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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. I dont understand why the police dont use other evidence(if hes really innocent!) to clear Nomsod instead of suggesting he now do a dna which of course anything can be sent to the lab as we already know to give whatever result they want..........surely they can show phone records as to his whereabouts the whole weekend which would be a good start to clear him or even how about a few witnesses go on tv to say he was in class or with them that night,if he was in Bangkok then surely he went out and so can find other cctv evidence as to his whereabouts if actually there.....if 10 classmates went on tv and declared he was there bright and early then that would help him or show doubters or even how about a few independent Koh Tao people testify to journalists that he was 100% not seen anywhere on the island that weekend..........seems to me like he cant get any other evidence as an alibi apart from that cctv footage.....if an injustice is happening to him then surely someone impartial to him can help him but nothing seems to come out on that front anywhere......if i was his mate and was REALLY with him that weekend then i would go on Tv or whatever and declare it!......if the Police have real evidence apart from the cctv he produced that he wasnt there then why not show it...shut everyone up!!!

    Did David and Hannahs friends see Nomsod at the bar,if they did then should say somewhere to bring it to light..if they didnt see him then tell us as all this speculation is crazy and easily put to bed.......if Davids or Hannahs friends or other Farangs inn that bar scene say they never saw this guy at any time then i for one would be happier in my opinion of this investigation,there must have been quite a few foreigners in that bar between 2 and 4 am and if he wasnt seen there at all that weekend then odds are he didnt wake up at 4 am and decide to get a gang together and rape and kill some strangers...but if he was there then game over in my mind,strange Shaun says he dont know,why not just say you never see him so probably he was not there or he can check with other friends still on the island as to was he really there even if he didnt see him.......by the way running man does seem to look very very similar to Nomsod,if its not him and isnt a suspect anymore as isnt a Burma guy they got already then why have police not mentioned this innocent guy is now found and was nothing to do with it...anyone who thinks this case is not a cover up must be crazy...yes we dont have the real facts and never will hence why people Thai and Farang have to speculate so much and the Thai believe its a cover up more than any Farang because they ARE Thai and DO know what really happens at the Cop shops and with influential people already paying the Cops good money.........anyway as i see it he dont have to say Nomnuts will do another dna if public dont believe as could clear him much easier if had any real sensible alibi and when he has relatives claiming he was with them not in Bangkok and in Pattaya then makes him look worse!!! why would they say that! ..there is so many conflicting stories and Police statements that has made it a farce and quite hard to cover up fully now and is impossible even to make people believe what they say from now on is anything like the truth but looks like they are trying as hard as they can.

    I believe 100% that the Police know exactly what happened and who is involved within a few days to a week after the tragic murders but the payment to cover it up must be going up astronomically by the day now due to the external pressure but they wont give the money back now so will just "plod" on till it quietens down which it will unfortunately but at the end then maybe a consolation will be that they will be skint and hopefully no one will visit any bars owned by them for a long long time...problem is any other businesses not owned by them on the Island will suffer greatly too through no fault of there own.

    Rob Has Raised some Very Important issues here.

    Hannah's friends have said nothing? Other people there have said nothing. Does this suggest that they have been told by the UK police to shut up while a behind the scenes they prove Nomsod was there and part of it all. I have read somewhere that Chris Ware has provided police with vital information.

    It will all come out. Now its like a Thai movie scene with dramatic statements and over played expressions of innocence. The Final Outcome will be a twist that we don't expect..

    Bide your time people. Its coming.. this will not get washed away.

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  2. Breaking News!!!! RTP has just revealed the DNA of Said Tiger has been rushed through their Lab at the back of a pancake stand in Koh Samui. The origin of the Tiger was Burma. Unfortunately no interviews have taken place as the interpreter who had "A word" with the tiger was found in pieces. Evidence has revealed he had a club and a plastic bag in his hands.

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  3. At least it's a start. Once here I am sure they can look more in depth than any CSI LA or TV arm chair detective. They will have done a DNA on the victims in the UK. I don't doubt they will get DNA from the 2 goats in Samui. That's all they need do. From there all hell will break loose..... "UK POLICE CHALLENGE THE THAILAND DNA RESULTS"

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