them again.”

    source http://www.mizzima.com/mizzima-news/regional/item/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses

    (19th December)


    I think Greenchair should add to his timeline that Chris and Sean entered the bar at 04.00. Which bar? AC?

    And were was David?

    Now what about the injuries? Could there have been some fighting before David was fatally attacked? Were some of his injuries from an earlier fight? And were Chris and Sean there too (or one of them)? OK, Chris claimed later that his injuries were "old wounds" and after a doctor confirmed that he was released. A doctor from Koh Tao?

    Only more room for speculations - and for now I agree: speculations, that's what it is......

    Chris Ware injured his hand prior to Davids Murder In fact here is his picture with his hand bandaged and sitting with David.....

    sorry missed the other picture.



  6. Lawyer U Aung Myo Thant, a member of the team, told Mizzima they were calling on the court to summon Mr Christopher Ware and Mr Sean McAnna - friends of the two British murder victims Ms Hannah Witheridge and Mr David Millar - as they could be main witnesses in the case.

    “Myanmar witnesses testify that they (Mr Ware and Mr McAnna) are related to the case. When they entered into the bar, they had injuries. Bloods stains were on their guitar. And the time was around 4 o’clock in the early morning,” said U Aung Myo Thant. “But they said they had a motorcycle accident and then they were released. Therefore, we officially requested the court to question them again.”

    source http://www.mizzima.com/mizzima-news/regional/item/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses

    (19th December)


    I think Greenchair should add to his timeline that Chris and Sean entered the bar at 04.00. Which bar? AC?

    And were was David?

    Now what about the injuries? Could there have been some fighting before David was fatally attacked? Were some of his injuries from an earlier fight? And were Chris and Sean there too (or one of them)? OK, Chris claimed later that his injuries were "old wounds" and after a doctor confirmed that he was released. A doctor from Koh Tao?

    Only more room for speculations - and for now I agree: speculations, that's what it is......

    Chris Ware injured his hand prior to Davids Murder In fact here is his picture with his hand bandaged and sitting with David.....


  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    A different, parallel tack.

    Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

    He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

    It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

    Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

    Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

    Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

    If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

    Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

    Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

    Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

    Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

    His promotion, and replacement, was approved and scheduled since before the murders.
    We've come to expect such flaccid reasoning from those who are shielding the Headman's people. And this item has been addressed already, but I'll repeat: If a top brass is just starting an investigation, he's not going to pulled from the job, all of a sudden, by higher ups, unless there's a compelling reason to do so. The main reason: He was barking up the wrong tree (accumulating evidence which implicated the real suspects). A secondary reason: the taxi driver who came forth claiming he was offered Bt.300k to snitch, and also claiming police beat him to comply. When the replacement showed up, all the evidence against the Headman's people was trashed, and the frame-up against the B3 was implemented. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has come forth from Thai officialdom which points to the Headman's people. AleG's assertion is as solid as a piece of tissue in a toilet bowl.

    just better to ignore the Famous Four. That would P them off even more. Let them speak alone.

  8. Guess this must be the same Chris Cooper https://www.facebook.com/chris.cooper.5891004

    Yes I guess so......... But the Buggly Boo account has shut already. I sent David at CSi a message to see if it was true. He is out partying in New York but he will look at it. I did into the account straight away and it had no friends and had been up since Nov I think.

    But u cant blame people for using a different account for this case as if you say a word out of place then you will be threatened.

    Anyway lets see what David Says. (csi)

    I have just been told by someone they think the inquest has been adjourned until after the trial?? will find out about that tomorrow

    • Like 2
  9. This was posted on F/B Ref Sean McAnna in the last hour in the discussions that are taking place there as well. It could be the first crack appearing in his Alibi.

    Buggly Boo Ask admin where is Chris cooper on the witness list ? He wrote on here saying he was drinking on the beach with sean that night , but then ask admin to remove his name as he was scared ...he lives on koh tao and works for planet dive I believe ? Maybe admin can explain ?

    I am Not sure if Sean is telling the truth also

    He said: “The two men chased me into a shop and I ran behind the counter.

    “I took the girls phone from her that was working behind the counter and I went on my Facebook.

    “I took pics of the guys and uploaded them to say that if anything happens to me everybody knows who did it.

    “They need a scapegoat and they don't want it to be locals.

    “They want it to be a westerner.

    “So if I kill myself here, if I hang myself here, then it is easy to say: "see it was him.

    “I genuinely thought that was the day I was going to die. I genuinely thought that this was me dead - that I was gone. “I phoned my mum, I phoned my sister.

    “I basically wanted to say my goodbyes. I was so scared. I was so scared.


    But then he goes onto Facebook he asks sky news to phone him , I don't think they would have the girls phone number .

    This needs further investigation to check the phones because if he is lying about one thing he may be lying about the others.




    If there is enough evidence that Sean's story doesn't stack up. Like someone who clearly states that they see him out that night along with his denials then he could be arrested as an accomplice I think. This information by someone who is called Buggly Boo has come forward today. They are obviously someone who has set up a face book account to watch what is going on and perhaps share some info like other people who have accounts newly opened on Facebook. They don't want their personal details out there as they could be traceable. I don't know if you read what I wrote earlier on and watched the video but can you see how it stacks up against him.

  10. How would they possibly know if she was raped or not? Physical signs are not always evident. She could have been drugged with GHB or a roofie, GHB does not stay in the system long and is hard to detect with drug screening. Both can lead to death, especialy if mixed with alcohol.

    I agree. In all of the pictures she seems alert and well aware of her surroundings. She seems like a sensible young lady. She was last seen with a female friend at 2:58. She was attacked anywhere between 3:00-5:00 the idea that she just stopped shopping with a friend, and whipped behind a rock to have consensual sex with either David or a couple of guys from the island does stretch the imagination. She really does not appear drunk in any of her pictures. It upsets me when people try to paint her in a bad light. I do believe Hannah did nothing wrong, nothing immoral. She was the bright light that was extinguished.

    I think she was restrained forcefully. It may well come out in the inquest that Hannah had suffered other bruising, cuts and scratches from nails. On close inspection of the photos it has been pointed out she had been assaulted all over her body. This would only indicate rape. She had been penetrated in both lower cavities and semen was found. I doubt if she was drugged to the extent she passed out I think she appears to have struggled..

    As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

    This is the sort of info that will crack this. Just a slip up from a single person that puts them on the spot and then they will sing.......

    • Like 2
  11. This was posted on F/B Ref Sean McAnna in the last hour in the discussions that are taking place there as well. It could be the first crack appearing in his Alibi.

    Buggly Boo Ask admin where is Chris cooper on the witness list ? He wrote on here saying he was drinking on the beach with sean that night , but then ask admin to remove his name as he was scared ...he lives on koh tao and works for planet dive I believe ? Maybe admin can explain ?
  12. Willy. .Noted... perhaps a less dismissive and more precise explanation would have been more appropriate. Anyway I am not here to be confrontational but to discuss and try to bring something to the table. I do think that Sean McAnna is the weak link. Let's see what the Inquest brings.

    Nice, OK I am not even sure if English is GC's first language,

    You have come up with some good stuff especially related to Sean and I agree with you as him being the weak link, I too am hoping the Inquest sheds some extra light on it all, twood be better if it blew the whole thing out of the water................as in the rumors about what actually killed Hanna !!!!!!!

    Tis a shame I can't join you at the Inquest I bet it will be a packed house.

    Happy New year to you and all


    Hi Willy,

    Thanks for the compliment.

    I guess you have watched Sean speaking in the Taxi. But if not its attached to here.

    You will note he is so Vague. I went to a bar....... (yes he did he had also worked there) where a guy started asking me questions... (that guy was the owner Mon and he would have known him as he had been his boss) Because he knew that I knew the guy that had died... (how would he know that? Had he seen David with him? No surely not as he didn't make the meeting did he. He slept in as he was so drunk. So he missed his meeting with David on the Evening of the 14th David's body was found on the 15th at 6am... and Sean posts to Davids face book on the 16th where he exclaimed:

    TUE 16 12:30pm “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    then 30 minutes later he posted

    "I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller"

    Note the:

    I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night

    What Night? why would he refer to the Sunday Night as that night. He is making a statement for people to read isn't he?? he is saying to everybody....... I didn't go out with David that Night. I wasn't there.

    Where had Sean been in the interim. The whole island was awash with police and I bet there wasn't a soul there who didn't hear on the Monday. Was he getting his head straight with what he had seen or been involved in?? Something happened.

    He said he had heard my name mentioned. We can safely Presume he is referring to Mon. So why would Mon have heard Sean's name mentioned surely not he was in bed. Nobody would pick his name out of thin air. Firstly he hadn't met up with David only arranged to (He Claims) But 3 of them sat down with him. Why? he had nothing to do with it did he. Why didn't they say. Oh Sean sorry about your friend. very sad. Have a drink with us. Terrible hey very (Or Vely) sad......

    They said he had 2 peoples death on his hands. They know it was you. Why would they say that. His friends just died? He has just came in the Bar where he had worked. What reason would they say that.. Its not a normal response from a human being.... Thai or not..

    Then he says they reckon he is goner hang......... Yeah right... Fuller B/S. That's not what was said. He done a runner because he they wanted him away off the island for a very good reason. He was petrified. He wanted to lay down a marker in Public in case they bashed him in sure I understand that. But he isn't coming clean with why they where going to bash him in.

    He refers to them as scary people. well he would know that wouldn't he. He had had first hand experience of this crowd. He had worked for them and he knows what they are capable off. Hence his fear when it blew up in face.

    He needs a way out... sure he did... he needed to get away from this situation I don't doubt before he cops it.

    If you put this in front of a professional analyst who works out if someone is lying then they would pull it apart. It is Vague without names. Its an attempt to explain away that evening in the shop without getting into specifics.

    Anyway over to the Armchair detectives.

    And Happy New Year... and lets hope 2015 brings a Conviction of the B'stards who killed David and Hannah R.I.P.

  13. Then he with the one in the back changed shirts.

    I don't know how to post a picture from bookmark. But if you know the pictures. There is one of a guy walking. It looks like Muang. He has on the black long sleeved shirt the same as the back guy. But the black shorts of the middle guy. It doesn't have a time on the picture.

    This note is for Willie.


    What do you think about Gen Panya and his big Beaming Face when he announced he had CCTV of Mon and Nomsod? He was quiet adamant of that. Do you think he was mistaken.

  14. Meanwhile, Thailand agreed to allow British and Burmese observers of the judicial process after senior Thai officials met with British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent and his Burmese counterpart Win Maung on Tuesday, according to the Bangkok Post.

    Win Maung confirmed to The Irrawaddy that the Thai police chief had agreed to allow the foreign observers, saying their presence would bolster the credibility of the investigation and judicial process.

    (Irrawaddy Oct 15th)

    So that's why Scotland Yard were invited. That makes more sense of it.

    The UK sending the Metropolitan Police Service was all smoke and mirrors to placate the 2 family's. Remember they had delivered a petition to Number 10 with in Excess of 100,000 signatures. Many of David's Friends went there and took part in the presentation.

    However the announcement of their participation was a ruse. The RTP was never going to let the MPS climb all over their case, but remember this is all about face. David Cameron's face to the Family's and the RTP getting a pat on the back and well done from the MPS.

    They think they can baffle us with BS.

    Grand announcements from Hugo Swire who announced he had summoned the Thai Chargé dAffaires to the Foreign office to raise his concerns about the investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on Koh Tao on 15 September.

    Then an announcement from a diplomatic source that was quoted by the BBC (I have copied and pasted so no changes)

    Thai Prime Minister Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha met Mr Cameron at a summit in Italy and agreed that a delegation of British officers could travel to Thailand, having previously rejected offers of assistance.

    A diplomatic source said that Thai authorities were leading the investigation, but it was important that the victims' families could be reassured about the justice process.

    He said: "There are two areas we are particularly concerned about. One is the verification of the DNA samples of the suspects, making sure there is further independent verification.

    "And the second is the investigation into allegations of mistreatment of the suspects.

    "What the PM secured was agreement from the Thai PM that we can send some British police investigators to Koh Tao to work with the Royal Thai Police on this."

    I may not be the smartest of kids on the block but that tells me the UK government have agreed with the Royal Thai Police to do work. To independently verify DNA and not just be on a Jolly.

    Now move on and the MPS have been there.

    We have had a statement on there departure from the RTP that the MPS had said they worked/learnt?? from the same text books. etc etc .... more smoke and mirrors to baffle us. But if you had to generalise you would have believed they had the nod of approval from the MPS and all's well.

    Then we get the truth 3rd hand from a letter that has been sent to the defence team of the B2 from the MPS clarifying there presence in Thailand and what they achieved in truth. To avoid any misinterpretation I will post it here for you all to read. A few quotes though.

    "The UK police officers who deployed to Thailand operated within the parameters specified in a Section 26 Authority issued by the home office. They did not conduct any investigations into the murder of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller. The Thai authorities permitted the UK police officers to have observer status only in relation to limited parts of the Royal Thai Investigation, and the UK police officers did not take possession of any physical evidence, forensic evidence, exhibits, interviews or statements. The Royal Thai Police provided an interpreter who verbally translated documents that formed limited parts of the prosecution case."

    So basically the MPS went to Thailand and where treated like Mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed ........................... well you know the rest hey.

    So it was all smoke and mirrors. They achieved nothing that the RTP didn't want them to. They didn't even have an Embassy provided interpreter. so they don't even know if the translation was true.

    David Cameron and Hugo Swire have Mislead the UK public on this issue as well as possibly the 2 victims family's.

    This is old old news. We are over it now. Moving on.

    That's your prerogative. this letter has only been released a few days ago. It was written on the 19th Dec 2014.

    Personally I would say its current news.

    Anyway if you cant add something positive to the thread then reframe from adding any input. There's no room for trolls on here.

  15. Sat oct 11 2014

    From another discussion group Sean replied to about Nomsod and that the burmese would be scapegoats.


    Nom's son?

    Sean may not know how to spell smile.png

    or it could be predicted text message type corrections. I remember picking up a lady things a few years ago on a job I was doing and I sent her a message to confirm it. After I hit send I reread it.

    It said " Hi I have picked up your thongs. I have your thongs in the back of my vehicle and will bring them to you soon"..............LOL. I messaged her quickly and explained I hadn't opened her cartons it was just a predicted text error. I was hoping after she didn't have thongs in there or she would think I was a right pervert..

  16. Meanwhile, Thailand agreed to allow British and Burmese observers of the judicial process after senior Thai officials met with British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent and his Burmese counterpart Win Maung on Tuesday, according to the Bangkok Post.

    Win Maung confirmed to The Irrawaddy that the Thai police chief had agreed to allow the foreign observers, saying their presence would bolster the credibility of the investigation and judicial process.

    (Irrawaddy Oct 15th)

    So that's why Scotland Yard were invited. That makes more sense of it.

    The UK sending the Metropolitan Police Service was all smoke and mirrors to placate the 2 family's. Remember they had delivered a petition to Number 10 with in Excess of 100,000 signatures. Many of David's Friends went there and took part in the presentation.

    However the announcement of their participation was a ruse. The RTP was never going to let the MPS climb all over their case, but remember this is all about face. David Cameron's face to the Family's and the RTP getting a pat on the back and well done from the MPS.

    They think they can baffle us with BS.

    Grand announcements from Hugo Swire who announced he had summoned the Thai Chargé d’Affaires to the Foreign office to raise his concerns about the investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on Koh Tao on 15 September.

    Then an announcement from a diplomatic source that was quoted by the BBC (I have copied and pasted so no changes)

    Thai Prime Minister Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha met Mr Cameron at a summit in Italy and agreed that a delegation of British officers could travel to Thailand, having previously rejected offers of assistance.

    A diplomatic source said that Thai authorities were leading the investigation, but it was important that the victims' families could be reassured about the justice process.

    He said: "There are two areas we are particularly concerned about. One is the verification of the DNA samples of the suspects, making sure there is further independent verification.

    "And the second is the investigation into allegations of mistreatment of the suspects.

    "What the PM secured was agreement from the Thai PM that we can send some British police investigators to Koh Tao to work with the Royal Thai Police on this."

    I may not be the smartest of kids on the block but that tells me the UK government have agreed with the Royal Thai Police to do work. To independently verify DNA and not just be on a Jolly.

    Now move on and the MPS have been there.

    We have had a statement on there departure from the RTP that the MPS had said they worked/learnt?? from the same text books. etc etc .... more smoke and mirrors to baffle us. But if you had to generalise you would have believed they had the nod of approval from the MPS and all's well.

    Then we get the truth 3rd hand from a letter that has been sent to the defence team of the B2 from the MPS clarifying there presence in Thailand and what they achieved in truth. To avoid any misinterpretation I will post it here for you all to read. A few quotes though.

    "The UK police officers who deployed to Thailand operated within the parameters specified in a Section 26 Authority issued by the home office. They did not conduct any investigations into the murder of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller. The Thai authorities permitted the UK police officers to have observer status only in relation to limited parts of the Royal Thai Investigation, and the UK police officers did not take possession of any physical evidence, forensic evidence, exhibits, interviews or statements. The Royal Thai Police provided an interpreter who verbally translated documents that formed limited parts of the prosecution case."

    So basically the MPS went to Thailand and where treated like Mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed ........................... well you know the rest hey.

    So it was all smoke and mirrors. They achieved nothing that the RTP didn't want them to. They didn't even have an Embassy provided interpreter. so they don't even know if the translation was true.

    David Cameron and Hugo Swire have Mislead the UK public on this issue as well as possibly the 2 victims family's.



  17. Personally I think focus on Sean. He is the link to be broken here. Chris Ware and some off the others could break his story about not being out. If this happens then he is floundering again. Perhaps this should be raised directly with the coroner or the met police. Perhaps even Hugo or Hannahs MP.

    It needs some with a bit of clout to look into this.

    Whilst all involved seem to have buried their heads (Friends and Family) the initial shock should turn I to a determination to see justice for them both.

    So if any of you are reading this speak up. What do you know about Sean McAnna. Did you see him out that night.

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